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This book presents a comprehensive, state-of-the-art treatment of the acquisition of Indo- and Non-Indo-European languages in various contexts, such as L1, L2, L3/Ln, bi/multilingual, heritage languages, pathology as well as language impairment, and sign language acquisition. The book explores a broad mix of methodologies and issues in contemporary research. The text presents original research from several different perspectives, and provides a basis for dialogue between researchers working on diverse projects with the aim of furthering our understanding of how languages are acquired. The book proposes and refines new theoretical constructs, e.g. regarding the complexity of linguistic features as a relevant factor forming children’s, adults’ and bilingual individuals’ acquisition of morphological, syntactic, discursive, pragmatic, lexical and phonological structures. It appeals to students, researchers, and professionals in the field.
Spoken as a foreign language by around 24 million people worldwide, Spanish can be the second language (L2) of monolingually raised learners who acquire it in school. Ever more often it is also the third or a further language (L3) of learners who have previously studied another foreign language (for example Spanish after English in Germany) or who acquired more than one language during early childhood, as is the case with heritage speakers. This book explores the intersections between linguistics and language pedagogy related to the acquisition of L2 and L3 Spanish in various contexts worldwide. Fostering the interdisciplinary dialogue, it combines contributions by linguists and specialists in didactics, which not only examine the interface between basic linguistic and applied research but also develop proposals and materials for concrete teaching situations.
Im Hinblick auf den Erwerb von mehreren Muttersprachen ist bekannt, dass sich die Sprachen gegenseitig beeinflussen können. Bei Kindern mit mehr als zwei Sprachen stellt sich die Frage, aufgrund welcher Faktoren dieser Spracheneinfluss erfolgt. Wenn das trilinguale Kind Französisch spricht: Ist es die zweite romanische Sprache, das Spanische, die Einfluss nimmt, oder aber das Deutsche, wenn Letzteres besser beherrscht wird? Diese Einführung in die moderne Mehrsprachigkeitsforschung setzt einen Schwerpunkt auf die Methode der elizitierten Sprachproduktion. Am Beispiel des Erwerbs von drei Sprachen vor Schulbeginn führt es in das Code-Switching, die Verwendung von Kopulaverben (hier auch im Katalanischen), die Platzierung von Adjektiven in Bezug auf das Nomen, die Positionierung von finiten Verben und die Stellung von Subjekten ein. Die Erhebung der Wortschatzgröße bei trilingualen Kindern wird als Beispiel für die Vorstellung standardisierter Methoden der empirischen Spracherwerbsforschung genutzt. Das Studienbuch behandelt die romanischen Sprachen Französisch und Spanisch sowie das Deutsche.
Dieser Band stellt einzelne Lebens- und Lernbereiche rund um Mehrsprachigkeit und Mehrsprachenlernen vor: gesellschaftliche Mehrsprachigkeit sowie schulisches und universitäres Mehrsprachenlernen. Es beleuchtet den Komplex der Herkunftssprachen im Verhältnis zur Umgebungs- und Zielfremdsprache Deutsch, diskutiert Gesamtsprachencurricula, und betrachtet die Sprachenarbeit mit Geflüchteten. Alle Beiträge sind solide wissenschaftlich fundiert, richten sich sprachlich an Studierende und veranschaulichen alle Sachverhalte durch Beispiele, nicht nur aus deutschsprachigen Ländern, sondern auch aus anderen, um zu verdeutlichen, dass Mehrsprachenlernen ein globales Phänomen mit je ähnlichen oder auch ganz unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen und Vorzügen ist, welches es wert ist, sich damit auseinanderzusetzen. Die Aufgaben ermuntern zur Reflexion der eigenen Mehrsprachigkeit bzw. der eigenen Lebens- und Lernsituation im gesellschaftlichen und institutionellen Umfeld.
This book explores global implications of human activities that trigger changes in climate and the appropriate scientific, adaptive, and sustainable approaches as a proven information tool. It reveals that the ecological, social, and economic dynamics of the changing earth encompasses huge uncertainties coupled with its ability to be linked to other forms of global change. From a scientific perspective, multiple efforts are expedient to integrate the many aspects of global changes. Increases in science and technology have afforded nations the ability to plan for the future by investing in adaptive and mitigative measures to monitor present and future changes. Just as the climatic and ecologi...
In this book, Ian Roberts argues that the essential insight of the principles-and-parameters approach to variation can be maintained - albeit in a somewhat different guise - in the context of the minimalist programme. The book represents a significant new contribution to the formal study of cross-linguistic morphosyntactic variation.
This is the first book on the acquisition of Spanish that provides a state-of-the-art comprehensive overview of Spanish morphosyntactic development in monolingual and bilingual situations. Its content is organized around key grammatical themes that form the empirical base of research in generative grammar: nominal and verbal inflectional morphology, subject and object pronouns, complex structures involving movement (topicalizations, questions, relative clauses), and aspects of verb meaning that have consequences for syntax. The book argues that Universal Grammar constrains all instances of language acquisition and that there is a fundamental continuity between monolingual, bilingual, child a...
How do children develop bilingual competence? Do bilingual children develop language in the same way as monolinguals? Set in the context of findings on language development, this book examines the acquisition of English and Spanish by two brothers in the first six years of their lives. Based on in-depth and meticulous analyses of naturalistic data, it explores how the systems of both languages affect each other as the children develop, and how different levels of exposure to each language influence the nature of acquisition. The author demonstrates that the children's grammars and lexicons follow a developmental path similar to that of monolinguals, but that cross-linguistic interactions affecting lexical, semantic and discourse-pragmatic aspects arise in Spanish when exposure to it diminishes around the age of four. The first of its kind, this original study is a must-read for students and researchers in bilingualism, child development, language acquisition and language contact.
This volume examines the relationship between young children's degrees of bilingualism and features of the verbal input which these children receive from their parents. In particular, it seeks to explore the following question: to what extent are families who follow the 'one parent-one language' principle and whose children become active bilinguals this way, different from families who take the same approach but whose children never develop an active command of the minority language? Case studies of six first-born children growing up with German and English were done during the children's third year of life. The input the children received was examined for parents' consistency of language ch...