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Schools of Thought
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 177

Schools of Thought

Gain fascinating insights into schools with distinctive philosophies from around the world and reflect on the lessons we can learn for our own schools and classrooms. Hear how leaders teach creativity at The Royal Ballet School, how faith schools foster curiosity and critical thinking, and how schools in Silicon Valley take lessons from the world of tech.With exclusive interviews from 30 unique schools worldwide, Schools of Thought will prompt you to ask penetrating questions of your own practice and challenge you to think more broadly and more deeply about the principles and practices behind education in a changing world.A must-read for the thoughtful educator who wants to expand their horizons and learn from a diverse range of schools in developing their vision, values and ethos and prepare their pupils for the modern world.

Exploring English Language Teaching in India: Theory & Practice
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 119

Exploring English Language Teaching in India: Theory & Practice

The expansion of theories and practices of Teaching English Language in India has been very prominent and conspicuous during the recent few years. For many, this mirrors the strength of contemporary second Language Teaching in the country. Development of new practices and ways of dealing with planning language projects and materials mirrors more proficient and more compelling methods of Language teaching. Teaching English Language depends on more extensive assortment of methodological alternatives adopted by language teachers. The language Teachers have adopted new practices, techniques and materials as per the requirements of students, the penchants of teachers, imperatives of the everyday ...

The State of Independence
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 177

The State of Independence

Exploring the most significant challenges facing independent schools today, this book asks leading figures from education, economics, politics, philosophy and the arts to give their views on how independent schools can adapt to rapidly changing markets which see them scrutinised as never before. A best-seller in its first edition, this fully revised second edition includes many new and updated essays, as well as featuring 26 brand new contributions from leading figures from education. How the sector has responded to the Covid-19 pandemic dominates some of the new contributions, but leading thinkers on areas as complex as gender identity and race write about how independent schools will have to change if they are to survive and flourish in the 21st century. This is a book that, more than ever before, anyone interested in education must read.

  • Language: zh-CN
  • Pages: 306


★全球最大線上平台Coursera最受歡迎的課程「Learning How to Learn」,創下超過兩百四十萬人選修紀錄,修這門課的人包括學生、老師、家長及各領域專家、上班族及退休人士。 ★「Learning How to Learn」課程繁體中文版短片(「學習之道」),計畫於全台最大教育平台「育網開放教育平台」(www.ewant.org)正式上線! 本書作者芭芭拉是典型的「文科出身」,自小討厭數學理化,數學更是從來沒有及格過。但是,在成長過程中,她摸索出一套從腦神經科學的面向來理解大腦運作的方式,並且透過親身實踐,最終成為美國奧克蘭大學工...

The Elements of Education for Curriculum Designers
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 158

The Elements of Education for Curriculum Designers

How should curriculum designers translate abstract learning outcomes into engaging learning experiences that get results? What is the right balance between depth and breadth or between content and skills? What methods should be used to continuously improve a curriculum over time? To answer these kinds of questions, the authors combined research from cutting-edge fields with their own first-hand experience to carefully curate fifty essential elements that demystify the work of curriculum design. Written for utility, clarity, and practical value, this book provides indispensable professional development for educators working in a wide range of fields—from teachers and school leaders to educational publishers and instructional designers. The elements included are applicable across primary, secondary, and higher education as well as for workforce development programs. The Elements of Education for Curriculum Designers is an invaluable resource for anyone aiming to help others learn more effectively.

تعلم كيف تتعلم
  • Language: ar
  • Pages: 286

تعلم كيف تتعلم

طريقة سهلة بشكل مدهش لإتقان أي موضوع، سواء أكنت طالباً جيداً أم لا. جميعنا لدينا أدوات لتعلم ما قد لا يبدو أنه يأتي إلينا بشكل طبيعي في البداية، أما السر فهو في فهم كيفية عمل الدِّماغ حتى نتمكَّن من استغلال إمكانيته. يشرح هذا الكتاب: • لماذا يعتبر ترك دماغك يتساءل في بعض الأحيان جزءاً مهماً من عملية التعلم؟ • كيفية تجنب) التفكير الروتيني) من أجل التفكير خارج الصندوق. • لماذا يمكن أن ي...

Zest for Learning
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 298

Zest for Learning

In Zest for Learning: Developing curious learners who relish real-world challenges, Bill Lucas and Ellen Spencer explore the ways in which teachers can help their pupils to find their passions, develop independence and challenge themselves to become more expansive learners. Young people need more than subject knowledge in order to thrive they need capabilities. The Pedagogy for a Changing World series details which capabilities matter and how schools can develop them. A key capability is zest: the curiosity and desire to experience new things. Zest for Learning offers a powerful new synthesis of thinking about what it takes for young people to flourish both in education and in the wider worl...

Aprender a aprender
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 286

Aprender a aprender

Una manera sorprendentemente fácil de dominar cualquier asignatura, con independencia de si eres o no un buen estudiante. Todos tenemos las herramientas para aprender aquello que, por naturaleza, nos cuesta más, el secreto reside en entender cómo funciona el cerebro para desatar todo su potencial. En este libro descubrirás: Por qué dejar que a veces tu mente deambule es una parte importante del proceso de aprendizaje. Cómo evitar los 'surcos cognitivos' para poder pensar con más originalidad. Por qué tener una mala memoria puede ser algo bueno. Una manera sencilla pero eficaz de dejar de procrastinar. Basado en el libro superventas Abre tu mente a los números y su extremadamente popular curso en línea complementario, Aprender a aprender, este libro consigue que aprender resulte fácil y divertido.

  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 277


Tehnologia evoluează într‑un ritm exponențial, spune Azeem Azhar, iar noi nu ne vom putea adapta decât dacă ne însușim un ritm progresiv mai lent. Rezultatul? Un „decalaj exponențial“ între puterea noii tehnologii și capacitatea noastră de a ține pasul cu ea. Azhar explică prin decalajul exponențial unele dintre cele mai presante dificultăți ale societății în care trăim: de la inerția afacerilor în a implementa digitalizarea până la reacția sclerozată a democrațiilor liberale în fața avântului problemelor sociale. Cum trebuie întâmpinată această tendință care ne erodează economia, politica și viața? Autorul propune câteva răspunsuri.

Cărțile întregesc viața
  • Language: ro
  • Pages: 462

Cărțile întregesc viața

Cartea debutează cu savuroasa conversație dintre Dawkins și astrofizicianul Neil deGrasse Tyson despre cum le putem schimba oamenilor modul de gândire, o binevenită introducere la temele majore abordate în continuare: evoluția omului, religia, ateismul, expansiunea universului, importanța studierii biologiei, intoleranța intelectuală și altele. Implicit, autorul ne îndeamnă să punem la îndoială totul, să ne eliberăm de prejudecăți, să ne formăm o gândire critică și creativă. Sarcasmul său bine-cunoscut se îndreaptă spre cei care se încăpățânează să dovedească faptul că evoluționismul greșește. Demonstrează, totodată, cât de periculoase sunt anumite teorii pentru societate. Entuziasmul său este neobosit și contagios, iar opiniile lui ne rămân întipărite în minte multă vreme după ce am închis cartea.