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In recent times, the philosophy of science has been reinvigorated by insights from the biological and cognitive sciences. These disciplines have provided not only new perspectives to approach traditional philosophical problems but have also opened the way to new conceptual and methodological questions that call for new and innovative solutions. This book brings together some of the main debates that have structured in the last years the fields of philosophy of biology and cognitive sciences. It is organized around 11 chapters distributed in two parts: one devoted to the philosophy of biology, and the other to the cognitive sciences. These ideas were originally presented at the 11th edition o...
Whereas science, technology, and medicine have all called forth dedicated philosophical investigations, a fourth major contributor to the technoscientific world in which we all live - that is, engineering - has been accorded almost none of the philosophical attention it deserves. This volume thus offers a first characterisation of this important new field, by some of the primary philosophers and ethicists interested in engineering and leading engineers interested in philosophical reflections. The volume deals with such questions as: What is engineering? In what respect does engineering differ from science? What ethical problems does engineering raise? By what ethical principles are engineers...
In a society that praises and promotes technological advancement, it becomes increasingly essential to review the effects of such rapid technological growth. New high-tech advances need to be examined to determine what they mean to science, society, and industry along with the benefits and challenges they present. The Handbook of Research on Industrial Advancement in Scientific Knowledge addresses the intersection of technology and science where engineering considerations, mathematical approaches, and management tools provide a better understanding and awareness of Industry 4.0, while also taking into account the impact on current society. This publication identifies methodologies and applications related to decision making, risk and uncertainty, and design and development not only on scientific and industrial topics but also on social and ethical matters. It is designed for engineers, entrepreneurs, academicians, researchers, managers, and students.
This volume provides a broad overview of some cutting-edge philosophical topics of growing interest at the juncture between cognitive science and biology. The main goal is not to integrate the variety of approaches into a single account, but rather to offer diverse perspectives on a collection of selected biological issues of particular philosophical relevance, reflecting the plurality of current research in these areas. Four conceptual vectors give this volume its coherence: Animal and human cognition: With respect to animal cognition, this volume focuses on self-awareness and methodological flaws in the science of animal consciousness. Regarding human cognition, the authors of this volume ...
The emergence of genomic variability is a fundamental process in evolution that has been the focus of recent high-profile scientific debates, with a particular focus on epigenetic modifications shown to influence genomic variability.Epigenetics and Evolution, a new volume in the Translational Epigenetics series, introduces key themes from current epigenetic evolution research, with contributions from leading scientists around the world that investigate the role of epigenetic mechanisms in evolution from a variety of different angles, with each contribution combining theory, current research overviews, and applications. This book gives researchers, students, and clinicians a better understand...
Along with the introduction of technology in nearly every facet of human life comes the question of the ethical side of using technology to improve the human condition, whether that be physically or mentally. The capabilities of human enhancement technologies have created a dual-sided approach to discussing human enhancement: the critical approach of attempting to reach human perfection and the ethics within that idea and the endless capabilities of technology that have greatly impacted the medical field. It is essential to discuss both aspects within these emerging technologies, whether as separate entities or as cohesive units. Ranging from disease detection and treatment to implants and p...
El IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología se celebró en la Universidad de Salamanca entre los días 3 y 7 de julio de 2017 y estuvo organizado por el Instituto de Estudios de la Ciencia y la Tecnología. El germen de estos congresos fue la «Enciclopedia Iberoamericana de Filosofía» que precisamente ese año concluyó con la publicación del último volumen de los proyectados. En su origen destacan los nombres de dos filósofos claves que han sido especialmente relevantes en el Congreso: Miguel Ángel Quintanilla, en honor del que se eligió tanto la sede como la temática y León Olivé, que falleció pocos meses antes. Desde el Congreso se les rindió ho...
La llegada de la pandemia del coronavirus, la guerra entre Rusia y Ucrania, las catástrofes como el terremoto de Turquía o las cuestiones políticas vuelven a poner sobre la mesa el gran reto que sigue teniendo la comunicación: lograr que la ciudadanía realmente esté bien informada.La comunicación se transforma y evoluciona atendiendo a las demandas de los diferentes públicos. Se adapta en tiempo real a las situaciones que la sociedad está viviendo. Ya sabemos que el siglo XXI se caracteriza por el avance y expansión de la digitalización y el control de la información a nivel global. A esta etapa también se le conoce como la era de la información, aunque ha quedado patente que quien la controla y quien accede a ella termina teniendo las mejores oportunidades. [Texto de la editorial].
Durante 1953 y 1954 la Universidad de Salamanca llevó a cabo distintas celebraciones para la conmemoración de sus setecientos años de existencia, tomando como referencia el día 8 de mayo de 1254, fecha en que el rey Alfonso X el Sabio promulgaba una real cédula de reorganización jurídica del Estudio, si bien la fundación de la Universidad de Salamanca se sitúa con exactitud en 1218. Con ello, las autoridades políticas y universitarias del régimen franquista elegían el momento adecuado para acometer una vasta operación de legitimación académica exterior del Estado nacional, al mismo tiempo que comenzaban a abrírsele los foros internacionales de la posguerra. El régimen necesitaba de imágenes con las que mostrarse al exterior, y nada mejor para ello que una celebración universitaria a la que vinieron rectores y representantes de 123 universidades y 44 países. La mirada fotográfica de Guzmán Gombau sobre este VII Centenario “diferido” de la Universidad de Salamanca ofrece un testimonio medido y extraordinario de aquella historia, instantáneas que ahora recopila este libro.