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Buku ini mengulas beragam isu terkait politik dan pemerintahan lokal dengan pendekatan interdisipliner. Kami mencoba mengangkat berbagai perspektif, mulai dari aspek historis yang membentuk kerangka kelembagaan, hingga analisis kontemporer tentang partisipasi masyarakat dan peran teknologi dalam mengubah pola hubungan antara pemerintah dan rakyat.
Masyarakat transisi secara sosial, ekonomi, politik dan budaya memiliki perbedaan antara masyarakat desa sebagai akarnya dan masyarakat kota sebagai bentuk perkembangan masyarakat yang lebih maju. Identitas tersebut berakulturasi untuk saling mempengaruhi satu sama lain. Seberapa kuat pengaruh desa atau kota, tentunya dipengaruhi oleh aktor, kondisi geografis, perkembangan sarana komunikasi dan teknologi. Sehingga tahap perkembangan masyrakat transisi berbeda, dari satu daerah dengan daerah lain. Masyarakat Indonesia secara umum merupakan bagian dari masyarakat transisi yang akan terus berubah dengan mengikuti perubahan yang terjadi secara global. Perubahan yang terjadi secara terus menerus, menyebabkan terjadinya masyarakat transisi juga berlangsung lebih lama. Tentunya masa transisi tersebut harus diikuti dengan adanya masyarakat yang bisa adaptif dengan perubahan. Beberapa permasalahan dalam masyarakat transisi ini adalah gaya hidup dan kemiskinan yang berjalan beriringan. Menjadi tanggung jawab semua stake holder terkait dengan dilema yang dihadapi pada masa transisi ini.
On January 2009, President Obama signed the Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government. The memorandum declares the new Administration’s commitment to creating an unprecedented level of openness in Government and establishing a system linking three principles: transparency, public participation and collaboration. Since then, federal agencies in the United States and public administrations around the world have embarked on open government initiatives and have worked to redefine their relationship with citizens and with each other. On September 20th, 2011, eight governments gathered in New York City to launch the Open Government Partnership, a new multilateral initiative to promote open ...
This book constitutes revised and selected papers from the First International Conference on Society 5.0, Society 5.0 2021, held virtually in June 2021. The 12 full papers and 3 short papers presented in this volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 54 qualified submissions. The papers discuss topics on application of the fourth industrial revolution innovations (e.g. Internet of Things, Big Data, Artificial intelligence, and the sharing economy) in healthcare, mobility, infrastructure, politics, government, economy and industry.
Intellectual property rights (IPRs) refer to the legal ownership by a person or business of an invention/discovery attached to a particular product or process which protects the owner against unauthorized copying or imitation. With the emergence of the knowledge society and virtual products, the issue of safeguarding the investment in the information-based products has certainly gained high importance. Globalization and the rapid proliferation of technology have elevated the significance of intellectual property protection. The importance of IPRs has increased in recent years in the wake of rapid advancements and proliferation of technology. Intellectual property protection is a key factor f...
This fully updated sixth edition of the international bestseller Research Methods in Education covers the whole range of methods currently employed by educational research at all stages. It is divided into five main parts: the context of educational research; planning educational research; styles of educational research; strategies for data collection and researching; and data analysis. The book also contains references to a comprehensive dedicated website of accompanying materials. The sixth edition includes new material on: complexity theory, ethics, sampling and sensitive educational research experimental research, questionnaire design and administration with practical guidance qualitative and quantitative data analysis, with practical examples internet based research. Research Methods in Education is essential reading for the professional researcher and continues to be the standard text for students and lecturers in educational research. To access the dedicated website of accompanying materials, please visit:
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems, SMARTGREENS 2015, and the 1st International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems, VEHITS 2015, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in May 2015. The 15 full papers of SMARTGREENS 2015 presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 73 submissions. VEHITS 2015 received 27 paper submissions from which 3 papers were selected and published in this book. The papers reflect topics such as smart cities, energy-aware systems and technologies, sustainable computing and communications, sustainable transportation and smart mobility.
The present book highlights studies that show how smart cities promote urban economic development. The book surveys the state of the art of Smart City Economic Development through a literature survey. The book uses 13 in depth city research case studies in 10 countries such as the North America, Europe, Africa and Asia to explain how a smart economy changes the urban spatial system and vice versa. This book focuses on exploratory city studies in different countries, which investigate how urban spatial systems adapt to the specific needs of smart urban economy. The theory of smart city economic development is not yet entirely understood and applied in metropolitan regional plans. Smart urban ...
This open access State-of-the-Art Survey describes and documents the developments and results of the Once-Only Principle Project (TOOP). The Once-Only Principle (OOP) is part of the seven underlying principles of the eGovernment Action Plan 2016-2020. It aims to make the government more effective and to reduce administrative burdens by asking citizens and companies to provide certain standard information to the public authorities only once. The project was horizontal and policy-driven with the aim of showing that the implementation of OOP in a cross-border and cross-sector setting is feasible. The book summarizes the results of the project from policy, organizational, architectural, and technical points of view.
The Smartcity is an innovative response to problems resulting from the expansion of cities. Addressing a possible resurgence in the symbiotic relationship of humans with the city, this title guides the reader in how Smartcity practices could be used in contemporary society.