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Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-04-19
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  • Publisher: Springer

This open access book details tools and procedures for data collections of hard-to-reach, hard-to-survey populations. Inside, readers will discover first-hand insights from experts who share their successes as well as their failures in their attempts to identify and measure human vulnerabilities across the life course. Coverage first provides an introduction on studying vulnerabilities based on the Total Error Survey framework. Next, the authors present concrete examples on how to survey such populations as the elderly, migrants, widows and widowers, couples facing breast cancer, employees and job seekers, displaced workers, and teenagers during their transition to adulthood. In addition, on...

Handbook on Transnationalism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 467

Handbook on Transnationalism

Providing a critical overview of transnationalism as a concept, this Handbook looks at its growing influence in an era of high-speed, globalised interconnectivity. It offers crucial insights on how approaches to transnationalism have altered how we think about social life from the family to the nation-state, whilst also challenging the predominance of methodologically nationalist analyses.

Gender, Family, and Adaptation of Migrants in Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Gender, Family, and Adaptation of Migrants in Europe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-05-31
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  • Publisher: Springer

This volume documents the life uncertainties revealed by migrants’ biographies. For international migrants, life journeys are less conventional or patterned, while their family, work, and educational trajectories are simultaneously more fragmented and intermingled. The authors discuss the challenges faced by migrants and returnees when trying to make sense of their life courses after years of experience in other countries with different age norms and cultural values. The book also examines the ways to reconcile competing cultural expectations of both origin and destination societies regarding the timing of transitions between roles to provide a meaningful account of their life courses. Migration is, itself, a major life event, with profound implications for the pursuit of migrants’ life goals, organization of family life, and personal networks, and it can affect, to a considerable degree, their subjective well-being. Chapter 9 is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.

Handbook on Gender in Asia
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 455

Handbook on Gender in Asia

The Handbook on Gender in Asia critically examines, through a gender perspective, five broad themes of significance to Asia: the ‘Theory and Practice’ of researching in Asia; ‘Gender, Ageing and Health’; ‘Gender and Labour’; ‘Gendered Migrations and Mobilities’; and ‘Gender at the Margins’. With each chapter providing an overview of the key intellectual developments on the issue under discussion, as well as empirical examples to examine how the Asian case sheds light on these debates, this collection will be an invaluable reference for scholars of gender and Asia.

Imigração e Envelhecimento Ativo
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 93

Imigração e Envelhecimento Ativo

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2012-04-01
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  • Publisher: ACIDI, I.P.

Este número da Revista Migrações mantém, como os anteriores, a estrutura tripartida formada por artigos científicos, análises de boas práticas e textos de opinião. No que se refere, em particular, aos artigos científicos, há textos nacionais e internacionais, de modo a dar ao leitor uma visibilidade alargada do fenómeno do envelhecimento das migrações e dos migrantes idosos no mundo. Assim, além dos três textos que se referem à realidade portuguesa, há um artigo sobre os migrantes idosos na Suíça e outro sobre um grupo particular de idosos de origem migrante no Brasil, os nipobrasileiros. As abordagens disciplinares seguidas nos artigos são sociológicas, antropológicas e demográficas; as metodologias utilizadas nas investigações a que os textos se referem são quantitativas e qualitativas; há leituras de natureza macro e micro; há análises históricas e comparativas; e, no que se refere especificamente aos estudos sobre Portugal, todos as populações migrantes presentes no país são abordadas, desde os migrantes laborais aos reformados do norte da Europa, passando pelas minorias intermediárias.

Ageing as a Migrant
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 210

Ageing as a Migrant

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-06-29
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Motivated by the steady increase in the population of older migrants worldwide, this book acknowledges the diversity within this population group and provides an interdisciplinary and multi-level approach for studying older migrants’ strategies to overcome vulnerability. The book brings together original research on the topics of diversity among older migrants, social vulnerability, loneliness, (transnational) care and support networks. Based on a review of the growing literature on the topic of older migrants and anchored in the empirical findings discussed in the chapters, the book puts forward a general approach to study older migrants as social actors who develop strategies to surpass ...

Ageing, Diversity and Equality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 392

Ageing, Diversity and Equality

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-10-31
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Current understandings of ageing and diversity are impoverished in three main ways. Firstly, with regards to thinking about what inequalities operate in later life there has been an excessive preoccupation with economic resources. On the other hand, less attention has been paid to cultural norms and values, other resources, wider social processes, political participation and community engagement. Secondly, in terms of thinking about the ‘who’ of inequality, this has so far been limited to a very narrow range of minority populations. Finally, when considering the ‘how’ of inequality, social gerontology’s theoretical analyses remain under-developed. The overall effect of these issues...

Überleben - über Leben
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 170

Überleben - über Leben

In einer zweieinhalbjährigen Gruppenarbeit gelangen Betroffene von fürsorgerischen Zwangsmassnahmen aus der gewohnten Opferrolle zu einer neuen Verfassung als Subjekte der eigenen Geschichte. Das Projekt erreicht seinen Höhepunkt mit einer Ausstellung und verschiedenen Aktionen in der Roten Fabrik Zürich, Ende Mai 2018. Die Psychoanalytikerin Elisabeth von Salis schildert den Gruppenprozess, der Historiker Thomas Huonker stellt das Projekt in einen historischen, sozialen und gesellschaftlichen Kontext und Marion Strunk, Künstlerin und Kunstwissenschaftlerin, zeigt ihre Fotos der Ausstellung. Anke Ramöller, Germanistin und Theologin, verfasst unter dem Titel der tumbe Parzival ihre Gedanken, Erlebnisse und Ideen zu ihrer Gesprächsrunde, welche sie an der Ausstellung geführt hat.

Petit traité de la bouffe
  • Language: fr
  • Pages: 194

Petit traité de la bouffe

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-12-07
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  • Publisher: Marabout

Bouffer, becqueter, gueuletonner, ingurgiter, déguster, dévorer, ripailler, savourer, engloutir ou encore se sustenter... Manger est un acte répété et ordinaire qui vient ponctuer nos journées, quelle que soit notre classe sociale ou notre lieu de vie. Or, c’est précisément à travers sa confondante banalité que le fait de se nourrir devient tout à coup une loupe extraordinaire pour observer le monde dans lequel on vit. L’ouvrage que vous tenez dans les mains parle de bouffe mais il parle surtout de nous, de nos comportements, de politique, d’économie, de santé, de science, de bien-être, d’écologie et dispense quelques bonnes recettes pour illustrer ces thèmes. Un livre qui donne faim tout en donnant à réfléchir.

History of Sacramento County, California
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 929

History of Sacramento County, California
