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This book presents new trends to optimize e-Government in various contexts. It aims to highlight new methods and approaches that unveil the potential of data for public services. The book also illustrates how public services can be mathematically modeled with many case studies. Then, algorithms are proposed to optimize their functioning and to better contribute to the general interest, such as education, health care, safety, security, or culture. The book also focuses on protecting citizens' personal data and obtaining their explicit consent. The book is suitable for students and academics aiming to build up their background on the usage of data and algorithms through various techniques, including artificial intelligence. The book is used as a reference book for teaching a graduate course on e-Government, Process Modeling, or Artificial Intelligence. Besides its use in academia, this book is used by civil servants of every domain and citizens who aim to understand the ongoing modernization of public services.
Buku ini membahas tentang pentingnya meningkatkan kepemimpinan perempuan dalam birokrasi sebagai upaya untuk mewujudkan keseimbangan dan keadilan gender di tempat kerja. Dalam buku ini, kami menguraikan berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi rendahnya jumlah perempuan di posisi kepemimpinan birokrasi, serta strategi dan praktik terbaik dalam mempromosikan perempuan ke dalam posisi kepemimpinan. Saat ini, kesetaraan gender dan pemberdayaan perempuan semakin menjadi fokus penting dalam berbagai sektor, termasuk dalam dunia kerja dan birokrasi. Masih banyak tantangan yang dihadapi dalam membangun kesetaraan gender di tempat kerja, termasuk masalah stereotip gender, diskriminasi, dan keterbatasan akses untuk perempuan dalam mengejar karir dan posisi kepemimpinan.
Kewirausahaan adalah padanan kata dari entrepreneurship dalam bahasa Inggris, unternehmer dalam bahasa Jerman, ondernemen dalam bahasa Belanda Sedangkan di Indonesia diberi nama kewirausahaan. Kata entrepreneur berasal dari bahasa Perancis yaitu entreprende yang berarti petualang, pengambil risiko, kontraktor, pengusaha (orang yang mengusahakan suatu pekerjaan tertentu), dan pencipta yang menjual hasil ciptaannya. Entrepreneurship adalah suatu kemampuan untuk mengelola sesuatu yang ada dalam diri Anda untuk dimanfaatkan dan ditingkatkan agar lebih optimal (baik) sehingga bisa meningkatkan taraf hidup Anda dimasa mendatang. Konsep wirausaha adalah titik awal yang perlu dipertimbangkan oleh seorang wirausahawan agar usaha yang dirintis bisa mengalami kemajuan pesat dan mendatangkan keuntungan besar bagi dirinya sendiri dan orang lain.
Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) adalah salah satu faktor penting dalam sebuah organisasi atau perusahaan. Secara umum, SDM adalah segala kemampuan, pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan bakat yang dimiliki oleh individu atau tenaga kerja yang ada dalam suatu organisasi. Namun, pengertian SDM tidak hanya terbatas pada tenaga kerja atau karyawan yang ada dalam perusahaan, melainkan juga mencakup manajemen, pemimpin, dan semua orang yang memiliki potensi untuk membawa perubahan positif dalam organisasi. SDM juga bisa diartikan sebagai aset yang paling berharga bagi sebuah organisasi karena SDM yang berkualitas dapat membantu perusahaan mencapai tujuan yang diinginkan. Dalam praktiknya, pengelolaan SDM menja...
Pengisyatan visual merupakan aspek penting dari komunikasi manusia dalam operasi maritim, yang memungkinkan kapal menyampaikan informasi dengan cepat dan efisien, bahkan dalam situasi di mana radio atau bentuk komunikasi lainnya mungkin tidak tersedia. Penggunaan isyarat standar, seperti yang disediakan oleh Internasional Code of Signal membantu memastikan komunikasi yang jelas dan akurat antara kapal dari negara dan bahasa yang berbeda.
Topics include work-integrated learning (internships), student well-being, and students with disabilities. Also,it explores the impact on assessments and academic integrity and what analysis of online systems tells us. Preface ................................................................................................................................ ix Section I: Introduction .................................................. 1 Chapter 1: COVID-19 Emergency Education Policy and Learning Loss: A Comparative Study ............................................................................................................ 3 Athena Vongalis-Macrow, Denise De Souza, Clare Littleton, Anna Sekh...
Reservoir Characterization is a collection of papers presented at the Reservoir Characterization Technical Conference, held at the Westin Hotel-Galleria in Dallas on April 29-May 1, 1985. Conference held April 29-May 1, 1985, at the Westin Hotel—Galleria in Dallas. The conference was sponsored by the National Institute for Petroleum and Energy Research, Bartlesville, Oklahoma. Reservoir characterization is a process for quantitatively assigning reservoir properties, recognizing geologic information and uncertainties in spatial variability. This book contains 19 chapters, and begins with the geological characterization of sandstone reservoir, followed by the geological prediction of shale d...
This book highlights cutting-edge research in the field of network science, offering scientists, researchers, students and practitioners a unique update on the latest advances in theory and a multitude of applications. It presents the peer-reviewed proceedings of the IX International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2020). The carefully selected papers cover a wide range of theoretical topics such as network models and measures; community structure, network dynamics; diffusion, epidemics and spreading processes; resilience and control as well as all the main network applications, including social and political networks; networks in finance and economics; biological and neuroscience networks and technological networks.
The book describes and analyses the new environment for innovation, it does this with an emphasis on yet uncharted regions within the field of practice-based innovation, coming up with guidelines for innovation policy measures needed in order to realise this. While it focuses on these policies it also takes into account multi-actor innovation processes, user-driven innovation, "related variety" and many other aspects; aspects such as, just to name a few: communicating creative processes and distributing practice-based innovation; then there is creativity itself, encompassing new fields of knowledge and expertise. The authors go on to describe value networks, showing how to make practice-base...
Long before the COVID-19 pandemic shut down the global economy, a reset to serve the wellbeing of people and the planet was plainly needed. As Australia rebuilds, after the immediate health crisis has passed, it must be with the explicit purpose of constructing an economically and ecologically sustainable world. After the Great Depression and the Second World War, economic thinking was transformed across the Anglosphere, with a determination to create a more equitable society and support every child, regardless of background, to achieve their full potential. Australia's leaders reshaped our economy through a determined and coordinated program of post-war reconstruction. Their reforms set us up for decades of prosperity and the creation of perhaps the most prosperous and stable society on earth. With contributions from some of Australia's most respected academics and leading thinkers, What Happens Next? sets out a progressive, reforming agenda to tackle the twin crises of climate change and inequality. It provides a framework through which our collective effort can be devoted to improving the lives of all Australians, and the sustainability of the world in which we live.