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The Benedictine Prologue
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 198

The Benedictine Prologue

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2023-12-08
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  • Publisher: Mohr Siebeck

"For centuries, biblical prologues served as gateways to the themes and problems of the Latin Bible. The present study of the overlooked Benedictine Prologue illuminates textual influences, intellectual exchange, and doctrinal confrontations as they unfolded at the time of the appearance of the Vulgate Bible." --

Policy-Based Autonomic Data Governance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 236

Policy-Based Autonomic Data Governance

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2019-04-24
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  • Publisher: Springer

Advances in artificial intelligence, sensor computing, robotics, and mobile systems are making autonomous systems a reality. At the same time, the influence of edge computing is leading to more distributed architectures incorporating more autonomous elements. The flow of information is critical in such environments, but the real time, distributed nature of the system components complicates the data protection mechanisms. Policy-based management has proven useful in simplifying the complexity of management in domains like networking, security, and storage; it is expected that many of those benefits would carry over to the task of managing big data and autonomous systems. This book aims at pro...

Nature and the Arts in Early Modern Naples
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 288

Nature and the Arts in Early Modern Naples

  • Categories: Art

The literary, artistic, and scientific culture of early modern Naples is closely linked to the natural topography of the city, stretching from Iacopo Sannazaro’s poetic evocation of the Campania landscape to Giambattista Vico’s approach in which he anchors human civilization to the existential confrontation with natural forces. With the open sea, the rocky coastline, and the menacing presence of Vesuvius, the image of Naples, more than any other city in early modern times, is associated in the collective imagination with the forces of nature. Even the populace was interpreted as a force of nature. In this volume, art, literature, and science historians investigate the convergence of culture and nature in a unique geographic context.

I Papi della Memoria
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 354

I Papi della Memoria

  • Categories: Art

Con grande ed intensa emozione, il Centro Europeo per il Turismo presenta quest’anno la mostra “I Papi della Memoria. La storia di alcuni grandi Pontefici che hanno segnato il cammino della Chiesa e dell’Umanità”. Curata da Mario Lolli Ghetti e realizzata in collaborazione con il Polo Museale di Roma, il Museo Nazionale di Castel Sant’Angelo, i Musei Vaticani e la Fabbrica di San Pietro. La mostra, dal titolo significativo, traccia, per vari aspetti, una linea di congiunzione tra epoche e fatti. La manifestazione infatti cade nell’anno del Cinquantenario del Concilio Vaticano II, il grande Sinodo pastorale aperto da beato Giovanni XXIII l’11 ottobre 1962 e chiuso dal venerato ...

Le tecniche della pittura medievale
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 201

Le tecniche della pittura medievale

  • Categories: Art

Dalla progettazione alla finitura delle superfici, le fasi della pittura, in tavola e in muro, sono ripercorse e illustrate sul filo di una rilettura critica del celebre Libro dell'arte di Cennino Cennini (1400-1420 circa) e attraverso una selezione di casi esemplari. Cosí concepito, il volume è un esercizio di esegesi delle tecniche pittoriche, interpretate non come episodi di adesione normativa a un formulario statico di conoscenze, bensí come fenomeni dinamici di cultura visiva, pienamente organici allo stile e all'iconografia. Tutt'altro che inerti, i dipinti medievali sono animati in superficie da trapassi continui di luce, materia e spessori: effetti di pittura a corpo si alternano ...

Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 320

Writing Southern Italy Before the Renaissance

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018-12-07
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  • Publisher: Routledge

This volume traces the work of trecento historians of the Mezzogiorno, analyzing it through current methodological and theoretical frameworks. Questioning the current consensus, the book examines how the South as a cultural "other" began evolving over the fourteenth century, and reconsiders the nineteenth-century "Southern Question" concerning the Mezzogiorno’s history, culture and people and its lingering negative image in Europe and America. It also focuses on specific histories, authors and historiographical issues, and reviews how new understandings of the Mediterranean have begun to alter our perceptions of the South in a new global context and as the basis for new historical research.

Valentin de Boulogne
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 290

Valentin de Boulogne

  • Categories: Art

Following Caravaggio's death in 1610, the French artist Valentin de Boulogne (1591-1632) emerged as one of the great champions of naturalistic painting. The eminent art historian Roberto Longhi honored him as "the most energetic and passionate of Caravaggio's naturalist followers." In Rome, Valentin—who loved the tavern as much as the painter's pallette—fell in with a rowdy confederation of artists but eventually received commissions from some of the city's most prominent patrons. It was in this artistically rich but violent metropolis that Valentin created such masterworks as a major altarpiece in Saint Peter's Basilica and superb renderings of biblical and secular subjects—until his ...

Fortunata Neapolis: Kunst- und Kulturtransfer zwischen Neapel, Wien und Mitteleuropa
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 256

Fortunata Neapolis: Kunst- und Kulturtransfer zwischen Neapel, Wien und Mitteleuropa

  • Categories: Art

Neapel und Süditalien wurden in den Jahren 1707–1734 von Österreichischen Vizekönigen regiert. In diesen Jahren fanden Hauptwerke der neapolitanischen Kunst ihren Weg in die Wiener Residenzen der Vizekönige Wirich Philipp Graf Daun und Aloys Thomas Raymund Graf Harrach, aber auch ins Obere Belvedere des Prinzen Eugen und die Sammlungen Kaiser Karl VI. Die Beiträge des Bandes zeigen, dass der intensive Austausch zwischen Neapel, Wien und Mitteleuropa tatsächlich sehr viel mehr Akteure umfasste und vom früheren 17. bis ins 19. und sogar 20. Jahrhundert reicht. Dabei sind Hauptwerke von Paolo de Matteis, Francesco Solimena oder Filippo Falciatore genauso Gegenstand der Analyse wie aufwendige Tischdekorationen und ephemere Apparate.

Von Paolo Giovio bis Johannes Latomus
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 2015

Von Paolo Giovio bis Johannes Latomus

Der italienische Humanist und Historiker Paolo Giovio schuf mit seinen Elogia virorum literis illustrium (1546) eine faszinierende Sammlung an Kurz-Biographien berühmter zeitgenössischer Gelehrter, die nicht nur aufgrund ihrer Fülle an anekdotischen Informationen zu Größen wie Giovanni Boccaccio, Angelo Poliziano oder Thomas Morus beeindrucken. Im Zusammenwirken mit den beigegebenen Vers-Epigrammen zeichnete Giovio darüber hinaus ,Charakterbilder' und betrieb Literaturkritik. Auf diese Weise verlieh er seiner Sammlung an Portraitbildnissen, für welche die Texte ursprünglich als ,Beischriften' bestimmt waren, ein bis heute andauerndes Nachleben und prägte nebenbei unseren modernen Museumsbegriff. Zu der intermedialen Dimension gesellen sich Bezugnahmen auf die antike und humanistische Literatur sowie Verknüpfungen zwischen den einzelnen Teilen des Werkes, nicht zuletzt durch die Eingriffe und Erweiterungen, die der flämische Kleriker und Literat Johannes Latomus ab der zweiten Edition der Elogia (1557) vornahm.

La chiesa della regina
  • Language: it
  • Pages: 252

La chiesa della regina

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2008
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  • Publisher: Unknown
