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This writing examines the structures and procedures of illicit businesses: the narcotics trade, arms smuggling, and human trafficking, and discuss their operations within a legal and financial context. Subsequent sections explore the thread that ties all of these enterprises together: money laundering (ML). It looks at practices money launderers use to mask illegal income; and then describes the anti-money laundering (AML) and countering of terrorist financing (CTF)-oriented legal mechanisms that are used to combat them, with an emphasis on UK and US law. The final section considers the status of the techniques used to counter the flow of illegal money, and makes recommendations for their improvement.
Since the beginning of the 20th century, the film industry has confronted, challenged, and explored various social issues through its films. Social issue films are an excellent resource for teaching social issues. Teachers will find this book to be a valuable resource for teaching social issues. This book includes a discussion on teaching social issues, teaching with film, and how social issue films can be utilized to enhance the curriculum. This volume offers teachers an effective means for teaching social issues to today’s digital and media savvy students. Furthermore, this volume details how film can be used to teach social issues, discusses relevant legal issues surrounding the use of ...
Drawing together strands of film theory and psychology, this book offers a fresh assessment of the found footage horror subgenre. It reconceptualizes landmark films--including The Blair Witch Project (1999), Cloverfield (2008), Paranormal Activity (2009), and Man Bites Dog (1992)--as depictions of the lived experience and social legacy of psychological trauma. The author demonstrates how the frantic cinematography and ambiguous formulation of the monster evokes the shocked and disoriented cognition of the traumatized mind. Moreover, the frightening effect of trauma on society is shown to be a recurring theme across the subgenre. Close textual analysis is given to a wide range of films over several decades, including titles that have yet to receive any academic attention. Divided into four distinct sections, the book examines how found footage horror films represent the effects of historical and contemporary traumatic events on Western societies, the vicarious spread of traumatic experiences via mass media, the sublimation of domestic abuse into haunted houses, and the viewer's identification with the monster as an embodiment of perpetrator trauma.
This brief presents readers with a summary of classic, modern, and state-of-the-art methods for discovering the roles of entities in networks (including social networks) that range from small to large-scale. It classifies methods by their mathematical underpinning, whether they are driven by implications about entity behaviors in system, or if they are purely data driven. The brief also discusses when and how each method should be applied, and discusses some outstanding challenges toward the development of future role mining methods of each type.
Tässä kirjassa olevat elokuva-arviot ovat tehty vuosien 1997 - 2007 välillä. Ne on alunperin julkaistu: Cinema SF (1999 - 2007) internetsivulla. Osaa arvioista ei ole koskaan julkaistu missään muualla kuin tässä kirjassa. Olen muokannut osan arvosteluista uudestaan ja lisännyt niiden perään luettelon muodossa niin jatko-osat kuin aiheesta tehdyt tv-sarjat sekä infoa mistä suoratoistopalveluista näitä voi nykyään katsoa. Toivottavasti nämä vanhat arvostelut toimivat hyvänä ponnahduslautana tutustumiseen kaikenlaisiin vanhoihin elokuviin.
The year's releases in review, with necrologies and brief articles.
Dalle stragi di Charles Manson al massacro di Columbine. Dagli omicidi in famiglia di Erika e Omar a Pietro Maso. Gli assassini sono tutti uguali? Ai nostri occhi, forse. Ma la criminologia moderna li suddivide in categorie molto precise, tenendo in considerazione le motivazioni, le modalità di azione e lo scopo del delitto. Questo libro, frutto di anni di studi e ricerche, affronta un tema tristemente diffuso nei notiziari: gli omicidi di massa. Sparatorie nelle scuole, omicidi-suicidi in famiglia e massacri nei centri commerciali sono infatti episodi che ricorrono, purtroppo, nella nostra quotidianità, ma non sono nuovi nella storia: il primo caso di sparatoria di massa classificato risa...