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A burgeoning new branch of Hispanic literature, Latino-Canadian writing is now becoming part of the Canadian and Quebec literary traditions. Latinocanadá, a critical anthology, examines the work of Hispanic writers who have settled in Canada over the past thirty years and includes newly translated selections of their work.
The essays in Canadian Cultural Exchange / Échanges culturels au Canada provide a nuanced view of Canadian transcultural experience. Rather than considering Canada as a bicultural dichotomy of colonizer/colonized, this book examines a field of many cultures and the creative interactions among them. This study discusses, from various perspectives, Canadian cultural space as being in process of continual translation of both the other and oneself. Les articles réunis dans Canadian Cultural Exchange / Échanges culturels au Canada donnent de l’expérience transculturelle canadienne une image nuancée. Plutà ́t que dans les termes d’une dichotomie biculturelle entre colonisateur et colonisé, le Canada y est vu comme champ oÃ1 plusieurs cultures interagissent de manià ̈re créative. Cette étude présente sous de multiples aspects le processus continu de traduction d’autrui et de soi-mÃame auquel l’espace culturel canadien sert de théâtre.
In the last few decades Canadian and Québécois literatures have been catapulted onto the global stage, gaining international readership and recognition. Canada and Its Americas challenges the convention that study of this literature should be limited to its place within national borders, arguing that these works should be examined from the perspective of their place and influence within the Americas as a whole. The essays in this volume, a groundbreaking work in the burgeoning field of hemispheric American studies, expand the horizons of Canadian and Québécois literatures, suggest alternative approaches to models centred on the United States, and analyse the risks and benefits of hemispheric approaches to Canada and Quebec. Revealing the connections among a broad range of Canadian, Québécois, American, Caribbean, Latin American, and diasporic literatures, the contributors critique the neglect of Canadian works in Hemispheric studies and show how such writing can be successfully integrated into an emerging area of literary inquiry.
This edited volume summarizes information about the situational context, threats, problems, challenges and solutions for sustainable pastoralism at a global scale. The book has four goals. The first goal is to summarize the information about the history, distribution and patterns of pastoralism and to identify the importance of pastoralism from social, economic and environmental perspectives. The results of an empirical investigation of the environmental and socio-economic implications of pastoralism in representative pastoral regions in the world are also incorporated. The second goal is to argue that breaking coupled human-natural systems of pastoralism leads to degradation of pastoral eco...
A flavourful and fascinating collection of 42 brilliantly written short stories by 22 Latino North American writers.
Winner of the 2020 SAMLA Studies Book Award — Edited Collection Cities both near and far communicate in a variety of ways. Travel between, through, and among urban centers initiates contact, and cities themselves are sites of ever-changing cultural and historical encounters. Predictable and surprising challenges and opportunities arise when city borders are crossed, voices meet, and artistic traditions find their counterparts. Using the Latin word for “translation,” translatio, or “to carry across,” as a point of departure, Avenues of Translation explores how translation perpetuates, diversifies, deepens, and expands the literary production of cities in their greater cultural context, and how translation shapes an understanding of and access to a city's past and present literary and cultural practices. Thinking about translation and the city is a way to tell the backstories of the cities, texts, and authors that are united by acts of translation. Published by Bucknell University Press. Distributed worldwide by Rutgers University Press.
Politics of Children in Latin American Cinema explores the trend of portraying children and adolescents in a subjective, adult-constructed point of view in Latin American cinema. This trend, in which the filmmakers are able to express their own anxieties while subordinating the child’s, draws new political implications to these constructions of children’s subjective character. Chapters in this volume touch on intersectional historic contexts, such as the Brazilian judicial system, Mexico’s youth protest, Venezuelan social crisis, the Southern Cone’s post-dictatorships, and race and gender issues in Peru, Ecuador, and Argentina to elucidate these implications and how they affect child...
This book offers a systematic and comparative history of the evolution of literature in the Americas, from the beginning to the present day. It begins with an introduction that assesses the development of the field and then proceeds to a chapter on the literature of Pre-Columbian and indigenous America. It then moves forward chronologically, from the arrival of the Europeans (beginning in 1492) to the year 2026. Including indigenous literature, the other American literatures represented in the book are those of Canada (both Francophone and Anglophone), the United States, the Caribbean (Francophone and Anglophone), Spanish America, and Brazil. Not every book ever written in the Americas is included, of course; only those that, in the author’s estimation, offer some valid point of comparison with other American literary cultures. These points of comparison include issues of theme, genre, literary periods, literature and other disciplines, such as history, art, music, or politics, cases of influence and reception, and translation. The book’s emphasis is on viewing American literature from a hemispheric and comparative lens.
Quinoa is an ancient grain that has grown in popularity in recent years. It has been known as a good source of both protein and fiber. As the demand for quinoa increases a comprehensive and up-to-date reference on the biology and production of the crop is essential. Quinoa: Improvement and Sustainable Production brings together authors from around the world to provide a complete assessment of the current state of global quinoa research and production. Topics covered include quinoa history and culture, genomics and breeding, agronomy, nutrition, marketing, and end-uses. The book focuses in particular on the emerging role of quinoa in providing increased food security to smallholder farmers and communities throughout the world. Quinoa will interest quinoa researchers, producers, crop scientists, agronomists, and plant geneticists, as well as advanced students working with this important grain.