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Judul : Strategi Pelayanan Keperawatan untuk Meningkatkan Kepuasan Pasien Penulis : Ns. Dedi Fatrida., M. Kep., Ns. Didi Yunaspi., M.Kep., Ns. Ulfa Suryani., M.Kep.,Sp.Kep.J., Ns. Yola Yolanda., M.Kep Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 87 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-162-477-2 SINOPSIS Pelayanan Keperawatan merupakan faktor yang paling penting untuk membentuk kepercayaan pelanggan atau pasien kepada layanan kesehatan sehingga tercipta loyalitas.Terciptanya kualitas pelayanan keperawatan akan menciptakan kepuasan terhadap pengguna layanan danservice quality perawat yang tinggi merupakan faktor terpenting tercapainya kepuasan pasien.
Judul : ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN KELUARGA DAN KOMUNITAS : UPAYA PENCEGAHAN KANKER PAYUDARA ANAK USIA REMAJA Penulis : Ns. Dedi Fatrida, S.Kep, M.Kep Yeni Elviani., AM.Keb, SKM, M.Kes Mustakim, S.Sos, S.Kep, M.Kes Ns. Andre Utama Saputra, S.Kep, M.Kep Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 100 Halaman No ISBN : 978-623-5314-55-6 Tahun Terbit : Juli 2022 Sinopsis Buku ini membahas tentang Asuhan Keperawatan Keluarga dan Komunitas : Upaya Pencegahan Kanker Payudara Anak Usia Remaja”. Buku ini penulis kontribusikan bidang Kesehatan di Indonesia. Buku ini terdiri dari enam bab. Bab pertama membahas tentang Pendahuluan. Bab kedua membahas tentang remaja yang meliputi Pengertian Remaja, Pertumbuhan dan Perkemba...
Judul : Pendidikan Kesehatan Program Pencegahan Kanker Payudara (terhadap pengetahuan, sikap, dan tindakan remaja) Penulis: 1. A. Gani, S.Pd., SKM., S. Kep., M.Kes 2. Yeni Elviani., AM.Keb., SKM., S.Kep., M.Kes 3. Ns. Andre Utama Saputra, S.Kep., M.Kep 4. Ns. Dedi Fatrida, S.Kep., M.Kep 5. Mustakim, Amd.Kep., S.Kep., S.Sos., M.Kes : Ukuran : 15,5 x 23 cm Tebal : 116 Halaman No ISBN : 978-623-497-041-8 Tahun Terbit : Oktober 2022 Sinopsi Buku Kejadian kanker meningkat dari tahun ke tahun dan terjadi hampir di seluruh dunia. Kanker menduduki urutan ke dua penyakit terbesar di dunia. Kanker payudara merupakan salah satu penyakit yang memiliki kematian yang cukup tinggi, terutama pada wanita. An...
Why do women in most developing countries lag behind men in literacy? Why do women get less schooling than men? This anthology examines the educational decisions that deprive women of an equal education. It assembles the most up-to-date data, organized by region. Each paper links the data with other measures of economic and social development. This approach helps explain the effects different levels of education have on womens' fertility, mortality rates, life expectancy, and income. Also described are the effects of women's education on family welfare. The authors look at family size and women's labor status and earnings. They examine child and maternal health, as well as investments in chi...
Organ reproduksi wanita mencakup dua bagian, yaitu struktur eksternal dan struktur internal. Fungsi struktur reproduksi wanita eksternal (genital) adalah untuk melindungi organ genital internal dari organisme luar dan berguna agar sperma dapat masuk ke dalam tubuh. Cara kerja organ reproduksi wanita terbagi berdasarkan fungsi yang dijalankannya. Sistem reproduksi wanita memungkinkan seorang wanita untuk menghasilkan sel telur (ovum), melakukan hubungan seksual, melindung dan memelihara sel telur yang telah dibuahi hingga melahirkan. Saat pubertas, kelenjar hipofisis (di bagian tengah otak) mulai merangsang hormon pada ovarium untuk membuat hormon seks wanita, termasuk estrogen. Sekresi hormon ini menyebabkan seorang gadis berkembang menjadi wanita yang matang secara seksual.
We live in an ever-changing social world, which constantly demands adjustment to our identities and actions. Advances in science, technology and medicine, political upheaval, and economic development are just some examples of social change that can impact upon how we live our lives, how we view ourselves and each other, and how we communicate. Three decades after its first appearance, identity process theory remains a vibrant and useful integrative framework in which identity, social action and social change can be collectively examined. This book presents some of the key developments in this area. In eighteen chapters by world-renowned social psychologists, the reader is introduced to the major social psychological debates about the construction and protection of identity in face of social change. Contributors address a wide range of contemporary topics - national identity, risk, prejudice, intractable conflict and ageing - which are examined from the perspective of identity process theory.
The shift to a green economy is increasing the pace of change in labour markets and skill needs. This study of 21 countries, which represent 60 per cent of the world population, shows that economies moving towards greener production can seize the potential for job creation if they deal effectively with the coming structural change and transformation of existing jobs. The report examines the experiences of developed and developing countries in adjusting their training provision to meet new demand of a greener economy. It shows that while few new occupations emerge in the transition to greener work, massive change occurs in existing occupations. What is more, changes in skill profiles happen a...
During the past twenty years, the worldÕs most renowned critical theoristÑthe scholar who defined the field of postcolonial studiesÑhas experienced a radical reorientation in her thinking. Finding the neat polarities of tradition and modernity, colonial and postcolonial, no longer sufficient for interpreting the globalized present, she turns elsewhere to make her central argument: that aesthetic education is the last available instrument for implementing global justice and democracy. SpivakÕs unwillingness to sacrifice the ethical in the name of the aesthetic, or to sacrifice the aesthetic in grappling with the political, makes her task formidable. As she wrestles with these fraught rela...
We are delighted to introduce the proceedings of The International Conference on Environment and Technology of Law, Business and Education on Post Covid 19 – 2020 (ICETLAWBE 2020). This conference is organized by Faculty of Law Universitas Lampung, Coorporation With Universiti Teknologi MARA Cawangan Pulau Pinang Malaysia, STEBI Lampung Indonesia, Asia e University Malaysia, Rostov State University Russia, University of Diponegoro Indonesia, IAIN Palu Indonesia, Universitas Dian Nusantara Jakarta Indonesia, Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta Indonesia, Universitas Trunojoyo Madura Indonesia, STEBIS IGM Palembang Indonesia, Universitas Katolik Parahyangan Bandung Indonesia, Universitas ...
Infections that occur in the wound created by an invasive surgical procedure are generally referred to as surgical site infections (SSIs). SSIs are one of the most important causes of healthcare-associated infections (HCAIs). A prevalence survey undertaken in 2006 suggested that approximately 8% of patients in hospital in the UK have an HCAI. SSIs accounted for 14% of these infections and nearly 5% of patients who had undergone a surgical procedure were found to have developed an SSI. However, prevalence studies tend to underestimate SSI because many of these infections occur after the patient has been discharged from hospital. SSIs are associated with considerable morbidity and it has been ...