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  • Language: en
  • Pages: 736


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2007-07
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  • Publisher: Unknown


Urban Ethics as Research Agenda
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 256

Urban Ethics as Research Agenda

This book provides an outline for a multidisciplinary research agenda into urban ethics and offers insights into the various ways urban ethics can be configured. It explores practices and discourses through which individuals, collectives and institutions determine which developments and projects may be favourable for dwellers and visitors traversing cities. Urban Ethics as Research Agenda widens the lens to include other actors apart from powerful individuals or institutions, paying special attention to activists or civil society organizations that express concerns about collective life. The chapters provide fresh perspectives addressing the various scales that converge in the urban. The uni...

Climate Change Policy in North America
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 393

Climate Change Policy in North America

While no supranational institutions exist to govern climate change in North America, a system of cooperation among a diverse range of actors and institutions is currently emerging. Given the range of interests that influence climate policy across political boundaries, can these distinct parts be integrated into a coherent, and ultimately resilient system of regional climate cooperation? Climate Change Policy in North America is the first book to examine how cooperation respecting climate change can emerge within decentralized governance arrangements. Leading scholars from a variety of disciplines provide in-depth case studies of climate cooperation initiatives – such as emissions trading, energy cooperation, climate finance, carbon accounting and international trade – as well as analysis of the institutional, political, and economic conditions that influence climate policy integration.

Smart Green Cities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 365

Smart Green Cities

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-03-10
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  • Publisher: Routledge

Smart Green Cities: is a comprehensive overview of what global cities are doing to become sustainable. Woodrow W. Clark II and Grant Cooke have produced a book that is both practical and visionary. They have examined the infrastructure needs - sustainable development, communications, energy, water, waste, and transportation to develop guidelines, processes and best practices. City leaders are key to mitigating climate change who must plan, design and implement solutions. Smart Green Cities (SGC) offers a global perspective that includes implementing the Green Industrial Revolution the title of their last book. SGC discusses innovative emerging technologies, and the new economics paradigm tha...

Medicina Orofacial
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 600

Medicina Orofacial

Este livro contém os fundamentos e bases gerais de criação da Medicina Orofacial no Brasil.

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 270


★《商業周刊》 1605期獨家書摘 強力推薦★ Google也在用的團隊管理! 全球百萬暢銷書《獲利世代》編輯 Tim Clark 最新著作──融合《獲利世代》與《一個人的獲利模式》的企業管理書, 唯一整合優秀人才、商業模式、價值主張,讓組織成功地運作發展。 如果主管、經理人只能用一本書了解團隊運作、提升獲利,就讀這本吧! 來自39國,225位頂尖人士,共同完成了這本《獲利團隊》, 這些人的專業背景橫跨商業、科技、政府、學術、醫學、法學、設計等領域, 教你運用全新工具,打造適合個人、團隊與企業的商業模式! 如...

Business Models for Teams
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 273

Business Models for Teams

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-06-27
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  • Publisher: Penguin

Are you frustrated by these common problems? -Lack of a source of motivation common to millennials and boomers alike -Teambuilding exercises that fail to produce lasting results -Groups that isolate themselves in specialty silos -“Job description myopia,” or employee inability see the bigger picture -Organization charts that fail to show how work gets done Business Models for Teams helps you solve these problems. In fact, it may be the last teamwork toolkit you will ever need! Most leaders make the mistake of over-relying on verbal and written communications. But that approach is outmoded in today’s systems-driven world. Using the same visual tools that made Business Model Generation a...

Business Model Team
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 967

Business Model Team

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-06-29T00:00:00+02:00
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  • Publisher: HOEPLI EDITORE

Siete frustrati perché... dovete spiegare e rispiegare ai vostri collaboratori che cosa devono o non devono fare? Siete costretti a risolvere continuamente problemi che gli altri non sono in grado di gestire da soli? Siete impegnati a supervisionare e fare micromanagement piuttosto che a guidare il vostro team e studiare nuove strategie? Business Model Team è il libro giusto per voi. Applica ai team gli stessi principi che hanno reso Creare modelli di business e Business Model You un successo globale. Molti manager confidano eccessivamente nella comunicazione verbale e scritta, ormai decisamente inefficace e all’antica. Il Business Model Canvas applicato ai team è invece lo strumento più potente per innovare il funzionamento del proprio gruppo di lavoro e il ruolo di ciascun collaboratore nella creazione del valore condiviso. Attraverso una serie di strumenti visivi semplici ed efficaci ognuno dei vostri collaboratori sarà in grado di capire esattamente come comportarsi in qualsiasi momento, decidendo in autonomia e per il meglio, senza più bisogno di chiedere.

ビジネスモデル for Teams 組織のためのビジネスモデル設計書
  • Language: ja
  • Pages: 282

ビジネスモデル for Teams 組織のためのビジネスモデル設計書

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-11-16
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  • Publisher: 翔泳社

世界的ベストセラーの決定版!! チームを「ビジネスモデル化」する新手法! 39か国・225人による実例を掲載 【こんな方におすすめ】 ・企業や組織を活性化したい人 ・起業や転職など、自身のキャリアデザインを見直したい人 ・ビジネスモデルの考え方を組織に定着させたい人 ・ビジネスモデルで組織を活性化した事例を知りたい人 ・自社に最適な人材を採用したい人 ・自分やチームの「働き方」を改革したい人 【内容紹介】 本書は、世界的ベストセラー『ビジネスモデル・ジェネレーション』(BMG) の続編で...

Decoração e Estilo Festas
  • Language: pt-BR
  • Pages: 160

Decoração e Estilo Festas

O mundo passa por uma época difícil, mas, mesmo assim, estamos envoltos em cores. Agora, o verde e o vermelho do Natal, com toques de prata e ouro, são as cores da estação. Contudo, prestando um pouco de atenção, poderemos ver balões multicoloridos, mesas floridas e o tom dourado das velas. Estas tonalidades alegres e formas variadas representam as festas que acontecem durante o ano todo. Aniversários infantis e adultos, bodas de prata e ouro, quinze anos bem modernos, festas religiosas, como o bar-mitzvah ou bat-mitzvah... Sempre há motivos para celebrar. Ainda bem! É incrível como este mundo de festas mudou nestes últimos anos. De repente, temos novas e admiráveis profissões: cerimonialistas, festeiros, floristas, decoradores de festas, doceiros, DJs e músicos. É muito talento junto, e se aprimora a cada ano. As crianças e os adultos, hoje, nem sabem o que podem escolher como tema de sua festa. Deve ser uma delícia olhar um álbum ou uma revista e apontar: “Quero o Barney, mamãe!”, enquanto a debutante opta por uma pista de dança com brilhos espelhados. Que mundo gostoso este de festas! E nós temos a sorte de poder apresentá- lo nesta revista.