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We proudly present the proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Law, Economic and Governance 2021 (ICOLEG 2021). It focuses on how the wave of digitalization influences the ethics and law, especially in Law and Democracy, Law and Indigenous People, Law in Contemporary Issues, Law and Economics, Digital Economics, Good Governance etc. As we know, the world today is changing and the world we are facing now is the one where everything is connected. The contemporary social issues based on complex problems, complex interest, beyond borders and powers. More than 125 manuscripts from various countries were presented at this conference with around 66 of them selected to be published in proceedings. We hope by this conference, discussions on how research on Law, Economic and Government is possible in a disruptive era will give a perspective for the social and humanities studies development.
We proudly present the proceedings of 1st International Workshop on Law, Economic and Governance 2022 (IWLEG 2022). It focuses on how the wave of digitalization of government transformation, especially in Law and Democracy, Law and Indigenous People, Law in Contemporary Issues, Law and Economics, Digital Economics, Good Governance etc. As we know, the world today is changing and the world we are facing now is the one where everything is connected. The contemporary social issues based on complex problems, complex interest, beyond borders and powers. More than 74 manuscripts from various countries were presented at this conference with around 39 of them selected to be published in proceedings. We hope by this workshop, discussions on how research on Law, Economic and Government is possible in a disruptive era will give a perspective for the social and humanities studies development.
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2016 Regarding Marks and Geographical Indication = Undang-undang Republik Indonesia No. 20 Tahun 2016 tentang Merek dan Indikasi Geografis This book is in English and Indonesian = Buku ini Berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia
This book examines Indonesian laws regulating state administration, in other words, the relationship between the Indonesian government and its citizens. This book uses public administration science to explain state administrative law. It covers the historical evolution of state administrative law in Indonesia, the political and legal acceptance of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Indonesia as well as the ratification of the 2020 Omnibus Law reforms. It evaluates both the benefits and drawbacks of establishing laws through the Omnibus Law model, and the challenges of its adoption by the Indonesian statutory system. The book also examines state administrative law in other Southeast Asian countries, to provide a more nuanced understanding of how human rights implementation occurs in the respective legal regimes. Covering the legal reforms and changes to state administrative law in Indonesia, this book will be of keen interest to scholars of state administrative law, public administration, and constitutional law.
Hukum Acara Peratun mengalami pasang surut yang sangat dinamis dalam kurun waktu dasawarsa terakhir (2008-2018). Dinamika tersebut ditandai dengan adanya perluasan dan penegasan kompetensi absolut Peratun dengan disahkannya UU No. 30 Tahun 2014 tentang Administrasi Pemerintahan (UUAP) dan hadirnya berbagai undang-undang sektoral yang mempengaruhi penyelenggaraan kekuasaan kehakiman oleh Peratun. Berbagai undang-undang sektoral tersebut: (1) UU Keterbukaan Informasi Publik (UU No. 14 Tahun 2008); (2) UU Pelayanan Publik (UU No. 25 Tahun 2009); (3) UU Pengelolaan & Perlindungan Lingkungan Hidup (UU No. 32 Tahun 2009); (4) UU Pengadaan Tanah Untuk Kepentingan Umum (UU No. 2 Tahun 2012); (5) UU ...
Pemisahan kewenangan pengujian peraturan perundang-undangan antara Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Mahkamah Agung dalam sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia membuat prinsip checks and balances, supremasi konstitusi, dan kepatuhan pada prinsip hierarki norma tidak bekerja secara ideal. Desain konstitusional baru tersebutÑyang meletakkan pengujian perda sebagai lingkup kewenangan Mahkamah AgungÑtelah mengikis kesempatan norma-norma yang dikandung suatu perda untuk bisa diuji konstitusionalitasnya berlandaskan UUD 1945. Buku ini, yang diangkat dari disertasi Ismail Hasani, menawarkan pemodelan baru mekanisme pengujian peraturan perundang-undangan sebagai respons terhadap keberadaan perda-perda intoleran-d...
Banyak cara untuk memajukan ilmu hukum, termasuk menerbitkan karya tulis Dr. Teguh Satya Bhakti, S.H., M.H. dengan judul: Pembangunan Hukum Administrasi Negara Melalui Pemberdayaan Yurisprudensi Peradilan Tata Usaha Negara Tak ada yang meragukan perlunya buku semacam ini sebagai sebuah bahan acuan, pembanding, pedoman dan sumber bagi para hakim pada lingkungan peradilan dan dapat pula membantu semua pihak terutama dari kalangan akademisi, teoritisi, praktisi dan lain-lainnya yang ingin lebih mendalami secara intens, detail dan terperinci tentang Yurisprudensi Tata Usaha Negara yang digunakan sebagai sarana hukum untuk pembangunan Hukum Administrasi Negara dan yurisprudensi putusan pengadilan tata usaha negara. Tema-tema sentral utama yang dibahas dalam buku ini mencakup: Kerangka Konseptual dan Pembangunan Hukum Nasional; Pemberdayaan Putusan Pengadilan dalam Pembangunan Hukum Nasional; Hukum Administrasi Negara dan Yurisprudensi Putusan Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara; Pemberdayaan Yurisprudensi Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara untuk Pembangunan Hukum Administrasi Negara.
Substantive Justice International Journal of Law is published on behalf of the Faculty of Law in the Universitas Muslim Indonesia. It is a forum for outstanding original contributions to legal studies, with an emphasis on matters of theory and on broad issues arising from the relationship of law to other disciplines. In addition to traditional questions of legal interest, the following are all within the purview of the journal: comparative and international law, the law of the Republic of Indonesia, legal history and philosophy, and interdisciplinary material that is relevant to legal studies.
Judul : Permasalahan Hukum Dalam Pemilihan Kepala Desa Di Pengadilan Tata Usaha Negara Penulis : Nadya Dhea Fristianti, S.H., M.H., dan Dwanda J Sistyawan, S.H., M.H., C.L.A. Ukuran : 14,5 x 21 cm Tebal : 110 Halaman Cover : Soft Cover No. ISBN : 978-623-505-067-6 No. E-ISBN : 978-623-505-068-3 (PDF) SINOPSIS Dengan buku ini pembaca akan dibimbing melalui pemahaman yang mendalam tentang berbagai tantangan hukum yang seringkali muncul dalam konteks pemilihan Kepala Desa. Ini menjadi sumber referensi yang berharga bagi pihak-pihak yang terlibat langsung dalam proses pemilihan tersebut, seperti penyelenggara pemilihan, kandidat, dan pemilih.
The fifth edition of the best-selling text, Ethical Leadership and Decision Making in Education, continues to address the increasing interest in ethics and assists educational leaders with complex dilemmas in today’s challenging, divided, and diverse societies. Through discussion and analysis, Shapiro and Stefkovich demonstrate the application of four ethical paradigms – the ethics of justice, critique, care, and the profession. After illustrating how the Multiple Ethical Paradigms may be applied to authentic dilemmas, the authors present cases written by graduate students, practitioners, and academics representing dilemmas faced by educational leaders in urban, suburban, and rural publi...