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In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education, editors Wayne D. Bowman and Ana Lucia Frega have drawn together a variety of philosophical perspectives from the profession's most exciting scholars from all over the world. Rather than relegating philosophical inquiry to moot questions and abstract situations, the contributors to this volume address everyday concerns faced by music educators everywhere. Emphasizing clarity, fairness, rigour, and utility above all, The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education will challenge music educators all over the world to make their own decisions and ultimately contribute to the conversation themselves.
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open Access programme and is available on This landmark collection explores the origins and foundations of music education across five continents and considers: the inclusion of music as part of the compulsory school curriculum in the context of the historical and political landscape the aims, objectives and content of the music curriculum teaching methods the provision and training of teachers of music the experiences of pupils Contributors have been carefully selected to represent countries which have incorporated music into compulsory schooling for a variety of differing reasons giving a diverse collection which will guide future actions and policy.
Music Education: Source Readings from Ancient Greece to Today is a collection of thematically organized essays that illuminate the importance of music education to individuals, communities and nations. The fourth edition has been expanded to address the significant societal changes that have occurred since the publication of the last edition, with a greater focus on current readings in government, philosophy, psychology, curriculum, sociology, and advocacy. This comprehensive text remains an essential reference for music educators today, demonstrating the value and support of their profession in the societies in which they live [Publisher description].
Beginning with volume 41 (1979), the University of Texas Press became the publisher of the Handbook of Latin American Studies, the most comprehensive annual bibliography in the field. Compiled by the Hispanic Division of the Library of Congress and annotated by a corps of more than 130 specialists in various disciplines, the Handbook alternates from year to year between social sciences and humanities. The Handbook annotates works on Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the Guianas, Spanish South America, and Brazil, as well as materials covering Latin America as a whole. Most of the subsections are preceded by introductory essays that serve as biannual evaluations of the literature and...
This book is an eye opening and mind expanding collection of important writings, chosen with erudition and situating music education in the long sweep of history from Plato to the present and diverse cultures.
A fun method that teaches how to play rhythms and songs on a variety of drums and sound sources, including many simple, inexpensive objects found around the home. With the accompanying CD that lets the student hear how the music should sound, each lesson is explained in plain language that's easy to understand.
Every day people come together to make music. Whether amateur or professional, young or old, jazz enthusiasts or rock stars, what is common to all of these musical groups is the potential to create communities of musical practice (CoMP). Such communities are created through practices: ways of engaging, rules, membership, roles, identities and learning that is both shared through collective musical endeavour and situated within certain sociocultural contexts. Ailbhe Kenny investigates CoMP as a rich model for community engagement, musical participation and transformation in music education. This book is the first to produce a valid and reliable in-depth study of music communities using a comm...
Music and Music Education as Social Praxis is a brief introduction to a praxial theory of music education, defined by author. It is grounded in an interdisciplinary approach, for undergraduate and graduate students in music education. Drawing upon scholarship from a range of disciplines, including philosophy and sociology, the book emphasizes and highlights thinking of music as an active social practice and offers an alternative to existing approaches to music education. This text advocates for an alternative approach to teaching music, rooted in the social practice of music, and will supplement Foundations or Methods courses in the Music Education curriculum.
Music education thrives on philosophical inquiry, the systematic and critical examination of beliefs and assumptions. Yet philosophy, often considered abstract and irrelevant, is often absent from the daily life of music instructors. In The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy in Music Education, editors Wayne D. Bowman and Ana Lucía Frega have drawn together a variety of philosophical perspectives from the profession's most exciting scholars. Rather than relegating philosophical inquiry to moot questions and abstract situations, the contributors to this volume address everyday concerns faced by music educators everywhere, demonstrating that philosophy offers a way of navigating the daily professi...
A Concise Survey of Music Philosophy helps music students choose a philosophy that will guide them throughout their careers. The book is divided into three sections: central issues that any music philosophy ought to consider (e.g., beauty, emotion, and aesthetics); secondly, significant philosophical positions, exploring what major thinkers have had to say on the subject; and finally, opportunities for students to consider the ramifications of these ideas for themselves. Throughout the book, students are encouraged to make choices that will inform a philosophy of music and music education with which they are most comfortable to align. Frequently, music philosophy courses are taught in such a...