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This collection showcases a multivalent approach to the study of literary multilingualism, embodied in contemporary Nordic literature. While previous approaches to literary multilingualism have tended to take a textual or authorship focus, this book advocates for a theoretical perspective which reflects the multiplicity of languages in use in contemporary literature emerging from increased globalization and transnational interaction. Drawing on a multimodal range of examples from contemporary Nordic literature, these eighteen chapters illustrate the ways in which multilingualism is dynamic rather than fixed, resulting from the interactions between authors, texts, and readers as well as betwe...
Purmojärven Isopelliset II sisältää Isopellisen kylän uudisasukkaan Lauri Bjöninpoika Pellisen sukutauluja. Kirjassa on 12 sukupolvea Laurin jälkeläisiä 1500-luvun lopulta lähtien.
Smudged and sketchy, Amanda Vähämäki's delicate pencil lines conjure up a world whose events are dictated by a surreal interior logic, a bizarre and vaguely sinister realm where a bear and a child argue over which one of them is more qualified to drive a car, where children are occupied with the feeding of an oversized houseguest, and where amateur dentistry runs rampant.
Winner of the 2020 Comics Studies Society Edited Book Prize Contributions by Kylie Cardell, Aaron Cometbus, Margaret Galvan, Sarah Hildebrand, Frederik Byrn Køhlert, Tahneer Oksman, Seamus O’Malley, Annie Mok, Dan Nadel, Natalie Pendergast, Sarah Richardson, Jessica Stark, and James Yeh In a self-reflexive way, Julie Doucet’s and Gabrielle Bell’s comics, though often autobiographical, defy easy categorization. In this volume, editors Tahneer Oksman and Seamus O’Malley regard Doucet’s and Bell’s art as actively feminist, not only because they offer women’s perspectives, but because they do so by provocatively bringing up the complicated, multivalent frameworks of such engagemen...
세계의 만화가들이 결합한 최대의 단체이자, 유일한 국제행사인 ‘국제만화가대회(The International Comic artist Conference)’ 본부가 한국에 있는 것을 아시는지? 이 책은 국제만화가대회 본부에서 2010년 국제만화가대회를 기념하여, 각국 만화가들의 목소리와 현장보고의 형식을 빌어 세계만화의 현황을 정리한 것이다. 이 책은 평소 생각하지 못했던 전세계 여러 나라의 만화시장, 만화문화를 다채롭게 접할 수 있는 기회가 될 것이다. 인도에서 만화의 의미말레이시아 만화산업의 역사러시아 만화시장 - 비희극(悲喜劇)“만화는 예술임에 희망을 품자” 프랑스의 만화현실성과 언론의 정점에 설계된 문학 (이탈리아) 만화와 애니메이션, 시청각의 새로운 시도 비디오 게임과 만화의 상호관계 (일본) 스페인 만화의 발전스머프, 천재적인 난쟁이 지신(地神)들 (벨기에) 핀란드 만화의 소개 및 미래영국 그래픽노블의 현상 미즈키 시게루 로드 (일본)
在時間的賽道中,我們不斷向前看,在某些時刻,我們也應該緩下腳步,回頭向後看去,看看過去所走過的點點滴滴,在那之中,可能蘊藏著我們之前沒有注意到的可能未來。 不僅僅是個人或是產業,台灣的歷史也恰是如此,在台灣這座舞台上,不同時代許多人來來去去,他們都為台灣裝飾了許多,包含各式文化、各地美學、時尚風潮,在時間的積累下,台灣形成了自己獨特的過去,在這之中,又能夠看見什麼未來呢? 「青春終將逝去,唯記憶不被遺忘。這些年代久遠的絕版期刊,作為某種時代的見證、美學的啟蒙,每隔...
Książka 50 twarzy popkultury pod redakcją Kseni Olkusz jest czwartym tomem serii „Perspektywy Ponowoczesności” – i zarazem pierwszą tak obszerną polską pracą zbiorową proponującą namysł nad kulturą popularną rozumianą nie jako zjawisko osobne, rozpatrywane z zaangażowanej perspektywy fana, lecz jako „wszechkulturę”, dekonstruującą paradygmatyczny podział na wysoki i niski rejestr artystyczny.