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This book examines a range of current issues in Islamic development management. The first part of the book explores practical issues in governance and the application of Islamic governance in new areas such as quality management systems and the tourism industry, while the second delves into questions of sustainability. The book proposes a new Islamic sustainability and offers new perspectives on CSR in connection with waqf (Islamic endowments) and microfinance. The third part of the book addresses Islamic values and how they are applied in entrepreneurship, inheritance, consumer behavior and marketing. The fourth part examines the issues of waqf and takaful (a form of insurance in line with the Islamic laws), while the fifth discusses the fiqh (the study of Islamic legal codes) and legal framework from the perspectives of entrepreneurship, higher education, reporting and inheritance (wills). The final chapter is dedicated to the application of Islamic principles in various other issues. Written in an accessible style, the book will appeal to newcomers to the field, as well as researchers and academics with an interest in Islamic development management.
Segala puji bagi Allah, salam dan salawat semoga tercurahkan kepada nabi Muhammad SAW. Menulis adalah pilihan hidup bagi saya, kecintaan terhadap bentuk kalimat-kalimat yang saya tulis sendiri sebaik dan sesederhana apapun bentuk dan maknanya, hal itu tetap memberi kebahagiaan tersendiri bagi saya, hal tersebut yang menjadi alasan saya untuk terus menuliskan karya-karya tulisan dalam beberapa bentuk, baik itu karya ilmiah maupun sekedar opini. Sebelumnya, saya telah menerbitkan beberapa karya ilmiah yang kemudian saya publikasikan lewat Lembagalembaga penerbitan jurnal ilmiah demikian pula opini yang saya tuliskan di beberapa edisi harian surat kabar lokal maupun nasional. Akan tetapi, terb...
A directory to the universities of the Commonwealth and the handbook of their association.
Buku “Olah Limbah Pisang dalam Konsep Zero waste ” adalah sebuah panduan yang menginspirasi tentang bagaimana memanfaatkan sepenuhnya potensi pisang yang sering kali diabaikan dalam upaya menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih berkelanjutan. Pisang merupakan buah yang umum dan lezat, sering menghasilkan banyak limbah yang tidak terpakai, mulai dari kulit, batang, dan bijinya. Akan tetapi, melalui buku ini akan sangat membantu dalam memahami bahwa tidak ada limbah yang sebenarnya, dan setiap bagian pisang dapa digunakan dengan cerdas melalui konsep zero waste. Beberapa produk yang penulis jelaskan dalam buku ini melalui pengolahan limbah pisang melipui keripik buah, kulit, dan batang pisang, e...
This unique USM Engineering Campus silver (25th) anniversary publication is the de-facto chronological record in showcasing the success stories and various renowned achievements of Engineering @ USM throughout the 25 glorious years. With outstanding expertise in academic, complemented with continuous support from its proactive administration and technical staff, USM Engineering Campus aims to spearhead the engineering fraternity and the industrial sector to another level of world-class quality and excellence. This distinctive legacy book reflects the holistic sacrifices and accomplishments of the USM Engineering Campus community, who have contributed conscientiously towards the success of US...
By focusing on the construction and practice of democracy aid, this book shows how democracy aid can reinforce, rather than challenge authoritarian regimes.