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Sistematika buku Metodologi Penelitian Kuantitatif, Kualitatif dan Kombinasi ini mengacu pada pendekatan konsep teoritis dan contoh penerapan. Oleh karena itu diharapkan book chapter ini dapat menjawab tantangan dan persoalan dalam sistem pengajaran baik di perguruan tinggi dan sejenis lainnya. Kami menyadari bahwa tulisan ini jauh dari kesempurnaan dan masih terdapat banyak kekurangan, sejatinya kesempurnaan itu hanya milik Yang Kuasa. Oleh sebab itu, kami tentu menerima masukan dan saran dari pembaca demi penyempurnaan lebih lanjut. Akhirnya kami mengucapkan terima kasih yang tak terhingga kepada semua pihak yang telah mendukung dalam proses penyusunan dan penerbitan buku ini, secara khusus kepada Penerbit Media Sains Indonesia sebagai insiator book chapter ini. Semoga buku ini dapat bermanfaat bagi pembaca sekalian.
Ekonomi Pembangunan merupakan salah satu cabang ilmu ekonomi, yang secara spesifik mempelajari persoalan pembangunan industri, perbankan, keuangan, dan bisnis. Hal-hal yang dipelajari dalam ekonomi pembangunan berkaitan dengan persoalan pembangunan yang sudah, sedang, dan akan terjadi di negara berkembang. Selain berfokus pada metode pembangunan ekonomi, pertumbuhan ekonomi, dan perubahan sosial, ekonomi pembangunan juga memperluas kesempatan bagi penduduk dengan mendukung perbaikan kondisi kesehatan, pendidikan, dan tempat kerja melalui sektor publik atau swasta. Ekonomi pembangunan mencakup perumusan teori dan metode yang menentukan kebijakan dan praktik dan dapat diterapkan di tingkat dom...
A provocative analysis of market-based interventions into public problems and the consequences. Market-based interventions have been used in attempts to solve numerous public problems, from education to healthcare and from climate change to privacy. Scholars have responded persuasively through critiques of neoliberalism. In Can Markets Solve Problems? Daniel Neyland, Véra Ehrenstein, and Sveta Milyaeva propose a different route forward. There is no single entity knowable as “the market,” the authors argue. Instead, they examine in detail the devices, relations, and practices that underpin these market-based interventions. Drawing on recent work in science and technology studies (STS), e...
Conditional cash transfer programs (CCTs)cash grants to poor families that are conditional on their participation in education, health, and nutrition serviceshave become a vital part of poverty reduction strategies in many countries, particularly in Latin America. In Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America, the contributors analyze and synthesize evidence from case studies of CCTs in Brazil, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua. The studies examine many aspects of CCTs, including the trends in development and political economy that fostered interest in them; their costs; their impacts on education, health, nutrition, and food consumption; and how CCT programs affect social relations shaped by gender, culture, and community. Throughout, the authors identify the strengths and weaknesses of CCTs and offer guidelines to those who design them.
PROGRESA is one of the Mexican government's major programs aimed at developing the human capital of poor households. In early 1998, IFPRI was asked to assist Mexico's government to determine if PROGRESA was functioning as it was intended to. This research report synthesizes IFPRI's findings about PROGRESA's impact and operation. The majority of IFPRI's findings suggest that PROGRESA's combination of education, health, and nutrition interventions into one integrated package has had a significant positive impact on the welfare and human capital of poor rural families. The report will interest researchers, policymakers, and advisers seeking a better sense of the basic elements of a program that can be effective in alleviating poverty in the short and long run.
"The author critically reviews the methods available for the ex-post counterfactual analysis of programs that are assigned exclusively to individuals, households, or locations. The discussion covers both experimental and non-experimental methods (including propensity-score matching, discontinuity designs, double and triple differences, and instrumental variables). Two main lessons emerge. First, despite the claims of advocates, no single method dominates; rigorous, policy-relevant evaluations should be open-minded about methodology. Second, future efforts to draw more useful lessons from evaluations will call for more policy-relevant measures and deeper explanations of measured impacts than are possible from the classic ("black box") assessment of mean impact. " -- Cover verso.
The formulation of a rural development strategy for any country is an extremely difficult and multi-faceted task, especially so for a country as large and diversified as Indonesia. With its almost two hundred million inhabitants and its island geography, Indonesia presents a particular challenge to efforts aimed at improving the lot of the rural poor. Illustrating again how economic growth in urban areas rarely translates into a decrease in rural poverty, this volume identities the impact of recent changes in the national economy on the rural poor, the interaction between the agricultural sector and the rural population, and patterns of food consumption, nutrition, and health. Drawing on the...