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In force in 70 countries around the world and covering more than two thirds of world trade, the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is considered to be the most successful convention promoting international trade. According to many commentators, this success is due, among others, to the fact that the Convention does not directly impact on the domestic law of the various legal systems, as it applies only to international - as opposed to purely domestic - contracts. The Convention, in other words, does not impose changes in the domestic law, which makes it easier for States to adopt the Convention. This does not mean, however, that the Convent...
The Review of the of the Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is published annually and features articles written by prominent legal scholars in the field of international sale of goods from around the world. In addition to the writings analyzing the various articles of the CISG, the book compiles translations of recent decisions as well as commentaries of notable cases relating to the CISG. The book provides a forum for legal discussion within the international legal community in the area of international sales law and is an authoritative source of reference for international scholars. This 2005-2006 volume includes the following articles: -- How the Fact of Accepting Good Faith as a General Principle of the CISG Will Bring More Uniformity -- Defective Performance in Contracts for International Sale of Goods: A Comparative Analysis Between the Brazilian Law and the 1980 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sales of Goods -- Canadian Jurisprudence and the Uniform Application of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods -- Good Faith in the CISG: The Interpretation Problems of Article 7
This book is one of the first to link company law to the law of succession by concentrating on family businesses. It shows that, to understand the legal framework underlying the daily operations of family businesses, one needs legal analysis, empirical data, psychological and sociological knowledge. The book works on the premise that, since many businesses have been founded by families, practitioners need to develop an understanding of the legal background of such businesses and build up experience to be able to create contracts, trusts, foundations and other legal mechanisms to give shape to systems and procedures for the transfer of shares and control within the family. Comparing the national legal order, techniques, and mechanisms in a range of countries, the book examines parallel developments in these fields of law across the world. Finally, it demonstrates the room for companies, shareholders and the members of a family to develop individual solutions within the legal framework for transferring businesses and shares to the next generation.
Arbitration is adjudication and, like any form of adjudication, it must ensure justice to parties. Justice requires that in settling disputes arbitrators constantly balance the opposing interests of the parties and the different legal systems relevant to the resolution of the dispute from time to time at hand. This book addresses such issues by looking at the different stages of arbitration: from the selection of the arbitral seat to the definition of jurisdictional limits, from the choice of applicable law to the revision of arbitral awards. The book collects essays by colleagues and friends of Piero Bernardini, a leading practitioner of international arbitration who was a champion in achieving balance in the administration of justice through arbitration.
This volume offers a unique, comprehensive view of the contents, context and potential of the Civil Code that in 2021 entered into force in the People’s Republic of China. The twenty-three essays herein collected, authored by distinguished Chinese and non-Chinese scholars, describe inner and outer perceptions about the Chinese Civil Code and analyze its likely impact within and outside the country. In so doing, they shed light not only on the comparative origins of current Chinese rules, but also on the potential influence that these rules may have in comparative terms in the future.
Ensaio e Tradução: 1 - "O Jurista, o Músico e o Tradutor: Nota Introdutória a “Interpretação Jurídica e Interpretação Musical – um ensaio”, de Herbert Wiedemann" (autores: FRANÇA, Erasmo Valladão Azevedo e Novaes; TANNOUS, Thiago Saddi) 2. “Interpretação Jurídica e Interpretação Musical – um ensaio”, de Herbert Wiedemann, tradução de Erasmo Valladão Azevedo e Novaes França; e Thiago Saddi Tannous (autor: WIEDEMANN, Herbert; tradutores: FRANÇA, Erasmo Valladão Azevedo e Novaes; TANNOUS, Thiago Saddi) Doutrina e atualidades: 3 - "Compromisso de Compra e Venda para Constituição de Condomínio-Hotel: Natureza Empresarial e Consequente Inaplicabilidade do Códi...
A obra propõe a análise comparativa entre o regime de resolução contratual vigente na Convenção de Viena (CISG) e aquele em vigor no direito comum brasileiro. Na parte dedicada ao estudo da CISG, o livro apresenta os resultados de pesquisa compreensiva de julgados internacionais, sistematizando-os através do método de grupo de casos. A partir de tal análise, a autora extrai critérios de aplicação da chamada fundamental breach of contract, com o propósito de conferir maior previsibilidade à solução de casos práticos. A extensa literatura internacional sobre o tema é também inventariada e analisada no trabalho. No que se refere ao que se chamou de direito comum brasileiro, cujo regime está estabelecido no Código Civil, o livro segue o mesmo itinerário, com o objetivo de traçar verdadeiro estudo comparativo entre as duas disciplinas hoje em vigor no país. O resultado aponta o estado da arte da questão proposta, bem assim as semelhanças e as diferenças com relação ao regime da CISG. Trata-se de contribuição relevante para a literatura jurídica nacional, tanto pela importância do tema objeto da obra, como pelo método comparativo empregado.
2021 foi significativo para a CISG (Convenção das Nações Unidas para os Contratos de Compra e Venda Internacional de Mercadorias) nos países lusófonos. Marcou o seu quinto ano de vigência no Brasil e a entrada em vigor em Portugal. A CISG integra o direito interno de seus 94 países signatários. Oferece um quadro normativo uniforme, reduzindo a incerteza e os custos de transação. Promove a previsibilidade das obrigações, base de todas as trocas econômicas eficientes. Organizada por Ingeborg Schwenzer, professora emérita da Universidade de Basileia e maior autoridade mundial sobre a CISG, com Paula Costa e Silva e Cesar Pereira, esta obra traz estudos de mais de cinquenta especialistas portugueses, brasileiros e internacionais. Fundamental para magistrados, árbitros, advogados e empresários que pretendam conhecer a experiência acumulada nos quarenta anos de vigência internacional da CISG, o efeito concreto que já produziu no Brasil e – principalmente – como se preparar para extrair o máximo benefício da aplicação da CISG em Portugal.
Na presente obra, os organizadores, em celebração aos vinte anos da vigência do Código Civil de 2002, convidaram expoentes do Direito Civil de diversos pontos do Brasil para contribuírem com estudos atuais sobre as diversas áreas do Direito Civil.
Anyone involved in trade law knows the time-consuming nature of obtaining primary source material and consulting each of the main trade laws. Now in its fourth edition, Basic Documents in International Trade Law solves this problem by assembling, in a single, easy-to-use resource, a very comprehensive collection of the most important and frequently used documents on the law of international trade. In addition to its obvious practical value, this work reveals much about the process of harmonization in international trade law and the operation of the key international trade bodies. This makes the book a helpful reference for international business lawyers, researchers, legislators and governme...