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Recent research has shown that proper names morphosyntactically differ from common nouns in many ways. However, little is known about the morphological and syntactic/distributional differences between proper names and common nouns in less known (Non)-Indo-European languages. This volume brings together contributions which explore morphosyntactic phenomena such as case marking, gender assignment rules, definiteness marking, and possessive constructions from a synchronic, diachronic, and typological perspective. The languages surveyed include Austronesian languages, Basque, English, German, Hebrew, and Romance languages. The volume contributes to a better understanding not only of the contrasts between proper names and common nouns, but also of formal contrasts between different proper name classes such as personal names, place names, and others.
German-Americans represent the largest self-declared ancestry group in the United States of America. The period from the 200th anniversary celebration of Germantown's founding in 1883 to the end of the First World War was an age of intense turmoil within the ranks of German-American communities. These decades were marked by a massive political and cultural realignment as well as major contributions to the (self-)definition of German-Americanness. Historians and sociolinguists with backgrounds in German or American studies offer a fresh look at a critical period in the history of German-American communities.
It is well-known that contact between speakers of different languages or varieties leads to dynamics in many respects. From a grammatical perspective, especially contact between closely related languages/varieties fosters contact-induced innovations. The evaluation of such innovations reveals speakers’ attitudes and is in turn an important aspect of the sociolinguistic dynamics linked to language contact. In this volume, we assemble studies on such settings where typologically congruent languages are in contact, i.e. language contact within the Germanic branch of the Indo-European language family. Languages involved include Afrikaans, Danish, English, Frisian, (Low and High) German, and Yi...
This volume offers several empirical, methodological, and theoretical approaches to the study of observable variation within individuals on various linguistic levels. With a focus on German varieties, the chapters provide answers on the following questions (inter alia): Which linguistic and extra-linguistic factors explain intra-individual variation? Is there observable intra-individual variation that cannot be explained by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors? Can group-level results be generalised to individual language usage and vice versa? Is intra-individual variation indicative of actual patterns of language change? How can intra-individual variation be examined in historical data? ...
This book analyzes the resiliency of the German community in southern Denmark in a period of national strife. It explores the experience of a small minority that was not primarily separated from its host society by visible markers of language, religion, or appearance but predominately derived its national distinction from personal self-identification. The study's findings demonstrate the significance of this community for a deeper understanding of collective identity formation.
This book is a collection of innovative studies on language contact. It contains novel works on unexplored issues related to language contact in different settings and aims to contribute multi-perspective insights to the current state of the art on language contact. Novel approaches to contact-related change, variation, attrition, and emergence of new varieties are explored from the lens of sociolinguistic, typological, synchronic, and diachronic perspectives. The contact settings vary from official and majority languages to minority, endangered and/or non-official varieties in different parts of the world.
The sixteen essays in this volume are a tribute to Hamish Ritchie’s deep interest in exile as a literary and historical phenomenon. The first eight focus on the British and Irish context, including studies of Jürgen Kuczynski and his family, Martin Miller, Lilly Kann, Hermann Sinsheimer, Albin Stuebs, Ludwig Hopf and Paul Bondy, as well as contributions on the Association of Jewish Refugees and the exile experience as reflected in Klaus Mann’s Der Vulkan. The following four contributions widen the discussion to encompass Germany, the Netherlands, Austria and Yugoslavia by focusing on the diaries of Anne Frank and Etty Hillesum, the early poetry of Bertolt Brecht, and works by Vladimir Vertlib, Aleksandar Ajzinberg, and David Albahari. The historical dimension is deepened with contributions on William Joyce, Joseph Jonas, the marginalisation of the mass emigration of the Jews within German memory, and the ‘exile’ of princesses for whom until recent times marriage often meant a life far from home.
In variational linguistics, the concept of space has always been a central issue. However, different research traditions considering space coexisted for a long time separately. Traditional dialectology focused primarily on the diatopic dimension of linguistic variation, whereas in sociolinguistic studies diastratic and diaphasic dimensions were considered. For a long time only very few linguistic investigations tried to combine both research traditions in a two-dimensional design – a desideratum which is meant to be compensated by the contributions of this volume. The articles present findings from empirical studies which take on these different concepts and examine how they relate to one ...
Die Studie entwirft auf der Basis eines sozio-kognitiven Wissensbegriffs ausgehend von den alltäglichen Lebenswelten ein umfassendes Modell laienlinguistischen Wisssens, das mittels einer empirischen Untersuchung plausibilisiert wird. Zudem findet zum ersten Mal eine umfassende Modellierung des Laien statt. Am Ende stehen damit ein theoretisch fundiertes Bild des linguistischen Laien sowie umfassend analysierte Daten zu Sprachkonzepten im Alltag.
Die Frage, was Sprecherinnen und Sprecher von ihrer eigenen Sprache wissen und wie sie ihr gegenüber eingestellt sind, wurde von der Forschung von einigen Seiten beleuchtet. Allerdings steht bisher eine gemeinsame theoretische wie empirische Basis noch aus. Der vorliegende Sammelband gibt deshalb einen Überblick über die aktuellste Forschung auf dem Gebiet der Laienlinguistik und versammelt Beiträge mit neuen theoretischen Impulsen, innovativen methodischen Ansätzen sowie praktischer Forschung.