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This is proceeding for the 5th International Conference on Applied Engineering (ICAE 2022), held online in Batam, Indonesia on 5 October 2022. ICAE is an annual conference organized by Politeknik Negeri Batam. This year, ICAE was structured in 3 tracks namely Electronics, Informatics and Mechanicals. ICAE received 64 papers in various topics including Control Systems and Mechanical Engineering, Applied Mechanics and Control Systems, Computational Mechanics and Microelectronic Circuits and Systems, Micro-Electro-Mechanical System, RFID and Electronics Design, Electronics materials, Sensor Networks, Fuzzy Systems, AI and Expert Systems, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Architecture and Topo...
The International Conference of Humanities and Social Science (ICHSS) 2021 aims to encourage and provide opportunities for researchers and academics to exchange views and opinions, answer and debate policy-relevant issues, and produce academic research outputs on important topics language. ICHSS is an Indonesian Language Education Doctoral Program Alumni Association program, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta. The basic idea to encourage research in the linguistic sciences is to have maximum research impact on education, culture, social, arts and humanities, language and literature, religion, gender and children, and literacy. It also aims to improve coordination between academics & scholars, stakeholders and policymakers.
Collection of Islamic Friday sermons for one year in Indonesia.
On national education and its development in Indonesia; collection of articles.
Proceedings of the 19th Perdana Discourse series, held on May 6, 2015.
Sekolah Sukma Bangsa (SSB) yang dibangun untuk anak-anak korban bencana tsunami 2004 di Aceh merupakan salah satu wujud sumbangsih anak bangsa untuk saudara-saudara mereka yang terkena bencana. Dengan visi dan misi yang jelas dan terukur sedari awal, Sekolah Sukma Bangsa tumbuh menjadi sekolah bermutu yang perlahan namun pasti menjelma menjadi sekolah yang membentuk sikap-budaya nilai-nilai luhur. Buku Manajemen Sekolah Efektif ini merangkum bukan saja konsep-konsep dan teori dalam mengelola sekolah secara efektif, tetapi juga beragam pengalaman terbaik (best practice) Sekolah Sukma Bangsa dalam melaksanakannya. Sederet hal penting dibahas di sini, mulai dari strategi menciptakan visi, misi dan budaya sekolah, membangun sistem dan tim kerja, supervisi sekolah, hingga evaluasi manajemen dalam pengelolaan sekolah yang efektif. Cuplikan-cuplikan kisah pengalaman Sekolah Sukma Bangsa dan berbagai contoh formulir atau proposal serta dokumen penting statuta sekolah yang dilampirkan di bagian akhir membuat buku ini menjadi penting bagi siapa saja yang peduli pada mutu pendidikan secara umum di negeri ini.
Polkespad Press Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes Padang Covid 19 was declared as a global pandemic, it has had many impacts on health education and practice. So a strategy is needed to continue the academics activities. Virtual learning using technology is one way to keep the learning process running smoothly. Based on the situation, this year’s schedule of the Health Ministry Polytechnic of Padang 2022 wil focus on the substantial theme “The Role of Health Education in Preparedness Reserved Health Task Force for Disaster”, held in Padang, Indonesia, blended conference on 2nd – 3 rd November 2022. The conference particularly welcomes contributions from health educationalists, education managers, practitioners, researchers, and students. The number of participants conference is 35 participants for oral/ poster presentation.
Protection of privacy information on personal data in Indonesian is still weak. This is suspected from the still abundance of personal data of someone, including for business and political interests. There are still many companies that sell personal data without permission from the subject of data. Misuse of data when it is private that someone's privacy can be obtained by others without the permission of the subject of the data may cause harm to the subject of the data, as also conveyed by Keynote Speaker is Dr. Syahirah Abdul Shukor.