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This book is a comprehensive compilation of academic papers and presentations delivered at the conference. It brings together research from various disciplines within the humanities and social sciences, such as cultural studies, sociology, psychology, education, literature, and history. It meticulously covers several critical areas of study, reflecting the diverse and interdisciplinary nature of the conference. In the realm of post-pandemic economic development, it explores strategies for economic recovery and resilience, highlighting the role of finance and social capital in rebuilding economies. Technology and sustainable cities are examined through case studies and theoretical frameworks ...
The extraordinary works and contributions of writers with different backgrounds ranging from academics to bureaucrats make this book rich in treasures to see how far the scientific development of public administration is dealing with global conditions which are currently starting to show signs of revival. At the same time, we can learn from when local to national governments have to work hard to provide public policies in the form of a stimulus to help the country get out of the problems caused by disease outbreaks. This book is contained of 38 selected writings that can be an excellent literature for for those who seek for reference on public policy. In addition, this book is expected to ignite further discussions within the scientific scope. Apart from the various shortcomings, we apologize profusely and hopefully this book can provide benefits to the wider community. We thank the authors and editors who have contributed their best energy, thoughts, and works.
"New media and development of gender roles: law, social, and economic perspective.” This theme was raised as an effort to observe the development of new technology that has greatly affected people’s lives. Formerly to seek information, people can get it through conventional radio media, newspapers and television. But now only use the smartphone we can get very much information that can be obtained by accessing the online media portal or sharing and socializing through social media. For decades it has been stated that the media has the power to shape public opinion. Media not only can form a “worldview” of society, but also able to create awareness and individual belief in reality; a reality that has been defined by the media. Media has a powerful and direct effect to the audience (market). Including how then the media formed an opinion in the community about gender roles through the content provided by the new media. Of course it will be interesting to study media related to the law, social, and economic perspective.
Buku ini mengupas tuntas bagaimana teknologi kecerdasan buatan (Al) merevolusi pelayanan publik, menciptakan efisiensi yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya. Dari otomatisasi proses administrasi hingga sistem berbasis Al yang mampu memberikan layanan real-time kepada masyarakat, buku ini menyajikan wawasan mendalam tentang transformasi sektor publik. Namun, inovasi ini tidak terlepas dari tantangan. Buku ini membahas bagaimana pemerintah dapat memastikan transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan perlindungan data pribadi dalam era digital. Selain itu, pembaca diajak memahami pentingnya kesiapan sumber daya manusia birokrasi untuk beradaptasi dengan teknologi canggih ini. Dengan pendekatan yang komprehensif dan penuh wawasan, buku ini menjadi panduan bagi pembuat kebijakan, akademisi, dan masyarakat umum untuk memahami potensi, tantangan, serta langkah-langkah strategis dalam memanfaatkan Al guna mewujudkan pelayanan publik yang lebih modern, inklusif, dan efisien
Diseminasi Hasil Penelitian Dosen ini merupakan implementasi hasil kerja sama antar Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember dan Universitas di Provinsi Bali pada Jumat, 20 Mei 2022 yang berjalan dengan lancar dan dapat terlaksana dengan baik serta mendapat antusiasme yang tinggi dari para peserta. Para akademisi yakni dosen yang berkolaborasi antar stakeholders terkait telah banyak menghasilkan riset yang berkualitas dan bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, namun masih banyak yang belum didiseminasikan dan dipublikasikan secara luas. Oleh karena itu, kerja sama yang di jalin antar Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Jember dan beberapa Universitas di Provinsi Bali yang ...
Pelaporan keuangan pemerintah adalah untuk menyajikan informasi yang berguna untuk pengambilan keputusan dan untuk menunjukkan akuntabilitas entitas pelaporan atas sumber daya yang dipercayakan kepadanya, yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan penerapan SAP berbasis akrual adalah komitmen dari organisasi/instansi dalam hal ini yang berwenang dalam pengambilan keputusan adalah pimpinan organisasi itu sendiri, dukungan yang kuat dari pimpinan merupakan kunci keberhasilan dari suatu perubahan. Buku ini menjelaskan kepada mahasiswa akuntasi tentang konsep standar Akuntansi Pemerintahan yang berbasis akrual .
Buku ini mengulas bagaimana proses pemilu, pengertian pemilu, fungsi pemilu, partisipasi pemilu dll. Pemilu merupakan implementasi perwujudan kedaulatan rakyat, karena rakyat yang berdaulat tidak bisa memerintah secara langsung maka melalui pemilu dapat menentukan wakil rakyat yang mengontrol jalannya pemeritahan dan serta siapa yang akan memimpin pemerintahan. Melalui pemilihan pemilu pemerintahan yang aspiratif di percaya rakyat untuk dijadikan pemimpin, sebaliknya melalui pemilu juga akan berakhir dan digantikan dengan pemerintahan yang baru, jika sudah tidak dapat dipercaya oleh rakyat.
"Evidently, the time has come to describe and assess the shift and its effects on policies per se. And this book does so brilliantly. It takes stock of the relevant literature and also identifies significant theoretical issues as well as practical problems associated with public implementation in the new context of governance. Thus, the book is depicted as a state-of-the-art on public policy implementation" --CHOICE Bringing the major current insights in implementation research and theory together, Public Policy, Implementation and Governance reviews the literature on public policy implementation, relating it to contemporary developments in thinking about governance. The text stresses the co...
This open access State-of-the-Art Survey describes and documents the developments and results of the Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP). The Once-Only Principle (OOP) is part of the seven underlying principles of the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020. It aims to make the government more effective and to reduce administrative burdens by asking citizens and companies to provide certain standard information to the public authorities only once. The project was horizontal and policy-driven with the aim of showing that the implementation of OOP in a cross-border and cross-sector setting is feasible. The book summarizes the results of the project from policy, organizational, architectural, and technical points of view.
This publication sheds light on the many challenges and opportunities of innovations in governance as a developmental tool. The publication provides key ideas and useful tools to transfer and adapt successful practices and innovations in governance and public administration. By providing governments with a menu of innovations to solve economic and social problems effectively and with tools to adapt to their own context, the international community can play a critical role in promoting good governance. Publishing Agency: United Nations (UN).