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One of the main tasks of the Institute for Teacher Training and Educational Research and Innovation (IFIIE), is, since decades, the periodic preparation of reports describing the Spanish education system in a detailed and up-to-date way. This report constitutes a brief version of the one recently carried out by the IFIIE: The Spanish Education System 2009. Its methodology of work has been structured into three stages: 1) search, analysis, choice and classification of both state and regional regulations as well as official statistics, 2) juxtaposition of the information obtained, presented in tables and figures, and 3) comparison in order to understand and identify trends and convergences and divergences in state and regional education. As a result, two volumes with complex, thorough and detailed information on the education system and its different aspects are provided. This brief version consists of 14.
La descripción del sistema educativo español se convierte en una tarea compleja pues ha de tomarse como referencia la normativa estatal a la vez que se analiza como se concreta dicha normativa en cada Comunidad Autónoma. Para esta razón, el principal objetivo de este informe es proporcionar una visión de conjunto de la educación en España a través del análisis comparado de aspectos clave para el desarrollo y funcionamiento del sistema educativo, regulados desde el ámbito estatal y/o autonómico, es decir, ofrecer un estudio comparado de referencia y consulta sobre la educación en España, dirigido a la comunidad educativa española. EI informe esta dividido en dos volúmenes, con un total de 19 capítulos.
Després de l’entrada de les tropes italianes a Mataró, el 27 de gener de 1939, els vencedors de la Guerra Civil Espanyola s’afanyaven a implantar a la ciutat un model polític i social que s’emmirallava en els projectes que ja s’havien instaurat a Itàlia i a Alemanya els anys precedents. Es tractava d’un model que propugnava un rebuig absolut a la democràcia participativa i parlamentària i instaurava una rígida dictadura que perseguí amb duresa qualsevol dissidència.
Die Zukunft der Demokratie muss neu gestaltet werden – dieses Buch bietet einen innovativen Ansatz. Es argumentiert, dass Bürger*innen selbst entscheiden sollen, wie sie sich regieren wollen. Überzeugend verknüpft die Autorin theoretische Begründungen und empirische Erkenntnisse, die ihr Konzept von Demokratie als Selbst-Regieren untermauern. Für die praktische Umsetzung schlägt sie Verfahren und Praktiken vor, die Bürger*innen und Communitys unterstützen, ihre eigenen Visionen von Demokratie zu entwickeln. Damit ist dieses Buch von Interesse für Wissenschaftler*innen, Studierende, Bürger*innen und politische Entscheidungsträger*innen, denen die Zukunft der Demokratie am Herzen liegt.
pared Angola: Memories from a Cuban American Childhood is a powerful and original first collection of autobiographical stories, essays and poems. The successful novelist here lays bare the makings of his conscience as a writer and human being, detailing the psychological pressure of male expectations, family gender battles, emigration and adjusting to a new culture. Hoping to spare their only child the fate of thousands of young Cubans conscripted to fight in the revolution in Angola, Su‡rezÕs parents left Cuba, unaware of the sentence destiny would impose instead. Su‡rezÕs compelling piece invokes the agony and frustration borne of growing up in terminal exile and cultural limbo. From anguish and turmoil, the artist has wrought one of the most eloquent and commanding voices of contemporary American literature.
Els fons musicals que presentem en aquest volum provenen de diversos centres eclesiàstics i civils, que s’han anat incorporant de forma progressiva a la seu de l’Arxiu Diocesà de Girona (ADG) en diferents moments de la seva història, ja sigui formant part d’arxius parroquials, ja sigui a través de donacions, o d’altres tipus de procedència. D’aquesta manera, a hores d’ara, l’ADG té cura de la conservació dels fons musicals de l’antiga col•legiata de Sant Feliu de Girona, les scholæ cantorum del Seminari Diocesà de Girona i de Santa Susanna del Mercadal de Girona, un fons musicals divers propi del Seminari Diocesà de Girona; la basílica de Santa Maria de Castelló d’Empúries (I), la schola cantorum de l’església parroquial de Sant Feliu de Guíxols, les parròquies de Santa Maria de la Bisbal, Sant Genís de Monells i Sant Sadurní de Medinyà; l’antic Santuari de Santa Maria dels Arcs (parròquia de Santa Pau), el fons civil de l’antiga Casa Carles i el fons personal Narcís Figueras.
La descripción del sistema educativo español se convierte en una tarea compleja pues ha de tomarse como referencia la normativa estatal a la vez que se analiza como se concreta dicha normativa en cada Comunidad Autónoma. Para esta razón, el principal objetivo de este informe es proporcionar una visión de conjunto de la educación en España a través del análisis comparado de aspectos clave para el desarrollo y funcionamiento del sistema educativo, regulados desde el ámbito estatal y/o autonómico, es decir, ofrecer un estudio comparado de referencia y consulta sobre la educación en España, dirigido a la comunidad educativa española.
The second edition of Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases presents discussions of gene identification, mutation detection, and clinical and research applications for over 100 genetic immune disorders--disorders featuring an increased susceptibility to infections and, in certain conditions, an icreased rate of malignancies and autoimmune disorders. Since the publication of the first edition, a flurry of new disease entities has been defined and new treatment regimens have been introduced, the most spectacular being successful treatment by gene therapy for two genotypes of combined immunodeficiency. The first edition marked a historic turning point in the field of immunodeficiencies, demonstrating that many of the disorders of the immune systam could be understood at a molecular level. This new edition can proudly document the tremendous pace of progress in dissecting the complex immunologic networks responsible for protecting individuals from these disorders.
Plants are an important source of fats and oils, which are essential for the human diet. In recent years, genomics of oil biosynthesis in plants have attracted great interest, especially in high oil-bearing plants, such as sesame, olive, sunflower, and palm. Considering that, genome sequencing projects of these plants have been undertaken with the help of advanced genomics tools such as next generation sequencing. Several genome sequencing projects of oil crops are in progress and many others are en route. In addition to genome information, advanced genomics approaches are discussed such as transcriptomics, genomics-assisted breeding, genome-wide association study (GWAS), genotyping by seque...