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In Burkina Faso, at least 1,700 small reservoirs have been constructed, most of them during the last 30 years. Numerous and scattered, these beneficial multipurpose systems combine productive with domestic water uses. However, their environmental and health impacts remain insufficiently documented. This report combines data from different sources into syntheses and national maps, with a focus on water-related diseases. The mitigation of negative impacts requires an integrated approach to specifically identify the enhancing and limiting factors that influence environmental impacts and the transmission of diseases around reservoirs. Public awareness campaigns need to accompany the promotion of preventive and curative measures and the development of alternative water sources for domestic supply.
Many farms in tropical countries suffer from droughts in the dry season and sometimes even in the rainy season. In order to significantly increase the capacity to store water, the grassroots Farmer Wisdom movement in Northeast Thailand innovated pond construction on homesteads. This Working Paper first documents how pond water is mainly used to irrigate crops and fruit trees, and is also used for livestock or fish, and for domestic uses, even if ample piped water is available. Households were also found to harvest rainwater from roofs; take water from canals and streams; lift water manually from shallow wells and with electric pumps from deep wells; channel run-off from roads to paddy fields; use precipitation as green water on fields; and buy bottled water. Most households combine at least six of these nine water sources. The second part describes scenarios and some outcomes of a new simulation model, BoNam. This model provides guidelines for the optimal size and site of such ponds according to biophysical factors (weather, soil and crops), socioeconomic factors (prices, availability of labor and off-farm income) and household aspirations.
A practical guide for the building of a young convert to a mature believer in Christ Jesus The follow-up of new converts is unavoidable for a church that wants to grow in numbers. Most of these converts have a sincere desire to know God and to grow in intimacy with Him. But often, they tend to roam around for long on the same spot simply because they lack the essential knowledge needed for their forward move; or they may have this knowledge disorderly. A good number of them end up backsliding even to the point of returning to the world. This guideline helps to solve this deficiency by providing every new believer with a solid foundation that will help him or her to have a fast and grounded spiritual takeoff. Well-established new converts ensure the availability of workers ready for the mission field. How can one build a young convert? This book, which has a practical approach provides the answer. All those who might have felt at a certain moment in their walk with God that they began their Christian life the wrong way will find in this book the means to correct it.
The Niger River Basin covers 7.5% of the African continent and is shared between nine riparian countries. The human population of the basin is growing at an average annual rate of about 3%, which makes the Niger River Basin one of the areas with the highest fertility rates in the world. The desert margin is expanding; climate change is negatively impacting rainfall; and urbanization, industrialization, and the human and livestock population are threatening the quantity and quality of available water resources. The basin population already suffers from chronic poverty. Based on a literature review, this paper suggests some key water-related and other interventions that are capable of easing the basin’s development challenges.
The impact of climate change (CC) on water resources is likely to affect agricultural systems and food security. This is especially true for Nepal, a least developed country, where a high percentage of the population is dependent on agriculture for its livelihoods. It is thus crucial for Nepal’s leaders and resource managers to draft and begin implementing national adaptation plans. This working paper aims to create a more comprehensive understanding of how the impacts of CC will be realized at different scales in Nepal, from household livelihoods to national food security, and the many institutions governing the ultimate adaptation process.
Risk management / Public health / Environmental effects / Investment / Irrigation management / Water resources development
Europa blir raskt et mål for al-Qaida, men i Norge tar ikke politikerne trusselen på alvor. Hva skjedde på veien dit? Hvor ble hatets frø sådd? Norge har fått sine første hellige krigere. Hvem er de? Hvor ble hatets frø sådd? Unge muslimer i Norge bygger radikale nettverk. Osama bin Laden og mullah Krekar er forbildene. I skyggen av terrorangrepet 22. juli vokser en ny trussel frem. I de radikale miljøene dyrkes døden og flere av medlemmene reiser for å kjempe hellig krig. Hatet retter seg også mot Norge, mot norske grunnverdier som demokratiet. Hvorfor hater de oss? Hva vil de? Lars Akerhaug tar leseren med på en reise fra Norge til Midtøsten, England og Somalia, for å forklare hvordan vi ble et mål for nye terrornettverk.
Andalusia, 1568. Etter årevis med undertrykkelse gjør de spanske muslimene - moriskene eller maurerne - opprør mot sine kristne undertrykkere. Fatimas hånd er en ny, mektig roman fra forfatteren av Havets katedral, spekket med eventyr, lidenskap, kjærlighet. krig, forræderi, intrige og møysommelig historisk rekonstruksjon..
Før Gaza-krigen brøt ut i oktober 2023, var den lille landstripen ved Middelhavet hjemsted for mer enn 2 millioner mennesker. Med krigen ble alle disse livene lagt i ruiner. Hvordan kunne dette skje? Millioner av vanlige liv, levd på et helt uvanlig sted, med ordinære bekymringer og ekstraordinære problemer: I denne boka blir vi bedre kjent med noen av dem. Vi følger Mohammad og Khitam og de seks barna deres i hverdag og fest, kjærlighet og tap, strid og flukt. Vi blir med når familiebånd knyttes - og settes på prøve - og når en fargesprakende undulat med brukket nebb sjarmerer dem i senk. Historiene byr på liv fylt av drømmer, håp og skuffelser, prøvelser og lykke. Denne palestinske familiefortellingen tar oss med på reise bakover i tid og forteller om Gazastripens historie som hjem og slagmark i over hundre år, og fram til de dramatiske ukene høsten 2023 - da de måtte flykte for livet.