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Politik identitas secara sederhana dimaknai sebagai strategi politik yang memfokuskan pada pembedaan dan pemanfaatan ikatan primordial sebagai kategori utamanya. Politik identitas dapat memunculkan toleransi dan kebebasan, namun di lain pihak, politik identitas juga akan memunculkan pola-pola intoleransi, kekerasan verbal-fisik, dan pertentangan etnik dalam kehidupan. Problematika kebangsaan kembali mengedepan tatkala bangsa ini memasuki era demokratisasi. Hal itu terutama terkait dengan hadirnya berbagai ekspresi kebangkitan primordialisme di berbagai daerah yang melandaskan diri pada nilai-nilai keetnisan, terutama di daerah Aceh, Riau, Bali, dan Papua. Hal-hal lain seperti kesamaan kepentingan, kesejarahan, faktor globalisasi, dan melonggarnya sistem pemerintahan turut menguatkan kesadaran etnis. Buku ini mengundang pembaca untuk kembali memikirkan rumah Indonesia agar nyaman dihuni bersama-sama oleh segenap anak bangsa dan warga dunia. Dengan semangat perdamaian, kesetaraan, kesebumian dan kekeluargaan.
Buku Updating Papua Road Map (PRM) menarasikan perkembangan situasi sosial dan politik di Tanah Papua sejak tahun 2009. Buku ini juga menganalisis relevansi akar persoalan dalam Papua Road Map (2009) dengan situasi politik pada masa kini. Fokus utama dalam Updating Papua Road Map mencakup pemetaan peran aktor dalam konflik Papua dan dialog sebagai pendekatan damai bagi Papua. Terkait pemetaan aktor, buku ini membahas dua gagasan utama: pertama, terbentuknya Jaringan Damai Papua (JDP), munculnya kelompok muda dan diaspora Papua di luar negeri sebagai aktor baru di dalam konteks dinamika Papua. Aktor-aktor lainnya adalah Pemerintah/Pemda, Organisasi Papua Merdeka (OPM), Presidium Dewan Papua (...
Indonesia masa depan harus dipandu dengan ide-ide besar masa depan. Biarlah masa lalu berlalu. Biarlah masa lalu menjadi pengalaman dan pelajaran bagi kita semua. Namun, apa itu ide-ide besar masa depan? Bahwa setiap warga adalah penting dan harus dilindungi-dilayani setara, tanpa melihat kelas sosial, agama, dan suku bangsanya. Ini tegak lurus dengan nilai-nilai Pancasila dan keindonesiaan. Ini sejalan dengan gagasan hak asasi manusia. Implikasinya, Indonesia masa depan harus merawat dan memperluas semua skema dan cara, serta institusi sosial yang menjamin dan mengembangkan hak kelola dan hak milik bersama. Sumber daya perlu dikelola secara bersama dan bukan hanya dikuasasi oleh korporasi. Dan dengan cara itu, Indonesia berjuang keras untuk menghentikan kesenjangan-ketimpangan sosial ekonomi. —Muhaimin Iskandar
Buku ini merupakan seri keempat dari Mencari Indonesia yang merupakan kumpulan tulisan tentang berbagai isu demografi politik di Indonesia. Sedikit berbeda dari buku-buku sebelumnya, Mencari Indonesia 4 merupakan kumpulan sketsa-sketsa biografis dari sosok-sosok intelektual, akademisi, tokoh sejarah dan para penggerak perubahan sosial dan politik di Indonesia sejak zaman kolonial hingga sekarang. Seri keempat ini menyoroti secara singkat profil para tokoh intelektual tersebut dan peran mereka dalam dinamika sosial politik di Indonesia. Pemilihan sosok-sosok dalam buku ini didasarkan terutama oleh pentingnya sosok-sosok tersebut dalam bidang yang menjadi tempat mereka berkiprah dalam masyarakat. Buku ini berusaha mendudukkan sosok laki-laki dan perempuan secara setara dan menempatkan mereka sebagai bagian penting dalam berbagai konteks kesejarahan semasa mereka hidup. Buku ini diharapkan dapat menjadi bacaan populer bagi pembaca yang berasal dari berbagai kalangan, baik kalangan yang bersifat akademis maupun non-akademis.
In Activist Archives Doreen Lee tells the origins, experiences, and legacy of the radical Indonesian student movement that helped end the thirty-two-year dictatorship in May 1998. Lee situates the revolt as the most recent manifestation of student activists claiming a political and historical inheritance passed down by earlier generations of politicized youth. Combining historical and ethnographic analysis of "Generation 98," Lee offers rich depictions of the generational structures, nationalist sentiments, and organizational and private spaces that bound these activists together. She examines the ways the movement shaped new and youthful ways of looking, seeing, and being—found in archival documents from the 1980s and 1990s; the connections between politics and place; narratives of state violence; activists' experimental lifestyles; and the uneven development of democratic politics on and off the street. Lee illuminates how the interaction between official history, collective memory, and performance came to define youth citizenship and resistance in Indonesia’s transition to the post-Suharto present.
The sources of the Papua conflict are grouped into four sets of issues. First, is the problem of the marginalization of indigenous Papuans, and the discriminatory impacts on them resulting from the economic development of, political conflicts in, and mass migrations to Papua since 1970. To respond to this problem, an affirmative policy of recognition must be developed to empower indigenous Papuans. The second issue is the failure of development, particularly in the fields of education, health, and people's economic empowerment. This requires a new paradigm of development, focused on improving public services for the welfare of indigenous Papuans in the villages. The third main problem is the...
Jim Elmslie traces events in Irian Jaya/West Papua from the departure of the Dutch in 1963 to December 1999. The majority of the indigenous people of the area consider themselves West Papuans living in the land of West Papua, a country incorporated into the Indonesian state without their consent or approval. Made up of Melanesian peoples, the western part of New Guinea is one of the least developed places on earth with the largest expanses outside the Amazon of untouched and, in some cases still unexplored, rainforest and wilderness. It is a region ripe for economic exploitation. Irian Jaya under the Gun chronicles the rapid changes that are taking place under the guise of Indonesian economic development and its generally pro-crony, pro-military, pro-multinational corporation, and anti-Papuan thrust. It describes what can happen to an indigenous population when insensitive governments and avaricious multinationals are more concerned about profits than the environment or the people inhabiting the land.
Jakarta, Sambas, Poso, the Moluccas, West Papua. These simple, geographical names have recently obtained strong associations with mass killing, just as Aceh and East Timor, where large-scale violence has flared up again. Lethal incidents between adjacent villages, or between a petty criminal and the crowd, take place throughout Indonesia. Indonesia is a violent country. Many Indonesia-watchers, both scholars and journalists, explain the violence in terms of the loss of the monopoly on the means of violence by the state since the beginning of the Reformasi in 1998. Others point at the omnipresent remnants of the New Order state (1966-1998), former President Suharto's clan or the army in particular, as the evil genius behind the present bloodshed. The authors in this volume try to explain violence in Indonesia by looking at it in historical perspective.
This volume addresses the need to understand both the in-depth reality of each particular conflict site -- Sri Lanka, the Phillipines, Japan, Ireland, Yogoslavia, South Africa, the Indian subcontinent -- and also the experiences of women peace-workers across these different sites in a comparative perspective. While discussing the diverse strategies used by peace-workers and their relative success or failure, it also underlines the importance of women`s participation in forging partnerships for lasting peace.
Despite advances in modern communication and the proliferation of information, there remain areas of the world about which little is known. One such place is Somalia. The informed public is aware of a political meltdown and consequent chaos there, but few comprehend the causes of this tragic crisis. This new edition covers Somalia's origin, history, culture, and language, as well as current economic and political issues. The alphabetical arrangement of this Dictionary, with a complete chronology, list of acronyms, and in-depth bibliography provide useful information about the country in a convenient format. A vital addition to reference collections supporting undergraduate and graduate programs on Africa and the Middle East, international relations, and economics- a useful fact-filled compendium for government and public libraries, NGO's, and other special libraries