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The Craft and Science of Coffee follows the coffee plant from its origins in East Africa to its current role as a global product that influences millions of lives though sustainable development, economics, and consumer desire.For most, coffee is a beloved beverage. However, for some it is also an object of scientifically study, and for others it is approached as a craft, both building on skills and experience. By combining the research and insights of the scientific community and expertise of the crafts people, this unique book brings readers into a sustained and inclusive conversation, one where academic and industrial thought leaders, coffee farmers, and baristas are quoted, each informing...
Los procesos de transformación tecnológica y social en que hoy está inmersa la sociedad y, por ende, sus instituciones han generado una nueva forma de ver y entender la acción de las organizaciones gubernamentales. De hecho, dentro de este movimiento de modernización administrativa es urgente que los gobiernos locales, en específico las juntas parroquiales del Carchi, inserten en su accionar el uso de herramientas tecnológicas para la prestación de más y mejores servicios públicos. Este libro, concretamente, propone un diseño de un modelo integrado de administración pública electrónica aplicable en las parroquias de la provincial del Carchi.
Este libro recopila las investigaciones presentadas en el IV Congreso Internacional de Ingenierías, organizado por la Universidad Politécnica Estatal del Carchi, la Universidad de Nariño y la Universidad Estatal del Sur de Manabí. Los campos de la ciencia en que se encuentran las investigaciones son los alimentos, el sector agropecuario, la logística, las tecnologías de la informática y la computación. Estos textos buscan solución a las distintas problemáticas que surgen con el avance científico y tecnológico al que estamos expuestos en el diario vivir. De igual manera, estas investigaciones muestran el papel predominante que desempeñan las instituciones de educación superior en la investigación y difusión de nuevos procesos para el desarrollo y aprovechamiento del aprendizaje de los futuros ingenieros en las diferentes áreas.
The Routledge Handbook on Extraterritorial Human Rights Obligations brings international scholarship on transnational human rights obligations into a comprehensive and wide-ranging volume. Each chapter combines a thorough analysis of a particular issue area and provides a forward-looking perspective of how extraterritorial human rights obligations (ETOs) might come to be more fully recognized, outlining shortcomings but also best state practices. It builds insights gained from state practice to identify gaps in the literature and points to future avenues of inquiry. The Handbook is organized into seven thematic parts: conceptualization and theoretical foundations; enforcement; migration and ...
This book examines the connection between territorial politics and ideological conflict in the global economic sphere, particularly in Latin America, based on in-depth field research in Bolivia, Ecuador, and Peru.
Public policy in Botswana is aimed at reducing poverty through broad-based economic growth, specifically through employment creation initiatives. However, public policy in Botswana also recognizes that economic growth is not a sufficient condition for poverty reduction. As such, a number of social safety nets (SSNs) have been introduced to assist the very poor and vulnerable groups in society. In this study, a comprehensive review of SSNs in Botswana is carried out. The study draws from interviews and focus group discussions conducted with SSN beneficiaries, key informants, programme implementers and the 2002-03 Household Income and Expenditure Survey (HIES), to examine a number of issues relating to delivery, administration and effectiveness of the existing SSNs
In a world of chaotic alignments, traditional logic with its strict boundaries of truth and falsity has not imbued itself with the capability of reflecting the reality. Despite various attempts to reorient logic, there has remained an essential need for an alternative system that could infuse into itself a representation of the real world. Out of this need arose the system of Neutrosophy (the philosophy of neutralities, introduced by FLORENTIN SMARANDACHE), and its connected logic Neutrosophic Logic, which is a further generalization of the theory of Fuzzy Logic. In this book we study the concepts of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) and their Neutrosophic analogue, the Neutrosophic Cognitive Maps...
This book contains the papers presented at the conferences of the International Association Vegetation Science of Pirenopolis (2016) on Applied Mapping for Conservation and Management: from Plant and of Palermo (2017) on Vegetation Patterns in relation to multi-scale levels of ecological complexity: from associations to geoseries. The reports refer to general themes (semiological bases of mapping, dynamic-catenal mapping, nature conservation, plant biodiversity, biogeography, and geosynphytosociology) and their application to vegetation in different parts of the world (Andes of Bolivia, California, Kaga Coast in Japan, Southeastern USA, Morocco, Europe: Carpathians mountains, Swiss Alps, Sicily, Southern Portugal, Spain, and French Atlantic coastal). One of the benefits of the book is that it offers the possibility of comparing the different methodologies used in very different types of vegetation in the world (Boreal, Mediterranean, Tropical, Neotropical, etc.). The book is intended for researchers, Ph.D. students, and university professors.
The idea that changes in biodiversity can impact how ecosystems function has, over the last quarter century, gone from being a controversial notion to an accepted part of science and policy. As the field matures, it is high time to review progress, explore the links between this new research area and fundamental ecological concepts, and look ahead to the implementation of this knowledge. This book is designed to both provide an up-to-date overview of research in the area and to serve as a useful textbook for those studying the relationship between biodiversity and the functioning, stability and services of ecosystems. The Ecological and Societal Consequences of Biodiversity Loss is aimed at a wide audience of upper undergraduate students, postgraduate students, and academic and research staff.