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This book proposes a comprehensive discussion of the issue of linguistic feeling, the subject’s metalinguistic capacity to intuitively apprehend the normative – lexical, syntactic, morphological, phonological... – dimensions of a definite language he or she is acquainted with. The volume’s twelve contributions aim to revisit a concept that, through a fluctuating terminology (“Sprachgefühl,” “sentiment de la langue,” “linguistic intuitions,” etc.), had developed, since the late 18th century, within a variety of cultural contexts and research traditions, and whose theoretical, epistemological, and historical ins and outs had not been systematically explored so far. Beginning with a long opening chapter, the book consists of two parts, one tracing the multifaceted approaches to linguistic feeling from Herder to Wittgenstein, and one offering a representative overview of the debates about the issue at stake in current linguistics and philosophy, while addressing the question of the place of metacognition, normativity, and affectivity in language processes.
The Routledge Handbook of Eurolinguistics provides a comprehensive survey of the typical features among European languages in cultural, geographical, or political definitions. Bringing together the latest research in the field, the handbook showcases European traditions of linguistic research on European languages. Featuring 30 chapters written by leading experts of European languages and linguistics, this book: • illustrates the major theoretical and methodological developments and institutionalizations of the field; • presents typical features for the various linguistic levels of European languages (standard and non-standard)—formally and semantically; • analyzes aspects of writing...
This volume sets out to discuss the role of norms and normativity in both language and linguistics from a multiplicity of perspectives. These concepts are centrally important to the philosophy and methodology of linguistics, and their role and nature need to be investigated in detail. The chapters address a range of issues from general questions about ontology, epistemology and methodology to aspects of particular subfields (such as semantics and historical linguistics) or phenomena (such as construal and code-switching). The volume aims to further our understanding of language and linguistics as well as to encourage further discussion on the metatheory of linguistics. Due to the fundamental nature of the issues under discussion, this volume will be of interest to all linguists regardless of their background or fields of expertise and to philosophers concerned with language or other normative domains.
Sociolinguistics and the social sciences more generally tend to take an interest in norms as central to social life. The importance of norms is easily discernible in the sociolinguistic canon, for instance in Labov’s definition of the speech community as ‘participation in a set of shared norms’ and Hymes’ concepts of ‘norms of interaction’ and ‘norms of interpretation’. Yet, while the notion of norms may play a central role in sociolinguistic theory, there is little explicit theoretical work around the notion of norms itself within the discipline. Instead, norms tend to be treated as conceptual primes – convenient building blocks, ready-made for sociolinguistic theorizing ...
This volume brings together a diverse range of scholars to address important philosophical and interdisciplinary questions in the study of language. Linguistics throughout history has been a conduit to the study of the mind, brain, societal structure, literature and history itself. The epistemic and methodological transfer between the sciences and humanities in regards to linguistics has often been documented, but the underlying philosophical issues have not always been adequately addressed. With 15 original and interdisciplinary chapters, this volume therefore tackles vital questions relating to the philosophy, history, and theoretical interplay between the study of language and fields as v...
Väinö Leppänen on koko elämänsä ajan kertonut tarinoita, runoillut ja laulanut. Nyt kootut muistelmat ja runot kertovat monipuolisen elämäntarinan, joka alkaa Karjalan kannakselta viisivuotiaana ja päätyy useamman evakkomatkan ja Syvärin taisteluiden jälkeen elämän uudelleen rakentamiseen Lempäälään. Muistelmissa tulee esiin myös paljon sekä Karjalan kannaksen että Lempäälän lähihistoriaa ja ajankuvaa. Väinämöisen monipuolisuudesta kertovat monet laulut ja runot, joista osa on perinteisessä kalevalamitassa. Nämä muistelmat ja runot on koottu vuosien varrella kirjoitetuista ja kerrotuista muisteloista sekä runovihkosista. Kuvituksena on elämän tärkeistä hetkistä kertovien valokuvien lisäksi kirjoittajan vaimon, Kaarina Leppäsen herkkiä maalauksia.