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Graphs drawn on two-dimensional surfaces have always attracted researchers by their beauty and by the variety of difficult questions to which they give rise. The theory of such embedded graphs, which long seemed rather isolated, has witnessed the appearance of entirely unexpected new applications in recent decades, ranging from Galois theory to quantum gravity models, and has become a kind of a focus of a vast field of research. The book provides an accessible introduction to this new domain, including such topics as coverings of Riemann surfaces, the Galois group action on embedded graphs (Grothendieck's theory of "dessins d'enfants"), the matrix integral method, moduli spaces of curves, the topology of meromorphic functions, and combinatorial aspects of Vassiliev's knot invariants and, in an appendix by Don Zagier, the use of finite group representation theory. The presentation is concrete throughout, with numerous figures, examples (including computer calculations) and exercises, and should appeal to both graduate students and researchers.
Hopf algebras have been shown to play a natural role in studying questions of integral module structure in extensions of local or global fields. This book surveys the state of the art in Hopf-Galois theory and Hopf-Galois module theory and can be viewed as a sequel to the first author's book, Taming Wild Extensions: Hopf Algebras and Local Galois Module Theory, which was published in 2000. The book is divided into two parts. Part I is more algebraic and focuses on Hopf-Galois structures on Galois field extensions, as well as the connection between this topic and the theory of skew braces. Part II is more number theoretical and studies the application of Hopf algebras to questions of integral module structure in extensions of local or global fields. Graduate students and researchers with a general background in graduate-level algebra, algebraic number theory, and some familiarity with Hopf algebras will appreciate the overview of the current state of this exciting area and the suggestions for numerous avenues for further research and investigation.
Completion problems for operator matrices are concerned with the question of whether a partially specified operator matrix can be completed to form an operator of a desired type. The research devoted to this topic provides an excellent means to investigate the structure of operators. This book provides an overview of completion problems dealing with completions to different types of operators and can be considered as a natural extension of classical results concerned with matrix completions. The book assumes some basic familiarity with functional analysis and operator theory. It will be useful for graduate students and researchers interested in operator theory and the problem of matrix completions.
Understanding the behavior of basic sampling techniques and intrinsic geometric attributes of data is an invaluable skill that is in high demand for both graduate students and researchers in mathematics, machine learning, and theoretical computer science. The last ten years have seen significant progress in this area, with many open problems having been resolved during this time. These include optimal lower bounds for epsilon-nets for many geometric set systems, the use of shallow-cell complexity to unify proofs, simpler and more efficient algorithms, and the use of epsilon-approximations for construction of coresets, to name a few. This book presents a thorough treatment of these probabilistic, combinatorial, and geometric methods, as well as their combinatorial and algorithmic applications. It also revisits classical results, but with new and more elegant proofs. While mathematical maturity will certainly help in appreciating the ideas presented here, only a basic familiarity with discrete mathematics, probability, and combinatorics is required to understand the material.
This monograph presents a systematic theory of weak solutions in Hilbert-Sobolev spaces of initial-boundary value problems for parabolic systems of partial differential equations with general essential and natural boundary conditions and minimal hypotheses on coefficients. Applications to quasilinear systems are given, including local existence for large data, global existence near an attractor, the Leray and Hopf theorems for the Navier-Stokes equations and results concerning invariant regions. Supplementary material is provided, including a self-contained treatment of the calculus of Sobolev functions on the boundaries of Lipschitz domains and a thorough discussion of measurability considerations for elements of Bochner-Sobolev spaces. This book will be particularly useful both for researchers requiring accessible and broadly applicable formulations of standard results as well as for students preparing for research in applied analysis. Readers should be familiar with the basic facts of measure theory and functional analysis, including weak derivatives and Sobolev spaces. Prior work in partial differential equations is helpful but not required.
This book is a lightly edited version of the unpublished manuscript Maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules and Tate cohomology over Gorenstein rings by Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz. The central objects of study are maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules over (not necessarily commutative) Gorenstein rings. The main result is that the stable category of maximal Cohen–Macaulay modules over a Gorenstein ring is equivalent to the stable derived category and also to the homotopy category of acyclic complexes of projective modules. This assimilates and significantly extends earlier work of Eisenbud on hypersurface singularities. There is also an extensive discussion of duality phenomena in stable derived categories, extending Tate duality on cohomology of finite groups. Another noteworthy aspect is an extension of the classical BGG correspondence to super-algebras. There are numerous examples that illustrate these ideas. The text includes a survey of developments subsequent to, and connected with, Buchweitz's manuscript.
This book is the second of a three-volume set of books on the theory of algebras, a study that provides a consistent framework for understanding algebraic systems, including groups, rings, modules, semigroups and lattices. Volume I, first published in the 1980s, built the foundations of the theory and is considered to be a classic in this field. The long-awaited volumes II and III are now available. Taken together, the three volumes provide a comprehensive picture of the state of art in general algebra today, and serve as a valuable resource for anyone working in the general theory of algebraic systems or in related fields. The two new volumes are arranged around six themes first introduced in Volume I. Volume II covers the Classification of Varieties, Equational Logic, and Rudiments of Model Theory, and Volume III covers Finite Algebras and their Clones, Abstract Clone Theory, and the Commutator. These topics are presented in six chapters with independent expositions, but are linked by themes and motifs that run through all three volumes.
This book presents multiprecision algorithms used in number theory and elsewhere, such as extrapolation, numerical integration, numerical summation (including multiple zeta values and the Riemann-Siegel formula), evaluation and speed of convergence of continued fractions, Euler products and Euler sums, inverse Mellin transforms, and complex L L-functions. For each task, many algorithms are presented, such as Gaussian and doubly-exponential integration, Euler-MacLaurin, Abel-Plana, Lagrange, and Monien summation. Each algorithm is given in detail, together with a complete implementation in the free Pari/GP system. These implementations serve both to make even more precise the inner workings of the algorithms, and to gently introduce advanced features of the Pari/GP language. This book will be appreciated by anyone interested in number theory, specifically in practical implementations, computer experiments and numerical algorithms that can be scaled to produce thousands of digits of accuracy.
This book is an introduction to techniques and results in diagrammatic algebra. It starts with abstract tensors and their categorifications, presents diagrammatic methods for studying Frobenius and Hopf algebras, and discusses their relations with topological quantum field theory and knot theory. The text is replete with figures, diagrams, and suggestive typography that allows the reader a glimpse into many higher dimensional processes. The penultimate chapter summarizes the previous material by demonstrating how to braid 3- and 4- dimensional manifolds into 5- and 6-dimensional spaces. The book is accessible to post-qualifier graduate students, and will also be of interest to algebraists, topologists and algebraic topologists who would like to incorporate diagrammatic techniques into their research.
The goal of this book is to introduce the reader to methodologies in recovery problems for objects, such as functions and signals, from partial or indirect information. The recovery of objects from a set of data demands key solvers of inverse and sampling problems. Until recently, connections between the mathematical areas of inverse problems and sampling were rather tenuous. However, advances in several areas of mathematical research have revealed deep common threads between them, which proves that there is a serious need for a unifying description of the underlying mathematical ideas and concepts. Freeden and Nashed present an integrated approach to resolution methodologies from the perspe...