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FROM THE VERY FOUNDING OF OUR NATION, diversity has been one of our greatest strengths but also the greatest source of conflict. In less than a generation, America will become "minority-majority," and the world economy, already interconnected, will be even more globalized. The stakes for how we handle this evolution couldn't be higher. Will diversity be a source of growth, prosperity, and progress-or perpetual division and strife? America has the potential to realize huge gains economically and socially by more fully capitalizing on diversity, but significant challenges remain and it's a problem that all Americans should be focused on solving. Despite tremendous progress, women and minoritie...
Imagine what your life would be like if you laughed through all the mayhem? Biracial and bicoastal, Berlinski spent her childhood flying between the dysfunctional families of her divorced parents, always feeling like an outsider. Fortunately, she never lost her sense of humor, which is apparent on every page of her debut essay collection, a riotous and revealing expose of the new normal and the consequences of too much air travel, cultural diversity, and conflicting and conflicted parents. With an open heart, she recounts her somewhat misspent youth and a wildly exciting (though equally torturous) love affair with the guy of her dreams, eventually leaving it all to start again abroad. She s ...
Gestrinov zbornik je zbornik razprav v počastitev osemdesetletnice nestorja slovenske zgodovine akad. prof. dr. Ferda Gestrina. Zbornik poleg predgovora prinaša 48 prispevkov uglednih domačih in tujih avtorjev. V uvodnem delu so združeni bio- in bibliografski podatki o jubilantu. Ostali prispevki so razvrščeni v pet tematskih sklopov. Prvi zajema pet razprav, ki posegajo v obravnavo mediteranskega prostora. Nadaljnji blok devetih prispevkov slika zgodovino vzhodnoalpskega prostora v srednjem in novem veku. Sledi skupina desetih razprav o gospodarski zgodovini. četrti sklop vsebuje dvanajst prispevkov, ki slikajo politično in populacijsko zgodovino od srede 19. stoletja do druge svetovne vojne. Zadnja, peta skupina sedmih prispevkov je heterogena, obravnava pa tematiko šolstva in izobrazbe, teoretična, historiografska in filozofska vprašanja.
A provocative study of the critical problems that are crippling Europe and causing an increasing anti-Americanism looks at the return of the ethnic hatred, class divisions, and war that previously wreaked havoc on Europe, as well as the rise of such new issues as declining birthrates, growing Islamic fundamentalism, and an unsustainable economic model. Reprint. 15,000 first printing.