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Perinsip manajemen mencakup seperangkat prinsip dasar yang membimbing pengambilan keputusan, perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pelaksanaan, dan pengawasan kegiatan organisasi. Keberhasilan suatu organisasi sangat tergantung pada kemampuan manajemennya untuk mengaplikasikan perinsipperinsip ini secara bijaksana.
Kepemimpinan merupakan salah satu isu dalam manajemen yang masih cukup menarik untuk diperbincangkan hingga dewasa ini. Media massa, baik elektronik maupun cetak, seringkali menampilkan opini dan pembicaraan yang membahas seputar kepemimpinan. Peran kepemimpinan yang sangat strategis dan penting bagi pencapaian misi, visi dan tujuan suatu organisasi, merupakan salah satu motif yang mendorong manusia untuk selalu menyelidiki seluk-beluk yang terkait dengan kepemimpinan.
Kepemimpinan merupakan aspek yang sangat penting dalam berbagai bidang kehidupan, baik di dalam organisasi, bisnis, maupun dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. Model dan gaya kepemimpinan memainkan peran sentral dalam membentuk budaya organisasi, memengaruhi kinerja, dan merumuskan visi masa depan. Kata pengantar ini akan membimbing Anda dalam pemahaman yang lebih mendalam mengenai beragam model dan gaya kepemimpinan yang diterapkan dalam berbagai situasi.
Kewirausahaan adalah jiwa dan semangat untuk menciptakan sesuatu yang baru dan bernilai, baik dalam bentuk produk, layanan, atau proses bisnis. Hal ini melibatkan keberanian, inovasi, dan kemampuan untuk mengambil risiko dalam menghadapi peluang-peluang bisnis. Kewirausahaan juga berarti menerapkan kreativitas dan pemikiran strategis untuk mengatasi tantangan dan mencapai tujuan. Pengembangan kewirausahaan memerlukan pemahaman mendalam tentang pasar, pelanggan, dan lingkungan bisnis. Para wirausahawan harus selalu mencari kesempatan baru dan memahami bagaimana tren dan perubahan dapat mempengaruhi bisnis mereka.
This book provides glimpses into contemporary research in information systems & technology, learning, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and security and how it applies to the real world, but the ideas presented also span the domains of telehealth, computer vision, the role and use of mobile devices, brain–computer interfaces, virtual reality, language and image processing and big data analytics and applications. Great research arises from asking pertinent research questions. This book reveals some of the authors’ “beautiful questions” and how they develop the subsequent “what if” and “how” questions, offering readers food for thought and whetting their appetite for further research by the same authors.
H.Th. Chabot's Ph.D. thesis, Verwantschap, stand en sexe in Zuid-Celebes (1950), is an important source for the anthropology of South Celebes. Chabot's study, based on fieldwork in the 1940s provides insights into social relationships in a South Celebes village, focusing on demographic and spatial data, systems of marriage and the position of women. His observations are of great value for historical-comparative work. This English translation makes Chabot's study accessible to a new generation of researchers. Added to the translation are a biography of H.Th. Chabot (1910-1970) and a biography of is scholarly work, as well as an extensive introduction by Martin Rössler and Birgit Röttger-Rössler, placing Chabot's contribution in the context of other work on Macassarese and Buginese society.
A French historian chronicles his meticulous efforts to document the lives of his Polish Jewish grandparents who were killed in the Holocaust. Ivan Jablonka’s grandparents’ lives ended long before his began: although Matès and Idesa Jablonka were his family, they were perfect strangers. When he set out to uncover their story, Jablonka had little to work with. Neither of them was the least bit famous, and they left little behind except their two orphaned children, a handful of letters, and a passport. Persecuted as communists in Poland, as refugees in France, and then as Jews under the Vichy regime, Matès and Idesa lived their short lives underground. They were overcome by the tragedies...
This book features a selection of articles from the second edition of the conference Europe Middle East & North Africa Information Systems and Technologies to Support Learning 2018 (EMENA-ISTL'18), held in Fez, Morocco between 25th and 27th October 2018. EMENA-ISTL’18 was a global forum for researchers and practitioners to present and discuss recent findings and innovations, current trends, professional experiences and challenges in information systems & technologies to support learning. The main topics covered are: A) information systems technologies to support education; B) education in science, technology, engineering and Mathematics; C) emerging technologies in education learning innov...
How is the Qur'an - central to all Muslim societies - to be understood today in order to meet the needs of these societies? Abdullah Saeed, a distinguished Muslim scholar, explores the interpretation of the ethico-legal content of the Qur'an, whilst taking into consideration the changing nature of the modern world. Saeed explores the current debates surrounding the interpretation of the Qur'an, and their impact on contemporary understanding of this sacred text. Discussing the text's relevance to modern issues without compromising the overall framework of the Qur'an and its core beliefs and practices, he proposes a fresh approach, which takes into account the historical and contemporary contexts of interpretation. Inspiring healthy debate, this book is essential reading for students and scholars seeking a contemporary approach to the interpretation of the Qur'anic text.
In the aftermath of the Kosovo Crisis, it is said that Macedonia will be next. This volume provides an in-depth, interdisciplinary analysis of the Macedonian Question. The essays included illustrate the intimate connections between culture and ethnic politics in Macedonia