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Abuse of Dominant Position and Globalization & Protection and Disclosure of Trade Secrets and Know-How
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 637

Abuse of Dominant Position and Globalization & Protection and Disclosure of Trade Secrets and Know-How

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-05-05
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  • Publisher: Springer

This publication provides an unparalleled comparative analysis of two "hot topics" in the field of antitrust and unfair competition law with regard to a number of key countries. The first part of the book examines the prohibition of abuse of a dominant position and globalization in relation to two broad questions: first, whether there is consistency between the approaches of different jurisdictions to the notion of abuse, and, second, whether there are too many restrictions on legal rights and business opportunities resulting from the prohibition of abuse of dominance. The international report drafted by Professor Pinar Akman reveals that there are as many similarities as differences between...

Artificial Intelligence and International Human Rights Law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 347

Artificial Intelligence and International Human Rights Law

  • Categories: Law

This is an open access title available under the terms of a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 License. It is free to read, download and share on Elgaronline.com. The open access publication has been financially supported by Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń as part of the research project: “Freedom or Security? Legal and Ethical Dilemmas of New Digital Technologies - the Perspective of International Human Rights Law and Security Policies” (IDUB grant, “Inter disciplinas excellentia”) This book explores how international organizations have addressed the actual and potential human rights issues caused by AI technologies. Combining in-depth theoretical and doctrinal analysis with a pragmatic approach, it addresses vital questions on where accountability and responsibility for AI-related violations of human rights should lie.

The BRICS-Lawyers' Guide to Global Cooperation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 411

The BRICS-Lawyers' Guide to Global Cooperation

Explores the role of law in different areas of BRICS cooperation and the impact it can make on global governance.

Compatibility of Transactional Resolutions of Antitrust Proceedings with Due Process and Fundamental Rights & Online Exhaustion of IP Rights
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 681

Compatibility of Transactional Resolutions of Antitrust Proceedings with Due Process and Fundamental Rights & Online Exhaustion of IP Rights

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2016-06-08
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book provides an unparalleled comparative analysis of two "hot topics" in the field of antitrust and unfair competition laws with regard to a number of key countries. The first part of the book examines the consistency and compatibility of transactional resolutions of antitrust proceedings (such as settlement procedures, leniency programmes and commitments) with due process and the fundamental rights of the parties. This is a particularly important topic, given the widespread adoption of these procedures by anti-trust authorities worldwide. The individual chapters consider how the leniency, settlement and commitments procedures have developed across a range of jurisdictions, and discuss...

Antitrust in Pharmaceutical Markets & Geographical Rules of Origin
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 499

Antitrust in Pharmaceutical Markets & Geographical Rules of Origin

  • Categories: Law
  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-09-20
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book gathers international and national reports from across the globe on key questions in the field of antitrust and intellectual property. The first part discusses the application of competition law in the pharmaceutical sector, which continues to be a focus for anti-trust authorities around the world. A detailed international report explores the extent to which the application of the competition rules in the pharmaceutical sector should be affected by the specific characteristics of those products and markets (including consumer protection rules, the need to promote innovation, the need to protect public budgets, and other public interest considerations). It provides an excellent comp...

Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 247

Private Enforcement of EU Competition Law

  • Categories: Law

During the past decade, private enforcement of competition law has slowly taken off in Europe. However, major differences still exist among Member States. By harmonizing a number of procedural rules, the Damages Directive aimed to establish a level playing field among EU Member States. This timely book represents the first assessment of the implementation of the Damages Directive. Offering a comparative perspective, key chapters provide an up-to-date account of the emerging trends in private enforcement of competition law in Europe.

Ustawa o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów. Komentarz
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 1612

Ustawa o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów. Komentarz

  • Categories: Law

Komentarz jest praktycznym przewodnikiem po skomplikowanych i wysoce specjalistycznych dziedzinach prawa, jakimi są prawo konkurencji i prawo konsumenckie. Jego autorzy wysokiej klasy specjaliści pracujący zarówno w kancelariach prawniczych, jak i w administracji państwowej - postawili sobie za cel przystępne i jasne wyłożenie wszystkich kluczowych zagadnień, kompleksowo i wyczerpująco omawiając m.in. ostatnie nowelizacje ustawy o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów. Publikacja ta, jako jedyna na rynku, tłumaczy nie tylko prawne, lecz także ekonomiczne uwarunkowania ingerencji organów państwa w funkcjonowanie mechanizmów rynkowych. Wpisuje się tym samym znakomicie w zjawisko postępującej ekonomizacji stosowania przepisów prawa konkurencji. Mając świadomość zjawisk następujących w gospodarce, autorzy po raz pierwszy położyli także nacisk na kwestię stosowania prawa konkurencji w działalności prowadzonej z wykorzystaniem Internetu (e-commerce). Niezwykle wyczerpująco odniesiono się także do kwestii ochrony interesów konsumentów, która nabiera coraz większego znaczenia w praktyce stosowania ustawy o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów.

Judicial Review of Competition Law Enforcement in the EU Member States and the UK
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1034

Judicial Review of Competition Law Enforcement in the EU Member States and the UK

  • Categories: Law

International Competition Law Series#91 Enforcement of competition law often calls for a complex economic and legal assessment, and the review of those enforcement decisions usually falls to national courts. In this connection, however, European competition law and legal scholarship have offered scant guidance on how judicial review should and does function. This book, the first comprehensive, systematic, and comparative empirical study of judicial review of competition law public enforcement in the EU and the UK, provides a thorough understanding of the practical operation of the role of judicial review in competition enforcement. A country-by-country analysis, along with a detailed introdu...

Ustawa o odnawialnych źródłach energii. Komentarz
  • Language: pl
  • Pages: 553

Ustawa o odnawialnych źródłach energii. Komentarz

  • Categories: Law

Publikacja zawiera kompleksowe omówienie przepisów ustawy o odnawialnych źródłach energii. Jest komentarzem obejmującym wszystkie dziedziny (branże) energetyki odnawialnej oraz odnoszącym się kompleksowo do nowych mechanizmów oraz instrumentów wspierających wytwarzanie energii elektrycznej, biogazu oraz ciepła w instalacjach OZE, w tym m.in.: mechanizmów wsparcia dla wytwórców energii elektrycznej i biogazu w mikro- instalacji, tzw. net-meteringu, wsparcia dla energetyki odnawialnej w okresie przejściowym. Książka stanowi pierwsze tak gruntowne na rynku wydawniczym omówienie mechanizmów aukcyjnych, w tym zasad udziałów źródeł w nowym systemie, mechanizmów dopuszcza...

International Competition Litigation
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 1231

International Competition Litigation

  • Categories: Law

Competition litigation has become a major area of practice and almost invariably involves more than one, and often several jurisdictions. Moreover, arbitration and other dispute resolution mechanisms alternative to litigation (ADR) are becoming increasingly important in competition law. This book examines all the relevant aspects of litigation, arbitration and ADR in a number of jurisdictions around the world to provide a thorough and exhaustive guide for practitioners based on the analysis of the policies and principles that underpin the law. The authors and editors are leading practitioners, academics and competition officials in their own jurisdictions and world-wide and bring together unrivalled expertise and practical insights which will be useful in planning and managing multi-jurisdictional competition disputes.