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Deposing Monarchs analyses depositions in Northern Europe between 1500 and 1700 as a type of frequent political conflict which allows to present new ideas on early modern state formation, monarchy, and the conventions of royal rulership. The book revises earlier conceptualizations of depositions as isolated, unique events that emerged in the context of national historiographies. An examination of the official legitimations of depositions reveals that in times of crisis, concepts of tradition, rule of law, and political consensus are much more influential than the divine right of kings. Tracing the similarities and differences of depositions in Northern Europe transnationally and diachronical...
From airport bookstores to deckchairs, as audiobooks downloaded by commuters, and on Kindles and other portable devices, twenty-first century bestsellers move in old and new ways. This Element examines the locations and mobilities of the contemporary bestseller as a multi-format commercial object. It employs paratextual, textual, and site-based analysis of the spatiality of bestsellers and considers the centrality of geography to the commercial promise of these books. Space, Place, and Bestsellers provides analysis of the spatial logic of bestseller lists, evidence-rich accounts of the physical and digital retail sites through which bestsellers flow, and new interpretations of how affixing the label 'bestseller' individual authors and titles generates industrial, social, and textual effects. Through its multi-layered analysis, this Element offers a new model for studying the spatiality of popular fiction.
This book analyzes the evolving interaction between court and media from an understudied perspective. Eight case studies focus on different European Empress consorts and Queen regnants from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries, using a comparative, cross-media, and cross-period approach. The volume addresses a multitude of questions, ranging from how dynastic women achieved public prominence through their portraits; how their faces and bodies were moulded and rearticulated to fit varying expectations in the courtly public sphere; and the degree to which they, as female actors, engaged with or had agency within the processes of production and reception. In particular, two types of female rulership and their relationship to diverse media are contrasted, and lesser-known and under-researched dynastic women are spotlighted. Contributors: Christine Engelke, Anna Fabiankowitsch, Inga Lena Ångström Grandien, Titia Hensel, Andrea Mayr, Alison McQueen, Marion Romberg, and Alison Rowley.
This history of early modern news focuses on news itself rather than specific material forms. Centering on movement through different media, time, and place, it makes the case for a truly comparative, pan-European history of news. After the Introduction, the second section, News Moves, explores how we think about and research news culture and news communication, demonstrating movement is more important than static forms. The third, News Sings, focuses on news ballads, comparing actors, publics, music, and soundscapes of ballad singing in several European cities, highlighting the central role of immaterial elements, such as sound, music and voice. The fourth, News Counts, argues that seeing news the way a machine might read it—through its metadata—is one way of moving beyond form, allowing us to find surprising commonalities in news cultures which differ greatly in both time and place.
This major new reference work with contributions from an international team of scholars provides a comprehensive account of ideas and practices of nationhood and nationalism from antiquity to the present. It considers both continuities and discontinuities, engaging critically and analytically with the scholarly literature in the field. Volume I starts with a series of case studies of classical civilizations. It then explores a wide range of pivotal moments and turning points in the history of identity politics during the age of globalization, from 1500 through to the twentieth century. This overview is truly global, covering countries in East and South Asia as well as Europe and the Americas.
This book explores the reception of foreign news during the late sixteenth-century civil wars in France and the Netherlands. Analysing a large body of French and Dutch chronicles, Rosanne Baars innovatively demonstrates that the wider public was well aware of events abroad, though interest in foreign conflicts was far from constant. She sheds new light on the connections between the Dutch Revolt and the French Wars of Religion: contemporaries were gradually more inclined to see these wars as part of an international struggle. Baars argues that these times of civil war made inhabitants of both countries more apt at distinguishing rumour from reliable reports, thus contributing to the emergence of a public of critical news consumers.
In an age characterized by religious conflict, Protestant and Catholic Augsburgers remained largely at peace. How did they do this? This book argues that the answer is in the “emotional practices” Augsburgers learned and enacted—in the home, in marketplaces and other sites of civic interaction, in the council house, and in church. Augsburg’s continued peace depended on how Augsburgers felt—as neighbors, as citizens, and believers—and how they negotiated the countervailing demands of these commitments. Drawing on police records, municipal correspondence, private memoranda, internal administrative documents and other records revealing everyday behavior, experience, and thought, Sean Dunwoody shows how Augsburgers negotiated the often-conflicting feelings of being a good believer and being a good citizen and neighbor.
Die von der Reformation ausgehenden Impulse veränderten nicht nur Kirche und Frömmigkeit, sondern auch die Strukturen der Gesellschaft sowie die rechtlichen und politischen Dimensionen der damaligen Lebenswelt. Die hier versammelten Beiträge, die zum überwiegenden Teil aus den Themenjahren der Reformationsdekade hervorgegangen sind, veranschaulichen das gestaltende und nachhaltig wirkende Potenzial der Reformation. Sie spannen einen weiten Bogen vom 16. bis in den Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts und eröffnen Perspektiven auf die frühe Verbreitung reformatorischer Inhalte, auf Formen von Frömmigkeit und katechetischer Unterweisung sowie auf rechtliche Neuordnung in politisch motivierten Re...
Die Entwicklung europäischer Friedensprozesse ist für die Frühe Neuzeit ebenso bezeichnend wie die Allgegenwärtigkeit kriegerischer Konflikte: Über 2000 zwischen- bzw. binnenstaatliche Friedensverträge wurden vereinbart. Das Handbuch präsentiert neueste und internationale Forschungsergebnisse über politische und gesellschaftliche Friedensordnungen, Friedenskonzepte und -praktiken sowie Kulturen des Friedens in der Frühen Neuzeit.
Der Zweite Abendmahlsstreit (1552-1558/59) zahlt zu den wichtigsten Ereignissen fur die Abgrenzung zwischen Luthertum und Reformiertentum. Corinna Ehlers legt eine Neuanalyse im Horizont aktueller Konfessionsforschung vor. Die theologische Kontroverse zeigt sich als Konflikt reformatorisch normativer Identitatsvorstellungen, der ebenso mit der kirchenpolitischen Entwicklung im Reich verknupft war wie mit der Situation Evangelischer in anderen Landern Europas. Neben Johannes Calvin und dem Hamburger Pastor Joachim Westphal werden zahlreiche bisher kaum berucksichtigte Akteure in die Untersuchung einbezogen. So entsteht ein differenziertes Bild von der Vielfalt reformatorischer Positionen um 1550, der allmahlichen Herausbildung konfessioneller Abgrenzungen, aber auch der bleibenden Uneindeutigkeiten im innerevangelischen Verhaltnis.