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An original and timely exploration of the continuing Islamization of Indonesian politics despite the electoral decline of Islamist parties.
This book compares the evolution of Islamic populism in Indonesia and the Middle East to shed new light on contemporary Islamic politics.
Exploring the links between armed conflict and transnational crime, Florian Weigand builds on in-depth empirical research into some of Southeast Asia’s murkiest borders. The disparate voices of drug traffickers, rebel fighters, government officials and victims of armed conflict are heard in Conflict and Transnational Crime, exploring perspectives that have been previously disregarded in understanding the field.
Ansor bersama-sama dengan induknya, NU, adalah garda depan dalam melawan kecenderungan menguatnya politikidentitas yang mengatasnamakan agama, tatkala elemen-elemen lain dari bangsa ini seperti maju-mundur atau bahkan takut untuk menghadapinya. Pemikiran aswaja mendorong Ansor untuk menjadi moderat dan fleksibel baik dalam bidang politik maupun sosial. Sikap fleksibel itu memungkinkan Ansor dapat mempertahankan eksistensinya dalam berbagai situasi kekuasaan. Dalam bidang sosial, fleksibilitas itu membuat Ansor dapat membangun relasi dengan berbagai elemen masyarakat, seperti gerakan pemuda lainnya, beragam kelompok Islam, dan khususnya dengan kelompok minoritas. Di bidang ekonomi, fleksibili...
This book is about how the design of institutional change results in unintended consequences. Many post-authoritarian societies have adopted decentralization—effectively localizing power—as part and parcel of democratization, but also in their efforts to entrench "good governance." Vedi Hadiz shifts the attention to the accompanying tensions and contradictions that define the terms under which the localization of power actually takes place. In the process, he develops a compelling analysis that ties social and institutional change to the outcomes of social conflict in local arenas of power. Using the case of Indonesia, and comparing it with Thailand and the Philippines, Hadiz seeks to understand the seeming puzzle of how local predatory systems of power remain resilient in the face of international and domestic pressures. Forcefully persuasive and characteristically passionate, Hadiz challenges readers while arguing convincingly that local power and politics still matter greatly in our globalized world.
Terrorism, Gender and Women: Towards an Integrated Research Agenda encourages greater integration of gender-sensitive approaches to studies of violent extremism and terrorism. This book seeks to create and inspire a dialogue among scholars of conflict, terrorism and gender by suggesting the necessity of incorporating gender analysis to fill gaps within, and further enhance, our understanding of political violence. The chapters featured in the book interrogate how recent developments in the field– such as the proliferation of propaganda and online messaging, the "decline" or shifting presence of ISIS, the continued "rise" of far-right extremism, and the changing roles of women in political ...
“Teladan kesarjanaan kritis terbaik, buku ini adalah kritik tajam terhadap mereka yang menganggap desentralisasi adalah solusi menyeluruh atas pemerintahan yang amburadul. Hadiz memperlihatkan dengan meyakinkan bahwa desentralisasi Indonesia tidak membawa dampak positif yang diharapkan para pendukungnya, melainkan justru perebutan kekuasaan lokal oleh politisi korup, penjarah, orang kuat, serta predator lainnya.” —EDWARD ASPINALL, Australian National University "Buku ini memperlihatkan bagaimana perubahan institusional malah menghasilkan konsekuensi yang tak diinginkan. Pendukung desentralisasi lumrah memujinya sebagai proses yang memungkinkan masyarakat dan ekonomi lokal melebur mulus...
This cutting edge book considers the question of Islam and commercialisation in Indonesia, a majority Muslim, non-Arab country. Revealing the cultural heterogeneity behind rising Islamism in a democratizing society, it highlights the case of television production and the identity of its viewers. Drawing from detailed case studies from across islands in the diverse archipelagic country, it contends that commercial television has democratised the relationship between Islamic authority and the Muslim congregation, and investigates the responses of the heterogeneous middle class towards commercial da’wah. By taking the case of commercial television, the book argues that what is occurring in Indonesia is less related to Islamic ideologisation than it is a symbiosis between Muslim middle class anxieties and the workings of market forces. It examines the web of relationships that links Islamic expression, commercial television, and national imagination, arguing that the commercialisation of Islam through national television discloses unrequited expectations of equality between ethnic and religious groups as well as between regions.
Pemilihan Umum merupakan sarana tertinggi pelaksanaan kedaulatan rakyat dan prasyarat utama bagi sebuah negara demokrasi. Oleh karena itu pemahaman tentang norma-norma kepemiluan penting di pahami tidak hanya oleh penyelenggara pemilu dan peserta pemilu tetapi juga oleh masyarakat sebagai pemegang kedaulatan. Banyaknya regulasi terkait pemilu serta lembaga penyelenggara pemilu dengan tugas dan fungsinya masing-masing membutuhkan suatu panduan komprehensif yang dapat merangkum regulasi dan fungsi lembaga-lembaga penyelenggara pemilu.
Few countries as culturally rich, politically pivotal, and naturally beautiful as Indonesia are as often misrepresented in global media and conversation. Stretching 3,400 miles east to west along the equator, Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and home to more than four hundred ethnic groups and several major world religions. This sprawling Southeast Asian nation is also the world’s most populous Muslim-majority country and the third largest democracy. Although in recent years the country has experienced serious challenges with regard to religious harmony, its trillion-dollar economy is booming and its press and public sphere are among the most vibrant in Asia. A la...