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Introduktion til aktionsforskningens historie, metodologiske diskussioner og praksis med eksempler på, hvordan aktionsforskning kan udfoldes i praksis inden for bl.a. demokratiudvikling, socialt arbejde, udvikling af organisationer samt undersøgelse og understøttelse af bæredygtighedsproblemer.
Om betingelserne for udvikling af sundhedspædagogisk kompetence med fokus på viden om og værdier i formidling af sundhedsbudskaber og en belysning af de værdimæssige konflikter der kan opstå i det sundhedspædagogiske arbejde
Gathers together some of the contributions made to the 'First International Conference on Teaching Applied and Professional Ethics in Higher Education'. This book seeks to answer what the demands for more ethics mean. It is useful for those involved in ethics in professional life, and in the teaching of professional ethics in universities.
This book is about the generative nature of leading practices when teachers, as learners, participate in long term action research projects for the purpose of professional development. This book also shows how practices of professional learning and practices of leading can be understood as related (and developed) in ecologies of practices; the authors show how these are explicitly connected. These findings direct readers to the connectivity between professional learning and leading practices that over time - after participating in long term action research programs - emerged as ‘significant’ yet ‘unexpected’ outcomes.
”Læreren som forsker” er et ideal for den gode læreruddannelse og den gode skole. Et ideal der er kommet nærmere en realisering med en ny læreruddannelseslov og en ny folkeskolelov. I ’Læreren som forsker’ bliver den studerende og læreren indført i en lang række forskningsmetoder og metaovervejelser over forskning og lærerarbejde. Studerende og lærere får teori og metode på bl.a. aktionslæring, casestudier, læringscafé, livshistorier, videoobservation og forskningsinterview. Bogen er et kompetenceudviklende studieredskab til bachelorprojekter, praktikprojekter og andre opgaver med empiriske undersøgelser. Den retter sig mod studerende og undervisere i læreruddannelse...
Existing research understands co-production as leading to shifts in roles of the public sector institutions and their staffs. The shift is seen in the way that a discursive use of the term service provision with embedded logics encompassing fiscal accountability, performance measurement, efficiency, and process regulation has changed towards discourses that embrace collaboration between the public sector front staff and the citizens, with the aim of developing legitimate and effective welfare services that are co-produced by means of active participation and distributed decision making. However, this change requires new approaches to the way in which the implementation of new practices and t...
Educating Music Teachers for the 21st Century discusses a range of teacher education programmes in music across Europe and Latin America reflecting about the shifting conditions, causes and factors in which pre-service teachers construct their musical and educational knowledge. It presents seven case studies carried out in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden in order to understand the general and specific elements of new thinking in music education, and the ways these relate to the profound changes all of these countries are experiencing, within the era of cultural globalisation. In this way, this book does not only analyse specific programmes but also seeks to explore a range of issues relating to the education of music teachers that is of interest both to scholars working within music education and music teacher training, and to a wider educational audience of readers interested in such topics as changing youth cultures, globalisation, educational evaluation and teacher education.
Denne bog handler om udvikling og informationsteknologi. Den forsoger at belyse og besvare sporgsmal som: Hvorfor er det nodvendigt at udvikle skolen? Hvorfor er det nodvendigt at implementere informationsteknologi i skolen? Hvorfor er det nodvendigt for skolens fremtid, at udvikling af teknologisk kompetence og skolekultur sker samtidig? Hvilken rolle bor medarbejder og ledelse indtage i en udviklingsproces? Hvorfor gor sporgsmal som disse en betydningsfuld forskel i en udviklingsproces? Findes der trAedesten i udviklingsprocesser, der er mere vAerdifulde end andre?Bogen henvender sig til ledere og den stadig stigende del af skolers og uddannelsesinstitutioners medarbejdere, der i forskellige sammenhAenge har til opgave at skabe intern udvikling, samt til konsulenter, studerende og andre, der pa et praktisk og teoretisk niveau interesserer sig for organisatoriske forandrings- og lAereprocesser.