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The book presents the results of a long research into the life and work of the German theologian and teacher Fritz Jahr (1895–1953) from Halle an der Saale, who was the first to use the term "bioethics", as early as 1926. It is a revised history of bioethics with an overview of all 22 of Jahr’s known published papers. The analysis follows the diffusion after 1997 of the discovery of Fritz Jahr worldwide and particularly the contribution of Croatian bioethicists to it.
This collection of thirty-one essays encompasses Schopenhauer's central contributions, his influences, and the scope of his impact, especially on the arts and philosophy. Six sections cover the wide range of his thought, including its connection to religion, ethics, and art, as well as his influence and legacy.
The ethics of valuing bios in all their forms and shapes has been an essential part of great and successful cultures from the millennia-old Vedic tradition of 'tattvamasi'-this is also you: this plant, this animal, this microbe, this ecosystem-to the simple hands-on call of Jesus's 'love your neighbor.' But as a term bioethics was coined 90 years ago by Fritz Jahr, an educator and pastor in Halle in his Bioethical Imperative 'Respect every Living Being as an end in itself and treat it, if possible, as such.' This book examines the development of Fritz Jahr's concept of bioethics over the last ninety years. (Series: Practical Ethics - Controversies / Ethik in der Praxis - Kontroversen, Vol. 33) [Subject: Ethics, Bioethics, Philosophy]
Discover the best Italy has to offer from spectacular trekking routes through the Apennines to cities rich with centuries of art and ancient ruins. With places to stay for every budget, insider tips on the best Italian cuisine, a full-color arts and architecture section, and complete details on transportation. color. 114 maps.
It is commonly shared the idea that social innovation is the creation of social value by solving social problems. Accordingly, social innovation can be deemed to be the production of new solutions to social problems in a more effective, efficient, and sustainable way. Analyzing the consequences of the current economic crisis and its impact on health care services, there is who has advanced the idea that social innovation can constitute an effective strategy to counter-balance the retrenchment of public social provision.This book tackles the multiple facets of social innovation focusing on its relationship with the new technologies and the new forms of entrepreneurship.
Developments in the Histories of Sexualities: In Search of the Normal,1600-1800 explores the oppositionscreated by the official exclusion ofbanned sexual practices and theresistance to that exclusion throughwidespread acceptance of thoseoutlawed practices at an interpersonallevel. At different times and in differentplaces, state legislation sets up—ortries to set up—a “normal” by rejectinga particular practice or group ofpractices. Yet this “normal” is derogatedby popular practice, since the bannedacts themselves are thought at thegrassroots level to be “normal.” Amongthe events discussed in these essaysare the Woods-Pirie trial, the “Ladies ofLlangollen,” the popular acc...
Die in diesem Tagungsband versammelten Beiträge widmen sich der Analyse von facettenreichen Deutungen und Bedeutungen der Philosophie als Wissenschaft sowie den unterschiedlichen Auslegungen des Wissenschaftsbegriffs im Deutschen Idealismus. Dabei kommen die bedeutendsten Vertreter der Epoche von Wolff über Kant, Fichte, Hegel und Schelling bis hin zu Schopenhauer zu Wort. Der Sammelband ist das Ergebnis einer im Juni 2019 veranstalteten gleichnamigen internationalen Tagung. Die Beiträge des Bandes entsprechen weitestgehend den dort gehaltenen Vorträgen. Die Tagung ist die erste Veranstaltung der Forschungsgruppe „ – Kritizismus und Idealismus: Systeme, Kontext und Rezeption...
The Islamic World and the West - perhaps no other topic is currently so often present in the headlines of the international media. This timely volume, which brings together contributions by 14 established Muslim and Western scholars, intends to present a somewhat more positive outlook in the currently rather strained relations between the Islamic world and Europe by drawing on shared values and possibilities of cooperation in various fields, such as reflected in worldview, education, economics, multiculturalism, religious dialogue, politics, as well as security issues, and it shall also contain a historical revaluation of some of those contacts. It is the first project within the framework o...
Der vorliegende Band befasst sich zentral mit dem Problem der Anwendung der Transzendentalphilosophie auf die praktische Philosophie. Zu Ehren von Marco Ivaldo haben sich einige der führenden Fichte-Interpreten zusammengetan, um das Thema diachronisch zu behandeln. Angefangen bei Kant bis hin zur zeitgenössischen Philosophie werden einige der philosophischen Hauptpositionen (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Husserl, Deleuze und viele weitere) auf ihre Verträglichkeit mit dem transzendentalphilosophischen Ansatz in praktischer Hinsicht geprüft. ********************** The present volume deals with the problem of the application of transcendental philosophy to practical philosophy. In honour of Marco Ivaldo, some of the leading experts on Fichte have teamed up to treat the subject diachronically. From Kant to contemporary philosophy, some of the main philosophical positions (Kant, Fichte, Hegel, Husserl, Deleuze, and many others) are examined in view of their compatibility with the transcendental-philosophical approach in a practical way.