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Understanding Cultural Diversity in Education: Perceptions, Opportunities and Challenges is the result of a collective work by different European, American and Asian experts. The aim is to encourage reflection on cultural diversity in the area of social sciences, particularly in the field of education. To this end, it includes different research and theoretical works with an in-depth study of the concepts that teachers and different educational professionals have in relation to cultural diversity, analysing the most common responses to cultural diversity management in the socio-educational sphere, highlighting the hurdles, supports and opportunities that mediate said process, and emphasising...
Organizations, governments, and corporations are all concerned with distributing their goods and services to those who need them most, consequently benefiting in the process. Only by carefully considering the interrelated nature of social systems can organizations achieve the success they strive for. Economics: Concepts, Methodolgies, Tools, and Applications explores the interactions between market agents and their impact on global prosperity. Incorporating both theoretical background and advanced concepts in the discipline, this multi-volume reference is intended for policymakers, economists, business leaders, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and students of economic theory.
In this book, Kathleen Tyner examines the tenets of literacy through a historical lens to demonstrate how new communication technologies are resisted and accepted over time. New uses of information for teaching and learning create a "disconnect" in the complex relationship between literacy and schooling, and raise questions about the purposes of literacy in a global, networked, educational environment. The way that new communication technologies change the nature of literacy in contemporary society is discussed as a rationale for corresponding changes in schooling. Digital technologies push beyond alphabetic literacy to explore the way that sound, image, and text can be incorporated into edu...
En la presente obra se pretenden explorar las prácticas comunicativas y el consumo cultural de adolescentes en las pantallas digitales, esa generación que crece junto a las tecnologías digitales, ordenadores, videojuegos, cámaras digitales o teléfonos móviles con acceso a un mundo inexplorado e interminable de redes sociales y aplicaciones (Fortunati y Magnanelli, 2002; Ling, 2002; Sánchez-Carbonell, Graner y Beranuy, 2007). La multifuncionalidad del móvil y sus atributos, lo hacen singularmente atractivo para jóvenes y adolescentes.
This highly original, thought-provoking book – written by a pioneer of communication studies – is the first to analyze the post 9/11 world in terms of global media and popular culture. Written in an engaging and candid manner by a leading expert in this field Argues that cross-cultural understanding can only be achieved by harnessing the power of global media, popular culture, information technology, and personal communications technologies Examines the global trend of using film, video, music, and TV “on-demand” as the framework through which we experience all cultural activity Draws inspiration from the work of a range of theorists, from Charles Darwin to Anthony Giddens Candidly interrogates the very latest developments in world affairs, especially the roles of fundamentalist religious ideology, media globalization, and individualism, whose complex relationships have yet to be explained by social scientists
An invaluable guide both for specialists in media and communication studies and all teachers who wish to use newspapers and TV in their teaching.
El presente volumen se propone enseñar al estudiante las reglasnecesarias para redactar un proyecto de investigación y lo hacede manera clara, didáctica y simple, pero al mismo tiempo estrictay rigurosa. Su autora es una persona idónea para acompañar alestudiante por esta senda de aprendizaje, y no solo porque ellatambién ha adquirido esta destreza y la ha puesto en práctica ennumerosos casos, sino porque su capacidad de reflexión sobre supropia habilidad, junto con su competencia didáctica, ha dado pie aeste libro tan útil y necesario. M. Teresa Cabré Este libro nos proporciona una guía para la redacción de proyectos deinvestigación que puede ser de gran ayuda tanto para la realizaciónde trabajos finales de grado o máster, como para estudiantes dedoctorado que inician su trabajo de investigación. Se trata de unaobra muy bien organizada que puede constituir un excelente materialdocente para las asignaturas relacionadas con los trabajos finales, asícomo una obra de consulta de gran utilidad para investigadores dediferentes áreas de conocimiento. Antoni OliverDirector de la colección “Lingüística y traducción”
"This book presents broad coverage of topics pertaining to the development and use of technology both in and out of the classroom. Including research on technology integration in K-12, higher education, and adult learning"--
With the rapid proliferation of distance education and e-learning courses, the need is growing for a comprehensive, professional approach to evaluating their effectiveness. This indispensable book offers a road map to guide evaluation practice in these innovative learning environments. Providing practical, step-by-step guidelines and tools for conducting evaluation studies—including how to deal with stakeholders, develop surveys and interview protocols, collect other scientific evidence, and analyze and blend mixed-methods data—the work also features a template for writing high-quality reports. The "unfolding model" developed by the authors draws on Messick's influential assessment framework and applies it to program evaluation. Two case studies of actual programs (a distance learning course and an e-learning course) demonstrate the unfolding model in action.