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Innovation in Music: Technology and Creativity is a groundbreaking collection bringing together contributions from instructors, researchers, and professionals. Split into two sections, covering composition and performance, and technology and innovation, this volume offers truly international perspectives on ever-evolving practices. Including chapters on audience interaction, dynamic music methods, AI, and live electronic performances, this is recommended reading for professionals, students, and researchers looking for global insights into the fields of music production, music business, and music technology.
The Routledge Handbook of Sound Design offers a comprehensive overview of the diverse contexts of creativity and research that characterize contemporary sound design practice. Readers will find expansive coverage of sound design in relation to games, VR, globalization, performance, soundscape and feminism, amongst other fields. Half a century since its formal emergence, this book considers sound design in a plethora of practical contexts, including music, film, soundscape and sonification, as well as the emerging theoretical and analytical approaches being used in scholarship on the subject. The Routledge Handbook of Sound Design tracks how ideas and techniques have migrated from one field to the next, as professionals expand the industry applications for their skills and knowledge, and technologies produce new form factors for entertainment and information. Collectively, the chapters included in this volume illustrate the robustness and variety of contemporary sound design research and creativity, making The Routledge Handbook of Sound Design essential reading for students, teachers, researchers and practitioners working on sound design in its many forms.
Denne slægtsbog er en beskrivelse af Milo slægten, som kom til Danmark i 1748. Fra Odense bredte slægten sig til hele landet. Bogen er ikke en komplet slægtsbog for alle Milo efterkommere. Jeg har primært valgt at koncentrere mig om slægtens forgrening fra Odense til Horsens. Der er tale om en efterslægthistorie (datid til nutid), som tager udgangspunkt i stamfaderen og følger hans efterkommere gennem 300 år frem til og med 2020. Stamfaderen hed Johan Friderich Milo, og han var uddannet bogbinder fra Østpreussen. I Odense fik han lagt grunden til det Miloske Bogtrykkeri. Det skulle vise sig gennem årene at blive en vigtig magtfaktor indenfor bogtrykkeri i Danmark. Fem generationer...
In recent years, debates over healthcare have accompanied rapid advances in technology, from the expansion of telehealth services to artificial intelligence driven diagnostics. In this book, Shawn Bender delves into the world of Japanese robots engineered for care. Care robots (kaigo robotto) emerged early in the 21st century, when roboticists began converting assembly line technologies into responsive machines for older adults and people with disabilities. These robots are meant to be felt and programmed to feel. While some greet them with enthusiasm, others fear that they might replace a fundamentally human task. Based on fieldwork in Japan, Denmark, and Germany, Bender traces the emergenc...
Title of the first 10 volumes of the series is Germans to America : lists of passengers arriving at U.S. ports 1850-1855.
I en dansk provinsby er en morder på fri fod, og kriminalassistent Simon Jorck tilkaldes, da sagen tager en højst mærkværdig drejning. For morderen lader til at være inspireret af en gammel amerikansk krimi indeholdende klassiske engelske børnerim. Eller er det bare helt tilfældigt, at morderen har valgt at tiltrække sig opmærksomhed ved brug af danske børnerim? Spørger man Jorck, er der sjældent noget, der er helt tilfældigt ... Orla Johansen (1912-1998) var en dansk journalist og forfatter, der primært arbejdede med krimigenren; både i sin journalistik og sit forfatterskab. Johansen udgav mere end et dusin skønlitterære værker, og var blandt andet meget kendt for sin krimiserie med karaktererne Brecht og Olsen som hovedrolleindehavere. Orla Johansen fik sin litterære debut med krimien "Tusindfryd" (1970), som samtidig var det første bind i serien om Brecht og Olsen. Johansen skrev desuden flere af sine værker under pseudonymerne Leslie Clyde, Ronald Terry og Sigurd Johnsen.