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Buku Hidroterapi Untuk Kesehatan Pasien Diabetes Mellitus ini, penulis rancang secara sistematis, menyajikan materi cukup lengkap, mulai dari pengertian diabetes mellitus sampai ke manfaat hidroterapi.
Buku "Promosi Kesehatan: Teori dan Praktik dalam Keperawatan" adalah panduan holistik yang menggali berbagai aspek promosi kesehatan dalam konteks keperawatan. Konsep dasar promosi kesehatan, seperti tujuan utamanya dan prinsip-prinsip yang mendasarinya, disajikan dengan jelas untuk memberikan landasan yang kokoh bagi pembaca. Melalui diskusi tentang ruang lingkup promosi kesehatan, pembaca diberi pemahaman yang luas tentang berbagai bidang dan dimensi kehidupan yang relevan untuk upaya promosi kesehatan. Selanjutnya, buku ini memperkenalkan lima strategi pendekatan promosi kesehatan, memberikan wawasan yang beragam tentang cara menghadapi tantangan kesehatan masyarakat dengan pendekatan yang fleksibel dan dapat disesuaikan. Perencanaan promosi kesehatan juga ditekankan, memberikan panduan praktis dalam merancang dan melaksanakan program-program yang efektif dan berkelanjutan. Integritasnya dalam menggabungkan berbagai aspek, mulai dari model promosi kesehatan, strategi pembelajaran, hingga penggunaan media promosi kesehatan, menjadikan buku ini sumber rujukan yang berharga bagi praktisi keperawatan dan mereka yang tertarik dalam meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat secara menyeluruh.
Buku terapi stimulasi sensori auditory dan taktil pada pasien cedera kepala ini, menyajikan materi cukup lengkap, mengenai Tindakan yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pasien cedera kepala. Menfaat dari buku ini adalah sebagai pondasi utama untuk mendalami keilmuan bidang database lanjutan lebih kompleks dan saling terintegrasi satu sama lain. Buku ini penulis rancang secara sistematis mulai dari cedera kepala dan stimulasi sensori auditori dan taktil. Harapan dengan mempelajari buku ini pembaca mampu menerapkan Tindakan stimulasi sensori untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pasien cedera kepala yang di rawat di ruang ICU. Sehingga mempercepat penyembuhan dan pemulihan pasien cedera kepala.
Penyakit Asma Bronkial dapat dicegah kekambuhannya. Namun pada keadaan tertentu penyakit ini dapat mengancam nyawa. Buku ini berisi tentang bagaimana cara mengelola penyakit Asma Bronkial melalui terapi non farmakologi berdasarkan hasil penelitian (evidence base practice). Penulis melakukan berbagai penelitian yang terkait dengan terapi non farmakologi dan melakukan literatur review dengan tema yang terkait. Diharapkan buku ini dapat menambah wawasan pembaca khususnya pasien Asma Bronkial untuk dapat mengelola penyakit Asma Bronkial dengan terapi non farmakologi agar dapat mengefektifkan kinerja obat farmakologi sehingga meningkatkan kualitas hidup.
The adverse effects of flood disasters in urban areas have been increasing in severity and extent over the past years. The amount of loss resulting from these events is also increasing exponentially, particularly in highly urbanised urban areas, where the effects of intensive land use and climate change are particularly extreme--all despite that our scientific knowledge, technical competence, and computational capacity to develop highly sophisticated and accurate forecasting and simulation models are higher than ever, as is our capacity to map and analyse flood-related data. In order to tackle this global issue, it is fundamental to keep on promoting and developing fundamental and applied re...
A film delivery man promises a beautiful young woman to deliver a film reel on time to a movie theater. But the the whole city seems to conspire against him.
Impression Management Theory and Social Psychological Research gathers together the various strands of thinking and research on impression management. This book does not easily lend itself to a singular organization. Not only do the authors deal with very different topics, they sometimes disagree with one another on assumptions and interpretations. Nevertheless, there are chapters that tend to group together. The book can be organized into six parts. Part I, General Theory, consists of chapters that deal primarily with issues related to the reasons for, and specific tactics of, impression management. Part II, Impression Management and Laboratory Research, includes two chapters that make a ma...
Radio Monitoring: Problems, Methods, and Equipment offers a unified approach to fundamental aspects of Automated Radio Monitoring (ARM). The authors discuss the development, modeling, design, and manufacture of ARM systems. Data from established and recent research are presented and recommendations are made on methods and approaches for solving common problems in ARM. The authors also provide classification and detailed descriptions of modern high-efficient hardware-software ARM equipment, including the equipment for detection, radio direction-finding, parameters measurement and their analysis, and the identification and localization of the electromagnetic field sources. Examples of ARM equipment structure, applications, and software are provided to manage a variety of complicated interference environment in the industrial centers, inside of the buildings, and in the open terrain. This book provides a reference for professionals and researchers interested in deploying ARM technology as a tool for solving problems from radio frequency spectrum usage control.
Provides an analysis of online news. This book offers insights into debates concerning the ways in which journalism is evolving on the internet, devoting particular attention to the factors influencing its development. It shows how the forms, practices and epistemologies of online news are gradually becoming conventionalized. In this exciting and timely book, Stuart Allan provides a wide-ranging analysis of online news. He offers important insights into key debates concerning the ways in which journalism is evolving on the internet, devoting particular attention to the factors influencing its development. Using a diverse range of examples, he shows how the forms, practices and epistemologies...
Problem Solving for Better Healthcovers human potential and possibilities for change in a global environment where health issues have now reached crisis proportions. Through the Dreyfus Health Foundation's Problem Solving for Better HealthÆ and related programs, this book presents innovative methodologies that promote grass-roots solutions to pressing health issues. A progress report and call to further action, the book speaks to such issues in 27 countries, including the United States. With contributions from Dreyfus Health Foundation international program leaders and esteemed health care practitioners and educators, Problem Solving for Better Health presents practical interventions throug...