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The book introduces all the aspects needed for the safe and economic design and analysis of connections using bolted joints in steel structures. This is not treated according to any specific standard but making comparison among the different norms and methodologies used in the engineering practice, e.g. Eurocode, AISC, DIN, BS. Several examples are solved and illustrated in detail, giving the reader all the tools necessary to tackle also complex connection design problems. The book is introductory but also very helpful to advanced and specialist audiences because it covers a large variety of practice demands for connection design. Parts that are not taken to an advanced level are seismic design, welds, interaction with other materials (concrete, wood), and cold formed connections./p
Der Bedarf an Großbrücken nimmt weltweit ständig zu, da der Ausbau der Verkehrsinfrastrukturen mit Eisenbahn- und Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecken in vielen Regionen eine wichtige aktuelle Aufgabe darstellt. In diesem Buch werden alle Aspekte des Tragwerksentwurfs und der Berechnung behandelt, die bei der Planung einer Brücke oder eines Viadukts für eine Hochgeschwindigkeitsstrecke zu berücksichtigen sind. Dazu gehören der Schienenverkehr mit Geschwindigkeiten, Einwirkungen, Grenzzuständen usw. sowie die detaillierte Berechnung und Bemessung des Oberbaus mit seinen verschiedenen Komponenten und Einzelelementen. Eine Besonderheit des Buches ist, dass es nicht nur die Brückentypologien un...
Dieses Buch führt in alle Aspekte der sicheren Berechnung, Bemessung und Konstruktion von wirtschaftlichen modernen Verbindungen im Stahlbau ein. Die Hintergrunderläuterungen sind nicht an eine spezifische Norm gekoppelt, sondern es werden unterschiedliche Normen und Methoden verglichen, die in der Praxis zur Anwendung kommen, wie z. B. Eurocode, AISC, DIN, BS. Anhand einer Reihe von Beispielen werden Problemlösungen detailliert beschrieben und illustriert. Damit erhält der Leser alle notwendigen Werkzeuge an die Hand, um auch komplexe Probleme bei der Konstruktion von Verbindungen zu lösen. Das Buch ist für Berufseinsteiger, für erfahrene Praktiker sowie auch für Stahlbaufachleute eine Arbeitshilfe, denn es werden einfache und komplexe Beanspruchungen an Verbindungen abgebildet. Weniger ausführlich werden Erdbebenauslegung, Schweißnähte, die Wechselwirkung mit anderen Materialien (Beton, Holz) und kalt geformte Verbindungen behandelt.
This book presents the design of steel structures using finite element methods (FEM) according to the current state of the art in Germany and the rest of Europe. After a short introduction on the basics of the design, this book illustrates the FEM with a focus on internal forces, displacements, critical loads and modal shapes. Next to finite element procedures for linear calculations considering the stress states of normal force, biaxial bending and warping torsion, non-linear calculations and the stability cases of flexural buckling, lateral torsional buckling and plate buckling are concentrated on significantly. In this context, design procedures for stability according to the standard Eur...
Surveys the leading methods for connecting structural steel components, covering state-of-the-art techniques and materials, and includes new information on welding and connections. Hundreds of detailed examples, photographs, and illustrations are found throughout this handbook. --from publisher description.
This book introduces the fundamental design concept of Eurocode 3 for current steel structures in building construction, and their practical application. Following a discussion of the basis of design, including the principles of reliability management and the limit state approach, the material standards and their use are detailed. The fundamentals of structural analysis and modeling are presented, followed by the design criteria and approaches for various types of structural members. The theoretical basis and checking procedures are closely tied to the Eurocode requirements. The following chapters expand on the principles and applications of elastic and plastic design, each exemplified by th...
This book provides a practical guide to the basic essentials of earthquake engineering with a focus on seismic loading and structural design. Benefiting from the author’s extensive career in structural and earthquake engineering, dynamic analysis and lecturing, it is written from an industry perspective at a level suitable for graduate students. Fundamentals of Seismic Loading on Structures is organised into four major sections: introduction to earthquakes and related engineering problems, analysis, seismic loading, and design concepts. From a practical perspective, reviews linear and non-linear behaviour, introduces concepts of uniform hazard spectra, discusses loading provisions in desig...
The main aim of this book is to provide practical advice to designers of plated structures for correct and efficient application of EN 1993-1-5 design rules. In chapter 1 the purpose, the scope and the structure of the book is explained. In chapter 2 a rather detailed and commented overview of EN 1993-1-5 design rules is given following the structure of the standard. Shear lag effect as well as plate buckling problems due to direct stresses, shear forces, transverse forces and interactions of these effects are covered. This chapter also includes a reduced stress method and a finite element analysis approach to plate buckling problems. A large number of design examples illustrate the proper application of individual design rules. Chapter 3 and 4 bring two complete design examples on a crane runway and a box-girder bridge.