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The 1th International Conference on Islamics History and Civilization (ICON-ISHIC 2020) is organized by the Research Institutions and Community Service Universitas Islam Negeri Walisongo Semarang. The aims of the conference are to provide a platform to the researchers, experts, and practitioners from academia, to discover, develop and abstract the understanding of the position of Muslims in the global context; To Critically evaluate the identity of the Muslims in the Globalized World in its integration and contribution; To examine and criticise various forms of expression and articulation of Islam in its relevance in the development of society; To review the relation and significance of the discourse and practice of Islam in combating radicalism; To understand and map the danger of environmental degradation as well as further align and promote on conserving the environment; To explore and seek the reinterpretation of Gender Role in the light of Quranic Interpretation in the field of mathematics, science education and environment studies.
Buku ini merupakan sebuah persembahan kepada Prof. Dr. Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi, M.A.Ed., M.Phil. pada hari beliau dikukuhkan menjadi Guru Besar di bidang Ilmu Filsafat Islam. Berisi kesan-kesan selama mengenal beliau dari para guru, sahabat, dan murid. Berbagai kesan ini dituliskan sebagai bentuk apresiasi perjuangan beliau dan integritas beliau di ranah disiplin ilmu yang digelutinya, yaitu filsafat Islam. Di samping itu, kesan-kesan ini juga menjadi sebuah motivasi dan pelecut bagi para pembacanya bahwa berbagai pencapaian yang diraih oleh Prof. Hamid bukanlah suatu hal yang instan dan tanpa melewati perjuangan yang berdarah-darah, serta membutuhkan komitmen dan integritas yang tinggi.
Pembahasan dalam buku ini akan membicarakan dua kemaslahatan tersebut dalam perspektif yang lebih luas. Artinya, ketika membicarakan hubungan Pancasila dan Islam misalnya, maka dilihat bagaimana sejarah yang digali sehingga menghasilkan kesepakatan diterimanya Pancasila sebagai sebuah landasan negara. Meskipun awalnya kaum muslimin merasa keberatan dengan keputusan tersebut. Karena yang mereka idealkan adalah landasan negara merupakan penerapan dari ajaran Islam secara eksplisit. Namun, pada hakikatnya pun, kita dapat melihat dan menyadari bahwa substansi Pancasila sangat Islam sekali. Hal ini dapat dilihat dalam butir-butirnya. Sila pertama berbicara tentang ketauhidan kepada Allah SWT. dan butir berikutnya merepresentasikan ajaran-ajaran syariat. Maka perspektif kemaslahatan seperti dijelaskan di muka yang membuat akhirnya kesepakatan diterimanya Pancasila sebagai landasan negara.
This is an open access book. The Covid-19 pandemic has become a global issue have a great impact in almost all fields including in the economic, social, political, cultural and education, and has created social pressures community economy. Almost all over the country having trouble. However, this has consequences for declining economic growth has had an impact on social life, including in countries in ASEAN and especially in Indonesia. We are only at the beginning of the most challenging part, which is how we will emerge out of this situation and return to a “new normal. These challenges highlight the importance of science, technology, and innovation as the decisive factors in any scenario of emergence from the crisis and economic recovery. To eliminate Covid-19 and find solutions to its effects are endeavored through research in various fields of sciences. Hopefully, the cure can be found and the new situation can be adapted.
Feminisme Dalam Islam Sudut Pandang Aceh Penulis : Cut Tasri Mirnalisa, B.Soc.Sci Dan Indra Martian Permana, M.Ag Ukuran : 14 x 21 cm ISBN : 978-623-283-728-7 Terbit : Oktober 2020 Sinopsis : Isu feminisme, isu yang hangat dibicarakan dalam masyarakat. Tidak hanya di Indonesia, tetapi juga di tingkat Internasional. Pada mulanya, para feminis menggunakan isu “Hak” dan “Kesetaraan” perempuan sebagai landasan perjuangannya yang kemudian pada akhir tahun 1960-an berubah, feminism menggunakan istilah “Penindasan” dan “Kebebasan” dan akhirnya feminisme menyatakan dirinya sebagai “Gerakan pembebasan perempuan”. Memahami Isu feminisme ini perlu cermat, sehingga t...
The flowering of the 'Abbasid caliphate between 750 and 1258 CE is often considered the classical age of Islamic civilization. In the preceding 120 years the Arabs had conquered much of the known world of antiquity and established a vast empire stretching from Spain to China. But was this empire really so very different, as has sometimes been claimed, from what it superseded? The Great Caliphs creatively explores the immense achievements of the 'Abbasid age through the lens of Mediterranean history. When the Umayyad caliphs were replaced by the 'Abbasids in 750, and the Arab capital moved to Baghdad, Iraq quickly became the centre not only of an imperium but also of a culture built on the fo...
The notion of woman as the Devil's accomplice is prominent throughout Christian history and was used to legitimise the subordination of wives and daughters. In the 19th century, rebellious females performed counter-readings of this misogynist tradition and Lucifer was reconceptualised as a feminist liberator. Per Faxneld shows how this surprising Satanic feminism was expressed in a wide range of 19th-century texts and artistic productions
Is there a aTranscendent Unity: underlying the great religionsof mankind? Does not every true religion start from an historicrevelation which holds the key to its subsequent development?Is humanity divided into a number of aworlds:, each with itsappropriate religious tradition? On questions such as these, thisnow classic work by one of the greatest metaphysicians of the20th century, throws clear light on every page. Concerning thisbook T.S. Eliot wrote aI have met with no more impressivework, in the study of Oriental and Occidental Religion, thanThe Transcendent Unity of Religions:. The writings of FrithjofSchuon, which began with this monumental work, posses thegift of reaching the very core of the subject, of going beyondforms and showing that God is the center; all paths lead to him.Frithjof Schuon (1907-1998) is widely acknowledged as amost important representative of the philosophia perennis in the20th c. and a towering figure in the field of comparative religion.
Dale Allison's clearly written Jesus of Nazareth will enable people who have followed recent discussions to vindicate and reclaim the central religious signficance of the historical Jesus. Allison makes a creative contribution to Jesus studies in several ways: -- He offers new suggestions for establishing the authenticity of Jesus' words -- including what he calls "the index of intertextual linkage" -- and for the process of framing a convincing picture of the central thrust and purpose of the activity of Jesus. -- Referring to fascinating cross-cultural millenarian parallels, he shows that the impetus for the pre-Easter Jesus movement was apocalyptic in nature and that the historical Jesus can best be understood as an eschatological prophet. -- He presents the first full-length treatment of the question of Jesus and asceticism and shows that Jesus, far from the image suggested by some today, was driven by an apocalyptic asceticism that extended to matters of sex, food, and social relations.
The study of Islamic philosophy has entered a new and exciting phase in the last few years. Both the received canon of Islamic philosophers and the narrative of the course of Islamic philosophy are in the process of being radically questioned and revised. Most twentieth-century Western scholarship on Arabic or Islamic philosophy has focused on the period from the ninth century to the twelfth. It is a measure of the transformation that is currently underway in the field that, unlike other reference works, the Oxford Handbook has striven to give roughly equal weight to every century, from the ninth to the twentieth. The Handbook is also unique in that its 30 chapters are work-centered rather t...