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Schools and circles have been a major force in twentieth-century intellectual movements. They fostered circulation of ideas within and between disciplines, thus altering the shape of intellectual inquiry. This volume offers a new perspective on theoretical schools in the humanities, both as generators of conceptual knowledge and as cultural phenomena. The structuralist, semiotic, phenomenological, and hermeneutical schools and circles have had a deep impact on various disciplines ranging from literary studies to philosophy, historiography, and sociology. The volume focuses on a set of loosely interrelated groups, with a strong literary, linguistic, and semiotic component, but extends to the ...
Globalization has become synonymous with the seemingly unfettered spread of capitalist multinationals, but this focus on the West and western economies ignores the wide variety of globalizing projects that sprang up in the socialist world as a consequence of the end of the European empires. This collection is the first to explore alternative forms of globalization across the socialist world during the Cold War. Gathering the work of established and upcoming scholars of the Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, and China, Alternative Globalizations addresses the new relationships and interconnections which emerged between a decolonizing world in the postwar period and an increasingly internationalist eastern bloc after the death of Stalin. In many cases, the legacies of these former globalizing impulses from the socialist world still exist today. Divided into four sections, the works gathered examine the economic, political, developmental, and cultural aspects of this exchange. In doing so, the authors break new ground in exploring this understudied history of globalization and provide a multifaceted study of an increasing postwar interconnectedness across a socialist world.
Futures of Comparative Literature is a cutting edge report on the state of the discipline in Comparative Literature. Offering a broad spectrum of viewpoints from all career stages, a variety of different institutions, and many language backgrounds, this collection is fully global and diverse. The book includes previously unpublished interviews with key figures in the discipline as well as a range of different essays – short pieces on key topics and longer, in-depth pieces. It is divided into seven sections: Futures of Comparative Literature; Theories, Histories, Methods; Worlds; Areas and Regions; Languages, Vernaculars, Translations; Media; Beyond the Human; and contains over 50 essays on topics such as: Queer Reading; Human Rights; Fundamentalism; Untranslatability; Big Data; Environmental Humanities. It also includes current facts and figures from the American Comparative Literature Association as well as a very useful general introduction, situating and introducing the material. Curated by an expert editorial team, this book captures what is at stake in the study of Comparative Literature today.
The Sixties occupy a prominent place in popular culture and scholarship as an era of global upheavals, including the Civil Rights Movement, de-colonization, radical social movements, student and youth protests, and the Vietnam War. This pioneering book explores the seemingly isolated Eastern bloc and a non-capitalist context, demonstrating the impact of those global upheavals on young people in Poland in the form of international youth culture, protest movements, and counterculture.
The first work to provide a broad history of the relationship between Eastern Europe and the decolonising world ranging from the nineteenth to the late twentieth century. At its core is the post-1945 period, when socialism's importance as a globalising force accelerated and drew together what contemporaries called the 'Second' and 'Third Worlds'.
Niniejsza książka mówi nie o konserwatyzmie, lecz o ideach konserwatywnych w Rosji. Takie ujecie problematyki konserwatyzmu jest bowiem najbardziej adekwatne do jego różnorodnych konotacji i ich ewolucji. Autorzy tekstów zamieszczonych w książce nawiązują do dominujących ujęć konserwatyzmu, zwracając uwagę na ich transformację na gruncie rosyjskim, nade wszystko zaś na jej uwarunkowania cywilizacyjne, ideowo-polityczne i geopolityczne. Dzięki takiemu podejściu badawczemu książka przedstawia głębokie korzenie idei konserwatywnych w Rosji i ich ewolucję - od epoki staroruskiej po pierwsze dziesięciolecie XXI wieku. Pokazuje powiązania idei konserwatywnych z trzema czy...
This open access book provides a concise introduction to a critical development in memory studies. A global memory formation has emerged since the 1990s, in which memories of traumatic histories in different parts of the world, often articulated in the terms established by Holocaust memory, have become entangled, reconciled, contested, conflicted and negotiated across borders. As historical actors and events across time and space become connected in new ways, new grounds for contest and competition arise; claims to the past that appeared de-territorialized in the global memory formation become re-territorialized – deployed in the service of nationalist projects. This poses challenges to scholarship but also to practice: How can we ensure that shared or comparable memories of past injustice continue to be grounds for solidarity between different memory communities? In chapters focusing on Europe, East Asia and Africa, five scholars respond to these challenges from a range of disciplinary perspectives in the humanities.
Europa ist mit rund 250 Mio. Sprechern slawischer Sprachen zu über einem Drittel "slawisch". Was bedeutet das für das Verständnis europäischer Kultur und Geschichte? Verfügt der slawischsprachige Bevölkerungsteil Europas über ein besonderes "slawisches" Bewusstsein, eine spezifische "slawische" Kultur und Geschichte. Ausgehend von dieser Frage erzählt Eduard Mühle die Geschichte der "Slawen" im Mittelalter völlig neu. Auf der Grundlage eingehender Quellenstudien entwirft er eine doppelte Perspektive. Zum einen beschreibt er die realen historischen Strukturen – von den "frühslawischen" Bevölkerungsgruppen und ihren ersten Herrschaftsbildungen im 7. bis 9. Jahrhundert, über die slawischsprachigen Reiche und nationes des 10. bis 12. bis zu den spätmittelalterlichen Gesellschaften des 13. bis frühen 15. Jahrhunderts . Zum anderen untersucht er die Fremd- und Selbstbilder, mit deren Hilfe die "Slawen" seit dem 6. Jahrhundert immer wieder als ein kulturelles Konstrukt entworfen bzw. "erfunden" worden sind und zeigt, wie diese Bilder schon im Mittelalter in verschiedenen Kontexten und zu unterschiedlichen Zwecken geschichtspolitisch instrumentalisiert wurden.
Bringing together 16 articles by renowned scholars from around the globe, this volume offers a multi-dimensional view of comparative and world literature. Drawing on the scope of these scholars’ collective intellects and insights, it connects disparate research contexts to illuminate the multi-dimensional views of related areas as we step into the third decade of the 21st century. The book will be of particular interest to scholars working in comparative literary and cultural studies, and to readers interested in the future of literary studies in a cross-culturized world.
„[…] monografia pana Łukasza Gemziaka ma znaczenie niebagatelne dla stanu badań nad kulturą pierestrojki. Istotą książki jest bowiem nie tyle ukazanie znaczenia kilku wybranych utworów literackich, i nie tyle analiza ich recepcji, co analiza powiązanego z nimi dyskursu krytycznoliterackiego. Jest to analiza modalności, argumentów i obrazów świata towarzyszących komentowaniu konkretnych utworów literackich w ich istotnych kontekstach społecznych – takich jak przewartościowanie dziedzictwa stalinizmu, refleksja nad jego źródłami i naturą, przewartościowanie historii państwa radzieckiego oraz mitologii funkcjonującej w jego kulturze oficjalnej, namysł nad oficjaln...