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The Amazonia is the largest continuous river basin and rainforest ecosystem in the world. In all aspects it is a natural wonder, and the rainforest with its billions of trees is a vital carbon store that slows down the advance of global warming. It is home to one million indigenous people and some three million species of plants and animals. There have been many climate fluctuations during the last 55 million years of its existence, but never before have “the lungs of the world” been at greater risk than they are today due to uncontrolled fires, expanding agriculture and heavy industrial development in the forms of oil drilling, mining and large hydroelectric dams. Over twelve chapters, this book describes the anthropological, biological and industrial problems facing the Amazonia, and seeks to find new solutions.
Beginning with Number 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and research underway in specialized areas.
The Argentine capital is largely perceived as a middle-class space. Yet in reality, urban poverty and precarious settlements are defining features of the city. Agnese Codebò investigates how slums have produced culture as well as their representation in literature and the visual arts from the 1950s to the present. Looking at government-led urban projects, as well as novels, artworks, films, militant magazines, poems, and music, she tells the story of how villas miseria have mattered culturally and socially as spaces that produce new aesthetics, cultural trends, and social alliances, while offering a vantage point to understand the city and its problems. Slums represent a heterogeneous urban space, and Codebò makes the case for their relevance in Argentine culture, demonstrates the need to rethink spaces of production, and develops a new premise for a decolonial approach to Argentine cultural production.
Os artefatos antigos são interesses de muitos pesquisadores e arqueólogos e através deles é possível conhecermos um pouco das histórias e tecnologias passadas. Mas esses artefatos não falam por si só, é necessário que os pesquisadores relacionem adequadamente seus significados e contextos. Essa obra tem o objetivo de mostrar ao leitor que bens arqueológicos trazem em si a possibilidade de apreendermos os conhecimentos e tecnologias do passado, evidenciando a adaptação do ser humano às condições ambientais ao longo dos séculos, assim como a transmissão dos saberes tradicionais.
Examining changes to the institution of divine kingship from 750 to 950 CE in the Maya lowland cities, Maya Kingship presents a new way of studying the collapse of that civilization and the transformation of political systems between the Terminal Classic and Postclassic Periods. Leading experts in Maya studies offer insights into the breakdown of kingship regimes, as well as the gradual urban collapse and settlement relocations that followed. The volume illuminates historical factors and actions that led to the end of the institution across kingdoms and the mechanisms that enabled societies to eventually recover with new political structures. Contributors provide archaeological, iconographic...
The Routledge Handbook of the Archaeology of Indigenous-Colonial Interaction in the Americas brings together scholars from across the hemisphere to examine how archaeology can highlight the myriad ways that Indigenous people have negotiated colonial systems from the fifteenth century through to today. The contributions offer a comprehensive look at where the archaeology of colonialism has been and where it is heading. Geographically diverse case studies highlight longstanding theoretical and methodological issues as well as emerging topics in the field. The organization of chapters by key issues and topics, rather than by geography, fosters exploration of the commonalities and contrasts betw...
Esta coletânea é resultado do I Seminário de História Global, evento organizado pelos discentes do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História e Conexões Atlânticas da Universidade Federal do Maranhão, realizado em dezembro de 2019 na instituição e com apoio do quadro docente do programa. Os capítulos constituem avanços parciais das pesquisas individuais e em decorrência dos debates ocorridos durante o evento. Como o leitor poderá ver, os temas abordados são diversos, complexos e ricos, contemplando deste as histórias medievais, passando por questões relativas a regiões de África e da América em vários períodos, até contextos locais do Maranhão e Piauí no Oitocentos e n...
Cultura material e sensibilidade estudos em homenagem a Pedro Paulo Funari, é uma obra organizada que tem como objetivo celebrar a vida de um dos principais arqueólogos brasileiros e professor titular da Unicamp Pedro Paulo Funari, considerando seus importantes estudos sobre a cultura material e sua vasta produção acadêmica com caráter interdisciplinar. Ao longo dos capítulos os autores, que foram/são seus alunos e colegas de trabalho do professor Funari e apresentaram narrativas diversas produzidas a partir da cultura material.
Anais do III Simpósio Internacional Interdisciplinar em Cultura e Sociedade do PGCult - UFMA, que reúne trabalhos de docentes e discentes que participaram do evento científico, realizado no período de 4 a 6 de dezembro de 2019, na Universidade Federal do Maranhão.
Los investigadores reunidos en este volumen, que se encuentran entre los mayores expertos en arqueología histórica de Latinoamérica, examinan restos arqueológicos, documentación escrita y tradiciones orales para acercarnos al contacto colonial desde las Antillas al Río de la Plata y, en concreto, a las experiencias de las comunidades subalternas, las más olvidadas y las más esquivas en la documentación: indígenas, mujeres, negros, esclavos. Lo hacen, además, de una forma reflexiva, analizando el papel de los estudiosos en la reproducción o contestación de los regímenes de saber-poder dominantes. Una obra imprescindible para arqueólogos e historiadores interesados en el colonialismo, el contacto cultural y el esclavismo en cualquier tiempo y lugar. Alfredo González-Ruibal, Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, España).