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This book explores the connections between the processes of social structuring and sensibilities in contemporary cities. The transformations of capitalism on a global scale imply reconfigurations both in the way of planning and organizing cities, and in the ways of dwelling and feeling them. The generalization of the urban, the suburbanization of the metropolis, and classified and racializing segregation, just to mention some significant phenomena, not only introduce changes linked to the forms of consumption of the city and the land, the appropriation and privatization of collective places, the strategic revaluation of urban times / spaces, or the establishment of new centralities. They also involve changes in sensibilities, which translate into substantial transformations in the lives of people and groups that dwell in cities in the Global North and South. Based on various empirical records and methodological procedures, the chapters included in this book establish a fertile dialogue between collaborators from different geocultural contexts that locate urban experiences and sensibilities as a point of articulation to address the processes of social structuring on a global scale.
This book is for travel writers and bloggers studying to develop their professional and creative practice at university. It is aimed at the level of final year undergraduate and Masters level, for example, MA and MFA in creative nonfiction. Much of the work in developing this book has been drawn from my teaching and research supervision on the Masters programme for travel writers at the University of Plymouth, the ResM in Travel Writing. Alongside developing your growth and confidence as a literary travel writer it provides an approach that forms the framework for a research project suitable for a postgraduate thesis. For your career, where writing commissions are sought, it will help you to professionalise your practice so that each new project is productive from an earlier stage
This collection of essays presents an innovative and provocative set of concepts to understand the spaces of the Americas through local lenses. The disciplines of architecture, urban design, landscape, and planning share the fundamental belief that space and place matter; however, the overwhelming majority of canonical knowledge in these fields originates in another continent and is external to the lived experience in such regions. The book introduces seven new concepts that have not been sufficiently addressed, and would make a significant contribution to the field: namely, gridded spaces; spaces of agriculture; space as image; watered spaces; spaces as labor; racialized spaces; and gendered spaces. This book, thus, introduces a broader conceptual framework to foster the analysis of the spatial histories of the Americas.
This book explores the connections between the processes of social structuring and sensibilities in contemporary cities. The transformations of capitalism on a global scale imply reconfigurations both in the way of planning and organizing cities, and in the ways of dwelling and feeling them. The generalization of the urban, the suburbanization of the metropolis, and classified and racializing segregation, just to mention some significant phenomena, not only introduce changes linked to the forms of consumption of the city and the land, the appropriation and privatization of collective places, the strategic revaluation of urban times / spaces, or the establishment of new centralities. They also involve changes in sensibilities, which translate into substantial transformations in the lives of people and groups that dwell in cities in the Global North and South. Based on various empirical records and methodological procedures, the chapters included in this book establish a fertile dialogue between collaborators from different geocultural contexts that locate urban experiences and sensibilities as a point of articulation to address the processes of social structuring on a global scale.
No es extraño referir a la Ciudad de México bajo la idea de lo inconmensurable. El presente libro se aproxima al análisis de tal diversidad y complejidad, a través de miradas multidisciplinares y una variedad de enfoques de investigación. En sus capítulos encontramos una heterogeneidad de dimensiones de la vida urbana. Sus páginas nos revelan la manera como el arte o las dimensiones sensibles como el olfato, producen la ciudad, al igual que los intereses políticos y del capital. Descubrimos el modo como las vidas urbanas se configuran por relaciones de poder, la manera como la ciudad produce y reproduce desigualdades sociales en el reparto de sus espacios y objetos. Pero si el orden de la ciudad ha tendido —en distintas dimensiones— a la exclusión de grupos subalternos como mujeres, niños, sectores populares, personas con discapacidad, población en condición de calle, la diversidad sexo-genérica y étnica, igualmente es un espacio donde hallamos continuas subversiones que desafían lo establecido y dominante: donde es posible la escucha, la construcción de lo común y la inclinación de unas vidas hacia el cuidado de las otras.
This volume zooms in on the transformation of the city/metropolis from the standpoints of work/political economy, sustainability, security/surveillance and race., focusing on how the city is experience/sensed across different communities of people. Springing from diverse traditions of thought and methodological perspectives, including politics, ethnography, philosophy, and urban planning, the chapters offer the opportunity to capture the city as a puzzle of perceptions and experiences. In this same direction the multiplicity of spaces/times - the Mexico Federal District, Port-of-Spain, Shanghai, Milan, Paris, Buenos Aires and Puno - are the reference points of the chapters to indicate how th...
Los artículos compilados en esta publicación forman parte de una trabajo de reflexión que los integrantes del Grupo de Estudios sobre Sociología de las Emociones y los Cuerpos del Instituto de investigaciones Gino Germani de la Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires vienen construyendo desde fines del año 2008 bajo la dirección del Dr. Adrián Scribano. Inmersos en proyectos de investigación individuales y colectivos, con diversas trayectorias institucionales y de formación, e incluso transitando por distintos momentos de producción que supone el pasaje por la vida académica, la apuesta de los autores – vuelta certeza teórico-política de las reflexiones que se presentan a continuación- es contribuir con un modo de hacer ciencia que reponga, problematice y “mire al sesgo” las condiciones materiales e históricas de producción de las sensibilidades sociales, en apariencia sindicadas como lo más íntimo y más privado de todo sujeto
Understories: Plants and Culture in the American Tropics establishes the central importance of plants to the histories and cultures of the extended tropical region stretching from the U.S. South to Argentina. Through close examination of a number of significant plants – cacao, mate, agave, the hevea brasilensis, kudzu, the breadfruit, soy, and the ceiba pentandra, among others – this volume shows that vegetal life has played a fundamental role in shaping societies and in formulating cultural and environmental imaginaries in and beyond the region. Drawing on a wide range of cultural traditions and forms across literature, popular music, art, and film, the essays included in this volume transcend regional and linguistic boundaries to bring together multiple plant-centred histories or ‘understories’ – narratives that until now have been marginalized or gone unnoticed. Attending not only to the significant influence of humans on plants, but also of plants on humans, this book offers new understandings of how colonization, globalization, and power were, and continue to be, imbricated with nature in the American tropics.
"El texto que aquí presentamos es el resultado de un proceso de diálogo e intercambio en el Grupo de Estudios Sociales sobre las Emociones y los Cuerpos, del Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani (GESEC-IIGG-UBA), que tuvo fundamentalmente dos objetivos: uno de carácter formativo/reflexivo y otro de carácter teórico/epistemológico acerca del status de las problemáticas de los cuerpos/emociones en la Teoría Social. En dicho contexto, el presente libro se considera un aporte para comprender cómo la problemática de los cuerpos/emociones han estado presentes en la teoría social desde sus orígenes como filosofía social, pasando por la teoría sociológica clásica hasta llegar a la que se suele denominar como teoría social contemporánea. Desde diversas miradas, desde distintas tradiciones y enfoques paradigmáticos, el lector constatará que, de un modo u otro, las políticas de los cuerpos y de la emociones han sido y siguen siendo preocupaciones centrales a la hora de "mapear" los procesos de estructuración social."--Descripción del editor.