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III Jornadas de Investigadores Predoctorales. La Historia del Arte desde Aragón
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 274

III Jornadas de Investigadores Predoctorales. La Historia del Arte desde Aragón

  • Categories: Art

Con este libro las Jornadas de Investigadores Pre-doctorales se consolidan al llegar a su tercera edición, tras las reuniones celebradas respectivamente en Daroca (2014) y Albarracín (2016). En esta ocasión han sido organizadas por el Departamento de Historia del Arte de la Universidad de Zaragoza en la Casa de Cultura de Gallur, los días 30 de noviembre y 1 de diciembre de 2018. El volumen reúne de esta manera las investigaciones más punteras relativas a la historia, el arte y el patrimonio cultural en Aragón, actualizando conocimientos sobre múltiples temas y abriendo nuevas vías de investigación en aspectos que antes resultaban totalmente desconocidos.

La formación artística: creadores-historiadores-espectadores
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 1674

La formación artística: creadores-historiadores-espectadores

En esta publicación se recogen los trabajos presentados en el XXI Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte (CEHA), celebrado en el Palacio de la Magdalena de Santander entre los días 20 al 23de septiembre de 2016. El eje vertebrador de dicho congreso giró en torno a una temática a la vez monográfica y transversal: LA FORMACIÓN ARTÍSTICA. Se aborda este objetivo desde la doble perspectiva que plantean los dos protagonistas principales del diálogo artístico (el creador y el espectador), pasando por el historiador del arte como mediador entre ambos. Empleando este hilo conductor, se traza el rico panorama investigador nacional, tratando de reflejar las principales orientaciones metodológicas de la disciplina, así como las líneas de trabajo más consolidadas y las emergentes. Las aportaciones en cada uno de los seis bloques (desde el gremio, la formación académica o la universitaria, la educación de la mirada, la crisis de la Historia del Arte, las fuentes, la historiografía y la literatura artística y, por último, el dedicado a proyectos, tesis y grupos de I+D+i) presentan una visión actualizada de algunas de las tendencias de la investigación en Historia del Arte.

La formación artística: creadores-historiadores-espectadores
  • Language: es
  • Pages: 1674

La formación artística: creadores-historiadores-espectadores

  • Categories: Art

En esta publicación se recogen los trabajos presentados en el XXI Congreso Nacional de Historia del Arte (CEHA), celebrado en el Palacio de la Magdalena de Santander entre los días 20 al 23 de septiembre de 2016. El eje vertebrador de dicho congreso giró en torno a una temática a la vez monográfica y transversal: LA FORMACIÓN ARTÍSTICA. Se aborda este objetivo desde la doble perspectiva que plantean los dos protagonistas principales del diálogo artístico (el creador y el espectador), pasando por el historiador del arte como mediador entre ambos. Empleando este hilo conductor, se traza el rico panorama investigador nacional, tratando de reflejar las principales orientaciones metodológicas de la disciplina, así como las líneas de trabajo más consolidadas y las emergentes. Las aportaciones en cada uno de los seis bloques (desde el gremio, la formación académica o la universitaria, la educación de la mirada, la crisis de la Historia del Arte, las fuentes, la historiografía y la literatura artística y, por último, el dedicado a proyectos, tesis y grupos de I+D+i) presentan una visión actualizada de algunas de las tendencias de la investigación en Historia del Arte.

The Mosquito Bite Author
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 155

The Mosquito Bite Author

Originally published in 2011, The Mosquito Bite Author is the seventh novel by the acclaimed Turkish author Barış Bıçakçı. It follows the daily life of an aspiring novelist, Cemil, in the months after he submits his manuscript to a publisher in Istanbul. Living in an unremarkable apartment complex in the outskirts of Ankara, Cemil spends his days going on walks, cooking for his wife, repairing leaks in his neighbor’s bathroom, and having elaborate imaginary conversations in his head with his potential editor about the meaning of life and art. Uncertain of whether his manuscript will be accepted, Cemil wavers between thoughtful meditations on the origin of the universe and the trajectory of political literature in Turkey, panic over his own worth as a writer, and incredulity toward the objects that make up his quiet world in the Ankara suburbs.

Self Portrait in Green
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 81

Self Portrait in Green

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2021-02-25
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  • Publisher: Influx Press

'NDiaye is a hypnotic storyteller with an unflinching understanding of the rock-bottom reality of most people's life.' New York Times ' One of France's most exciting prose stylists.' The Guardian. Obsessed by her encounters with the mysterious green women, and haunted by the Garonne River, a nameless narrator seeks them out in La Roele, Paris, Marseille, and Ouagadougou. Each encounter reveals different aspects of the women; real or imagined, dead or alive, seductive or suicidal, driving the narrator deeper into her obsession, in this unsettling exploration of identity, memory and paranoia. Self Portrait in Green is the multi-prize winning, Marie NDiaye's brilliant subversion of the memoir. Written in diary entries, with lyrical prose and dreamlike imagery, we start with and return to the river, which mirrors the narrative by posing more questions than it answers.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 160


International Latino Book Award Winner Edward Lewis Wallant Award Winner Kirkus Prize Finalist Neustadt International Prize Finalist Balcones Fiction Prize Finalist PEN Translation Prize Longlist “A feat of literary acrobatics.” —New York Review of Books In Mourning, Eduardo Halfon’s eponymous narrator travels to Poland, Italy, the U.S., and the Guatemalan countryside in search of secrets he can barely name. He follows memory’s strands back to his maternal roots in Jewish Poland and to the contradictory, forbidden stories of his father’s Lebanese-Jewish immigrant family, specifically surrounding the long-ago childhood death by drowning of his uncle Salomón. But what, or who, rea...

Home Reading Service
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 241

Home Reading Service

In this poignant novel, a man guilty of a minor offense finds purpose unexpectedly by way of his punishment—reading to others. After an accident—or “the misfortune,” as his cancer-ridden father’s caretaker, Celeste, calls it—Eduardo is sentenced to a year of community service reading to the elderly and disabled. Stripped of his driver’s license and feeling impotent as he nears thirty-five, he leads a dull, lonely life, chatting occasionally with the waitresses of a local restaurant or walking the streets of Cuernavaca. Once a quiet town known for its lush gardens and swimming pools, the “City of Eternal Spring” is now plagued by robberies, kidnappings, and the other myriad ...

Illustrators Annual 2020
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 192

Illustrators Annual 2020

Illustrators Annual 2020 is the 2020 edition of Chronicle Books' yearly publication celebrating artists featured at the Bologna Children's Book Fair. Selected by the year's jury at the fair, these illustrators represent the most daring, exciting artistic minds working across the world. Celebrating debut and storied talent from around the world--talent poised to engage a whole new generation of book lovers--this glorious compendium can be read cover-to-cover or browsed through at random. * An annual publication that brings groundbreaking art from around the world to the English-speaking market * Inspires readers to marvel at the brilliance of the gifts shared by children's book illustrators *...

The Italian
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 303

The Italian

An emblematic story of the shipwreck of the Arab Spring At his father's funeral, to the great consternation of all present, Abdel Nasser beats the imam who is celebrating the funeral rite. The narrator, a childhood friend of the protagonist, retraces the story of "the Italian" from his days as a free and rebellious adolescent spirit to the leader of a student movement and then affirmed journalist. Those were crucial years in Tunisia, years of great tension, change, and repression. Against this background full of revolutionary ferments stands the tormented love story between Abdel Nasser and Zeina, a brilliant and beautiful philosophy student. Their dreams will unfortunately end up being wrecked under the ruthless gears of a corrupt and chauvinist society. Abdel Nasser's transformation from a young idealist with high hopes to a successful, but disillusioned and tired journalist is masterfully narrated in a stream of stories, digressions and flashbacks in which the narrative tension is always high. Winner of the 2015 International Prize for Arabic Fiction

Fish Soup
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 212

Fish Soup

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2018
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  • Publisher: Unknown

Set on the Caribbean coast of Colombia, "Waiting for a hurricane," follows a girl obsessed with escaping both her life and her country. Emotionally detached from her family and disillustioned with what the future holds, the takes drastic steps, seemingly oblivious to the damage she causes to herself and those around her. "Sexual education" examines the attempts of a student to tally the strict doctrine oabstinencece taught at her school with the very different social norms of her social circles. The short stories offer snapshots of lives in turmoil, frayed by relationships, dreams of escape, family taboos and rejection of, and by, society.