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It is clear that a new type of human approach to marine ecosystems is needed to confront phenomena such as jellyfish blooms. This document provides an updated overview of this phenomenon in the Mediterranean and Black Sea and illustrates how the problem is affecting societies. It reviews current knowledge on gelatinous plankton in the affected region, providing a framework for its inclusion into fisheries science and the management of human activities such as tourism and coastal development. Fact sheets on the most important gelatinous plankters of the Mediterranean and Black Seas are included as an appendix.
This text addresses critical topics in the expanding market and production for lipids. It combines novel and traditional methods from technological and biological perspectives to achieve the most effective pathways for production of modified lipids. The book is organized into three sections exploring development, new production methods and successful products and uses.
Recent developments in parallel computing for various fields of application are providing improved solutions for handling data. These newer, innovative ideas offer the technical support necessary to enhance intellectual decisions, while also dealing more efficiently with the huge volumes of data currently involved. This book presents the proceedings of ICAPTA 2022, the International Conference on Advances in Parallel Computing Technologies and Applications, hosted as a virtual conference from Bangalore, India, on 27 and 28 January 2022. The aim of the conference was to provide a forum for the sharing of knowledge about various aspects of parallel computing in communications systems and netwo...
Türkiye'de dağcılık anlamında her türlü tırmanışı dağcılara sunan Aladağlar'da; zirvelere ulaşan kolay ve zor rotaların vadiler üzerinden ulaşımında; Kamp yerleri, Su kaynakları, GPS kaydı ve bu kayda kolay bir kare kod ile ulaşım, Harita üzerinde gösterim, fotoğraflar üzerinde rota çizimleri ve kritik geçiş ve geçit noktalarında rotayı ayrıntılı gösteren fotoğraflar, Zirvelere ilk çıkışların kimler ve hangi tarihlerde yapıldığını detaylı anlatımlarla bu kitapta bulmak mümkün.
INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOPS (at IAREC'17) (This book inclueds English (main) and Turkish languages) International Workshop on Mechanical Engineering International Workshop on Mechatronics Engineering International Workshop on Energy Systems Engineering International Workshop on Automotive Engineering and Aerospace Engineering International Workshop on Material Engineering International Workshop on Manufacturing Engineering International Workshop on Physics Engineering International Workshop on Electrical and Electronics Engineering International Workshop on Computer Engineering and Software Engineering International Workshop on Chemical Engineering International Workshop on Textile Engineering I...
The mound of Beycesultan was excavated for six consecutive seasons 1954-9, by the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara under the direction of Mr. Seton Lloyd. It is a very large mound, dominating the more fertile end of the Civril valley, through which the upper reaches of the River Menderes (Meander) wind down from their source at Dinar. In selecting this mound as the object of a long-term excavating programme in 1953, the Council of the institute were guided by two parallel lines of approach. One was a proposed attempt to investigate the location and history of the great Anatolian state called Arzawa in the Hittite period. The other was the selection of a site at which a true archaeological cross-section could be obtained of a major Bronze Age city in the heart of Western Anatolia.
Bu roman, Sultan Alparslan dönemi Selçuklu Devleti"nin durumunu, Bizanslılarla yapılan Malazgirt Savaşı"nı yansıtır. Uzların elinde beş yıl esir kaldıktan sonra köyüne dönen ve döndüğünde karısının Uzlarca öldürüldüğünü, oğlunun da kaçırıldığını öğrenen Abdurrahman"ın maceralarıyla dönemin sıkıntıları, karışıklıkları, Sultan Alparslan ve Malazgirt Savaşı anlatılır. Selçuklu Abdurrahman ile o esirken kaçırılan oğlu Tekin"in birbirlerini tanımadan karşılaşmaları, iki düşman olarak karşılıklı savaşmaları, garip bir hisle birbirlerine yakınlık duyup öldürmek üzereyken affetmeleri, sonra dost olmaları olayların örgüsü içinde Türklere Anadolu kapısını açan Malazgirt Savaşı etraflı bir şekilde ele alınır.
The Congressional Record is the official record of the proceedings and debates of the United States Congress. It is published daily when Congress is in session. The Congressional Record began publication in 1873. Debates for sessions prior to 1873 are recorded in The Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States (1789-1824), the Register of Debates in Congress (1824-1837), and the Congressional Globe (1833-1873)