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The Materiality of Terracotta Sculpture in Early Modern Europe
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 387

The Materiality of Terracotta Sculpture in Early Modern Europe

  • Categories: Art

Through meticulously researched case studies, this book explores the materiality of terracotta sculpture in early modern Europe. Chapters present a broad geographical perspective showcasing examples of modelling, firing, painting, and gilding of clay in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Germany, and the Netherlands. The volume considers known artworks by celebrated artists, such as Luca della Robbia, Andrea del Verrocchio, Filipe Hodart, or Hans Reichle, in parallel with several lesser-studied terracotta sculptures and tin-glazed earthenware made by anonymous artisans. This book challenges arbitrary distinctions into the fine art and the applied arts, that obscured the image of artistic production in the early modern world. The centrality of clay in the creative processes of artists working with two- and three-dimensional artefacts comes to the fore. The role of terracotta figures in religious practices, as well as processes of material substitutions or mimesis, confirm the medium’s significance for European visual and material culture in general. This book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, Renaissance studies, and material culture.

Art and Monist Philosophy in Nineteenth Century France From Auteuil to Giverny
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 272

Art and Monist Philosophy in Nineteenth Century France From Auteuil to Giverny

  • Categories: Art

This is a study of the relation between the fine arts and philosophy in France, from the aftermath of the 1789 revolution to the end of the nineteenth century, when a philosophy of being called “monism” – the concept of a unity of matter and spirit – emerged and became increasingly popular among intellectuals, artists and scientists. Nina Athanassoglou-Kallmyer traces the evolution and impact of this monist thought and its various permutations as a transformative force on certain aspects of French art and culture – from Romanticism to Impressionism – and as a theoretical backdrop that paved the way to as yet unexplored aspects of a modernist aesthetic. Chapters concentrate on three major artists, Théodore Géricault (1791–1824), Eugène Delacroix (1798–1863) and Claude Monet (1840–1926), and their particular approach to and interpretation of this unitarian concept. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, philosophy and cultural history.

Art History, Narratology, and Twentieth-Century Chinese Art
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 231

Art History, Narratology, and Twentieth-Century Chinese Art

  • Categories: Art

This study constructs a framework of narratology for art history and rewrites the development of twentieth-century Chinese art from a narratological perspective. Theoretically and methodologically oriented, this is a self-reflective meta-art history studying the art historical narratives while narrating the story of modern and contemporary Chinese art. Thus, this book explores the three layers of narrative within the narratological framework: the first-hand fabula, the secondary narration, and the tertiary narrativization. With this tertiary narrativization, the reader-author presents three types of narrative: the grand narrative of the central thesis of this book, the middle-range narrative of the chapter theses, and case analyses supporting these theses. The focus of this tertiary narrativization is the interaction between Western influence on Chinese art and the Chinese response to this influence. The central thesis is that this interaction conditioned and shaped the development of Chinese art at every historical turning point in the twentieth century. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, critical theory, Chinese studies, and cultural studies.

Robert Smithson, Land Art, and Speculative Realities
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 254

Robert Smithson, Land Art, and Speculative Realities

  • Categories: Art

This book explores the ways Robert Smithson’s art revealed and defamiliarized the constructs of rational reality in order to allow radically speculative alternatives to emerge. In this way, his art is conceived as a true fiction that eradicates a false reality. By tracing the web of correspondences between Smithson and science fictional, speculative and mystical modes of thought, Rory O’Dea explores the aesthetic encounters engendered by his art as a means to warp the contours of reality and loosen the boundaries of being human. Given the current and impending catastrophes of the Anthropocene, which represents the ever-expanding planetary shadow cast by humanism, the possibility of being other-than-human posited by Smithson’s art is a matter of urgent concern. The book will be of interest to scholars working in art history, contemporary art, American studies and environmental humanities.

The Living Image in the Middle Ages and Beyond
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 353

The Living Image in the Middle Ages and Beyond

  • Categories: Art

This edited volume discusses images that bleed, speak, cry, move, and behave in ways we usually attribute to living creatures. Living images have been the object of devotion as well as targets of destruction, and they have been marginalised in both culture and cultural studies for their ambivalence as well as their transgressive nature. But what is it that makes images the loci of such powerful properties? The present volume is an attempt to recuperate the living image, draw it from the margins, and re-illuminate its importance for cultural history. The title of this book reflects the ambition of the contributions to navigate between the Middle Ages of the past and the Middle Ages of the pre...

Dziki poradnik gadania. Megaporcja wiedzy o zwierzętach
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 491

Dziki poradnik gadania. Megaporcja wiedzy o zwierzętach

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-05-14
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  • Publisher: Wilga

Czy można wyznać komuś miłość, tłukąc głową w drewnianą deskę? Czy da się krzyknąć tak głośno, żeby usłyszeli po drugiej stronie Oceanu Atlantyckiego? Jak wiele mówi o kimś jego kupa? Przyroda jest ze sobą w stałym kontakcie. Niekończący się potok komunikatów przepływa bezustannie pośród wszystkiego, co żyje. Jeśli dobrze się przyjrzysz, wsłuchasz, wczujesz w ten bezmiar informacji, świat zmieni się dla ciebie nie do poznania i na zawsze. Dziki poradnik gadania to książka nadziana soczystą wiedzą – pełna humoru i bez przynudzania. O autorce: Zoolożka, edukatorka, popularyzatorka nauki. Pasjami kolekcjonuje ciekawostki biologiczne, żyjąc w bezustannym zdumieniu nad niezwykłością świata przyrody. O wielonogich stworzeniach wszelkiej maści opowiada z niekłamanym zachwytem i entuzjazmem, który szybko udziela się czytelnikowi. Z zamiłowania edukuje przyrodniczo, zarówno dzieci, jak i dorosłych. Z lekkością i humorem oswaja tematy budzące wstręt i niepokój – pomaga pokochać mrówkę, zrozumieć świerszcza, a nawet zaakceptować pająka. Prowadzi profil na fb z ciekawostkami przyrodniczymi pod nazwą pani z pszyry.

Dziki poradnik przetrwania. Megaporcja wiedzy o zwierzętach
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 451

Dziki poradnik przetrwania. Megaporcja wiedzy o zwierzętach

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2022-09-27
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  • Publisher: Wilga

W naszym bezpiecznym, uporządkowanym życiu rzadko myślimy o nieszczęśnikach z drugiego końca łańcucha pokarmowego. A w przyrodzie nie ma zmiłuj – jeśli jesteś mały, musisz kombinować, inaczej cię zjedzą. Mnogość strategii, trików i chytrych forteli jest powalająca, a kreatywność zwierząt w wymyślaniu sposobów na przetrwanie – wprawia w osłupienie. Przygotuj swoją szczękę na powolne opadanie, bo to NIE jest zwykły zbiór ciekawostek o zwierzętach. To opowieść o przebiegłych geniuszach, bezczelnych oszustach, a także o tych, którzy bronią się... klejem, kupą i włosami. Niektóre strategie – przywdzianie solidnej zbroi, zaopatrzenie się w groźną broń czy zatrudnienie agencji ochroniarskiej – od razu brzmią sensownie. Okazuje się jednak, że używanie własnej głowy zamiast drzwi do domu, udawanie czyjejś stopy, pupy czy języka albo namalowanie sobie oczu na plecach tak samo dobrze chroni przed drapieżnikami. Na każdego wroga jest sposób, a pomysłowość natury nie ma granic – w myśl zasady, że jeśli coś jest głupie, ale działa, to wcale nie jest głupie.

Counter-Reformation Sanctity in Global and Material Perspective
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 265

Counter-Reformation Sanctity in Global and Material Perspective

This book explores the making of saints’ cults in the early modern world from an interdisciplinary perspective, considering the entangled roles of materiality and globalization processes. It brings together work across diverse media, objects, and materials as well as communities, cultures, and geographies to reframe a more synoptic, materials-centric, and comparative history of the making and remaking of saints’ cults, with a special focus on the long Counter-Reformation. The contributions engage with dynamics of local and universal and draw attention to the vital role of textual, visual, and material hagiographies in the creation and promotion of saints’ and would-be saints’ cults. The book fosters novel conceptualizations and cross-pollination of ideas across traditions, regions, and disciplines and expands hagiography’s horizons by reconsidering canonical saintly figures and reframing lesser-known cults of saints and would-be saints. The book will be of interest to scholars of religious and early modern history as well as art history and visual and material studies.

Sustainable Production in Food and Agriculture Engineering
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 412

Sustainable Production in Food and Agriculture Engineering

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2020-12-28
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  • Publisher: MDPI

This book is a collection of original research and review papers that report on the state of the art and recent advancements in food and agriculture engineering, such as sustainable production and food technology. Encompassed within are applications in food and agriculture engineering, biosystem engineering, plant and animal production engineering, food and agricultural processing engineering, storing industry, economics and production management and agricultural farms management, agricultural machines and devices, and IT for agricultural engineering and ergonomics in agriculture.

  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 676


  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2001
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  • Publisher: Unknown
