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El presente libro, "Genealoga de la familia MONTEALEGRE" es el Primer Tomo de tres, expone en sus pginas el origen del apellido, el lugar que dio origen al mismo, sus antepasados en Espaa, Francia, Inglaterra, Italia, Alemania y Kiev. Entre esos antepasados, entre los ms importantes, podemos mencionar al rey David, al Profeta Mahoma, a los Duques de Anjou y Aquitania, a los Plantegenet que son el origen de casi todas las monarquas europeas. Expone los antepasados del rey don Fernando III "el Santo" y su esposa Elizabeth Hohenstaufen, y sus descendientes, que a travs de sus hijos don Alfonso X "el Sabio" y el Infante don Manuel, llegaron hasta Amrica. De los descendientes del rey David, por T...
La presente obra, surgida de la iniciativa del profesor Guillermo Cerdeira (Catedrático de Derecho Civil de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad de Sevilla) y que la editorial Reus se complace en publicar, pretende dar respuesta a algunas de las dudas originadas por el estado de alarma durante estos largos meses de pandemia ocasionada por la COVID-19, y lo hace de la mano de un nutrido grupo de profesores de la referida Facultad, con su decano al frente, que han colaborado en esta obra escribiendo trabajos de la más diversa índole —siempre relacionados con la vertiente jurídica del coronavirus—, trabajos a los que se añaden los elaborados por personas expertas en Derecho y vincu...
The setting of this volume is the Iberian Peninsula during the Middle Ages, where Christianity and Islam co-existed side by side as the official religions of Muslim al-Andalus on the one hand, and the Christian kingdoms in the north of the peninsula on the other. Its purpose is to examine the meaning of the word 'Mozarab' and the history and nature of the people called by that name; it represents a synthesis of the author's many years of research and publication in this field. Richard Hitchcock first sets out to explain what being a non-Muslim meant in al-Andalus, both in the higher echelons of society and at a humbler level. The terms used by Arab chroniclers, when examined carefully, suggest a lesser preoccupation with purely religious values than hitherto appreciated. Mozarabism in León and Toledo, two notably distinct phenomena, are then considered at length, and there are two chapters exploring the issues that arose, firstly when Mozarabs were relocated in twelfth-century Aragón, and secondly, in sixteenth-century Toledo, when they were striving to retain their identity.
Nowadays, assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) have a pivotal role not only in achieving fertilization in subfertile animals, but they are also involved in the management of the herd, decreasing disease spread and even allowing offspring sex selection. Nonetheless, there are differences between species or even within species that have led researchers worldwide to focus on those differences in order to bypass these specific difficulties. This Special Issue, titled “The Era of Assisted Reproductive Technologies Tailored to the Specific Necessities of Species, Industry and Case Reports” and published in Animals, is composed of 12 original manuscripts and three reviews that offer an ove...
El derecho romano constituye la base para el derecho de familia, en la medida en que sirve de modelo tanto a las familias de hoy, como a las del mañana; teniendo muchas de las actuales leyes de la Europa occidental sus raíces en el derecho romano.