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Mental health is a cornerstone of young peoples’ well-being and increasingly a topic of concern. The foundation of mental health is largely laid in adolescence, and more than half of adult mental health disorders have their onset before the age of 14 . Mental health problems are becoming a leading cause of disease burden amongst adolescents globally, affecting their achievement of developmental tasks, socially, personally and academically. Poor adolescent mental health has been linked with poor long-term adult health morbidity and mortality. Optimal mental health requires a positive sense of wellbeing in addition to the absence of clinically significant, active mental illness. Monitoring adolescent mental health is key for understanding whether efforts to improve young people’s mental health at a national and international level are successful. The last decades have seen great changes in young peoples’ lives, including technological advancement and the COVID pandemic. In examining the pathways to adolescent mental health, the proposed research topic will contribute to a better understanding on how this ongoing crisis has affected adolescents.
Delinquency in Society, Tenth Edition provides a comprehensive and systematic overview of juvenile delinquency, criminal behavior, and status-offending youths.
Countries included in the 2013/2014 survey data: Albania -- Armenia -- Austria -- Belgium (Flemish) -- Belgium (French) -- Bulgaria -- Canada -- Croatia -- Czech Republic -- Denmark -- England -- Estonia -- Finland -- France -- Germany -- Greece -- Greenland -- Hungary -- Iceland -- Ireland -- Israel -- Italy -- Latvia -- Lithuania -- Luxembourg -- Malta -- Netherlands -- Norway -- Poland -- Portugal -- Republic of Moldova -- Romania -- Russian Federation -- Scotland -- Slovakia -- Slovenia -- Spain -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- Ukraine -- Wales -- (former) Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.
This edited collection provides an invaluable resource of seventeen chapters from a wide range of academic disciplines. These chapters place sex and sexualities in Ireland in historical context and take the reader through the structural changes that have transformed the expression of sexuality in Ireland from one of self-denial to self-expression. The collection does not however unquestionably assume a linear narrative of progress: new issues and challenges are also addressed throughout. This book will be of interest to students and scholars from a range of disciplines including sociology, social policy, history, media, gender studies and psychology. The collection is divided into six separate but interlinked thematic sections: Sexualities in Historical Irish Contexts, Young Adults, Sexual Health, and Education, Sexual Practices and Health, Minority Sexualities and Genders, Sex Work in Ireland and Activism and Contestation.
Lorena Ghinea este o tânără ce a avut ghinionul de a intra în anturajul lui Laur Dragomir, un narcisist escroc, care prin acțiunile sale o face extrem de nefericită. Fata se lasă atrasă adânc în universul degradant al lui Laur, plin de minciuni și înșelătorii. Văzând că sora ei nu dorește să iasă de sub influența bărbatului, Laura se decide să intervină. În ajutorul ei sare Maximilian, iubitul Laurei, care găsește o metodă inedită de a-l face pe narcisist să se confeseze. O
Due to the expansion of knowledge around us we are “besieged” by a multitude of data that attracts our attention and pressures us to interact with it, motivating us to receive information, memorize, and form new skills. Children, adolescents, and adults’ social, emotional, intellectual, and psychomotor development need to be taken into account when determining their ability to meet the demands in education or in a given sport or arts. Growth and technological advances in the areas of educational psychology, sport, and art have changed considerably over time, such as in relation to students’ and athletes' preparation and performance. In this context, psychology often what makes the difference between good and great students (or athletes), between first and last place.
This is a collection of published papers from a variety of authors from around the world on the topic of the health and wellbeing of minority sexual orientation and gender identity populations. Some of the included papers focused on health inequality and inequity and some focussed on healthcare delivery. Many showed how health inequities in LGBT+ groups of people were found across a wide variety of political environments and health and wellbeing topics and frequently inadequate healthcare delivery. The increasing interest in research in this area, which has been neglected in the past, shows its growing importance.
Annie Bentoiu (1927–2015) a fost martora atentă a nenumăratelor semne prin care s-a manifestat instaurarea comunismului în România. Nu s-a mulţumit să observe; a citit despre cele trăite, a reflectat asupra lor, a descoperit mecanisme. De aceea, amintirile ei depășesc genul memorialistic. Ele se constituie într-un veritabil manual de istorie – viu, pasionant – a acelor vremuri cumplite. „Cartea doamnei Bentoiu e scrisă cum îmi închipuiam că se va face mult mai târziu: fără patimă, fără complexe, cumpătat, cu toate nuanţele îndoielii, într-un cuvânt, cu bun-simţ. Prezentată astfel, istoria trăită pierde poate din patetismul ei extravagant pentru noi toţi,...
Young people experience one of the highest rates of mental health problems of any group, but make the least use of the support available to them. To reach young people in distress, we need to understand what this digital generation want from mental health professionals and services. Based on interviews with nearly 400 young people, this book offers a vision of youth mental health issues and services through the eyes of young people themselves. It offers professionals important insights into the meaning of identity and agency for this generation and explores how these issues play out in young people’s expectations of mental health support. It shows how, despite young people’s immersion in...