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Along the last several decades, it has been progressively appreciated that immunology plays an overwhelming role in the physiology and pathophysiology of most organs, tissues, and biological systems in multicellular organisms. Accordingly, several immunological parameters are used in research and clinical laboratories with the purpose of investigating, diagnosing, and monitoring a variety of pathological conditions. The rapidly evolving field of laboratory testing in immunology poses several challenges to professionals working in research and clinical laboratories, medical practice, educational activities, in vitro diagnostic industry, and regulatory agencies. Regular analytes, such as album...
In spite of their relatively low prevalence, systemic vasculitides have been the object of intensive basic and clinical investigations over the last few years. As a consequence, important advancements have been achieved: from updated diagnostic and classification criteria and a more rational nomenclature to the recognition of an expanding spectrum of clinical manifestations and potentially devastating complications; from the recognition of the viral etiology of conditions such as HCV-related cryoglobulinemic vasculitis and HBV-associated polyarteritis nodosa to newly named variable vessel vasculitis exemplified by Behçet’s disease; from single-organ vasculitis such as central nervous syst...
This volume examines the use of natural remedies in health and disease, blending scientific findings known to operate in the alternative and complementary medicine modalities with those utilized in folklore medicine. It points toward a unified theory that links the development of chronic degenerative diseases with inflammation, and considers how natural health modalities can alter or halt the progression of chronic diseases through their beneficial actions on inflammation. The book will serve as a venue for educating those who desire concise yet thorough insights into this area of alternative health practices. Students in the healthcare field, as well as medical practitioners, will find the information provided here particularly helpful and educational.
Through recent research, there has been a significant number of findings involving the biology of macrophages. Beyond the 1st line of defense, macrophages have several specific characteristics across different tissues, organs, and systems. Macrophages comprehend a heterogeneous phagocytic population with wide range phenotypes, and tissue-specific functions, such as bone resorption, extracellular matrix production, red blood cells and bacteria removal, among others. Through innate immune receptors macrophages can modulate several pathways that culminate in the production of various types of inflammatory mediators such as chemokines, cytokines, oxygen reactive species, and lipid mediators whic...
The prevalence of autoimmune diseases and rheumatic conditions is constantly increasing. Autoimmune diseases affect approximately 7-10% of the population of the United States, while more than 50,000,000 American adults suffer from some type of arthritis. The Heart in Rheumatic, Autoimmune and Inflammatory Diseases examines the complex mechanisms relating to cardiac diseases from a pathophysiological and clinical point of view. Autoimmune rheumatic diseases can affect the coronary vessels, myocardium, pericardium, heart valves and the conduction system. The diagnosis of these unique cardiac complications necessitates medical awareness and a high index of suspicion. Increased risk of advanced ...
Este compilado de patologias do sistema imune traz um enfoque clínico e laboratorial essencial para o diagnóstico de doenças e fenômenos imunes prevalentes na população. O intuito deste livro é auxiliar estudantes da área da saúde a entender melhor onde os conceitos de imunologia básica se aplicam na rotina clínica. Além disso, os temas são abordados de maneira sucinta e objetiva, ideais para revisão rápida de pontos importantes no que se refere aos estudos das doenças aqui abordadas, principalmente as de caráter autoimune.
Virus merupakan partikel kecil yang hidup secara obligat pada suatu inang. Kata virus diambil dari bahasa Yunani "venom" yang berarti racun. Secara umum virus terdiri dari asam nukleat, deoxyribo nucleic acid (DNA) atau ribo nucleicacid (RNA), yang diselimuti semacam mantel (kapsid) atau kapsul lemak. Virus yang kompenannya sudah lengkap serta sudah mampu menginfeksi sel inang lain, disebut dengan virion. Sejarah virus diperantarai oleh penemuan botani asal Rusia, Dmitri Ivanovsky. la menemukan semacam suspensi pada jaringan tanaman tembakau yang mirip dengan bakteri. Semula ia berpikir bahwa suspensi tersebut merupakan jenis agen bakteri. Hasil filtrasi tanaman tersebut ketika disemprotkan ...