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Pilot Project on Concentration and Distribution Measures for a Selected Set of Financial Soundness Indicators
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 25

Pilot Project on Concentration and Distribution Measures for a Selected Set of Financial Soundness Indicators

This paper reports the main findings of a pilot project launched in July 2014 by the IMF’s Statistics Department to test augmenting the IMF’s financial soundness indicators (FSIs) with concentration and distribution measures (CDMs) to capture tail risks, concentrations, variations in distributions, and the volatility of indicators over time that simple averages can miss. Volunteer participants reported a trial set of CDMs to assess analytical usefulness and identify concerns such as confidentiality and reporting burden. The results of the pilot suggests that CDMs can help detect financial sector risks, justifying the additional reporting burden but that further input from participating countries and potential data users should be sought; indeed further refinement of the reporting requirements and the CDMs themselves may be needed.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 63


This paper discusses the Syrian Refugee Crisis (SRC) and conflicts in Syria and Iraq have weighed on investor sentiment, tourism, and exports but the influx of Syrians is likely to have increased aggregate demand. Labor market conditions deteriorated after the massive influx of refugees and nontradable prices accelerated. The balance of payment suffered pressures on the non-oil current account, owing to lower exports of goods and services and higher imports. The SRC has increased the direct fiscal costs persistently by above one percent of GDP, which could double after counting for quality and capital deterioration. The negative impact is decreasing as the influx of Syrian refugees slowed and the stock pushed up aggregate demand. The influx of more than 10 percent of Jordan’s original population may have certainly increased consumption, particularly, over time as the incomers settled and the likelihood of returning to their home country diminishes. Unemployment grew the most in governorates that host most of the refugees.

What is Driving Women’s Financial Inclusion Across Countries?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 31

What is Driving Women’s Financial Inclusion Across Countries?

Using a broad set of macroeconomic country characteristics to supplement a new and comprehensive micro-level dataset for 140 countries, we identify structural factors, policies, and individual characteristics that are associated with financial inclusion—in general, and for women in particular. We find that structural country characteristics, such as resource-richness and level of development, and policies, such as stronger institutions, and financial development are significantly related to financial inclusion. We find a robust negative relationship between being female and financial inclusion as in previous studies, and our analysis points to legal discrimination, lack of protection from harassment, including at the work place, and more diffuse gender norms as possible explanatory factors.

Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 450

Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide

This edition of Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (Manual) updates and merges into one volume methodological and practical aspects of the compilation process of monetary statistics. The Manual is aimed at compilers and users of monetary data, offering guidance for the collection and analytical presentation of monetary statistics. The Manual includes standardized report forms, providing countries with a tool for compiling and reporting harmonized data for the central bank, other depository corporations, and other financial corporations.

An Islamic Model for Stabilization and Growth
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 261

An Islamic Model for Stabilization and Growth

This book argues that the macroeconomic policy adjustment models recommended by the IMF and the World Bank for implementation in many Muslim countries, with substantial donor financial support, have not been effective. Economic indicators show low economic growth, persistent fiscal and external deficits and limited industrialization. Also, these countries are experiencing increases in unemployment, poverty and substantial growth in income and wealth ‎inequalities. These facts ‎underline an urgent need to produce an alternative to the failed conventional macroeconomic model in order to address the challenge of ‎macroeconomic and social adjustment policies. The project posits and investigates the idea that the Islamic economic model prescribed in the Quran and applied by the Prophet (sawa) could be the ideal model for Muslim as well as non-Muslim ‎countries.

Can Financial Soundness Indicators Help Predict Financial Sector Distress?
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 55

Can Financial Soundness Indicators Help Predict Financial Sector Distress?

This paper shows how the role of Financial Soundness Indicators (FSIs) in financial surveillance can be usefully enhanced. Drawing from different statistical techniques, the paper illustrates that FSIs generate signals that can accurately detect, with 4 to 12 quarters lead, emerging financial distress—as measured by tight financial conditions.

Recent Improvements to the Government Finance Statistics Yearbook Database in Response to Analytical Needs
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 20

Recent Improvements to the Government Finance Statistics Yearbook Database in Response to Analytical Needs

The demand for high quality detailed public finance statistics covering a globally representative sample of countries has increased dramatically during the recent financial crisis. Due to the complexity of public finance statistics, however, such data tend to be either available in oversimplified high level aggregates and lacking in methodological transparency, or, available with a great level of detail and a unified methodological approach yet overly complicated to understand. The IMF’s Government Finance Statistics Yearbook (GFSY) withdata over an almost 40 year period for almost 140 countries is a valuable database but with a complex structure requiring some specialty knowledge that most data users do not have. The IMF's Statistics Department embarked on several initiatives to improve its accessibility. The purpose of this paper is to provide a non-technical overview of the methodology and advantages of the GFSY database and discussion of how the database is improving to better meet the needs of the user community.

  • Language: en
  • Pages: 17


This Technical Assistance Report discusses the finalization of the development of standardized report forms (SRF) for other financial corporations (OFC). The mission held constructive discussions with Bank Al-Maghrib’s (BAM) staff on various other aspects of the compilation of monetary and financial statistics (MFS) aimed at improving the quality of the data. These discussions led to the preparation of a detailed action plan with the following priority recommendations carrying particular weight to make headway in improving MFS. The mission held constructive discussions with the staff of the Banking Supervision Department on the classification in the monetary statistics of the financial products offered by Islamic banks. The mission supported BAM proposal to develop a reporting form for the collection of bank source data on securities valuation. The mission made recommendations to improve the sectoring of the financial statements of finance companies and offshore banks.

Contemporary Research in Commerce and Management
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 303

Contemporary Research in Commerce and Management

: About the Book Contemporary research in commerce and management is a rapidly growing field that focuses on developing innovative solutions to the challenges facing businesses and organizations in today's rapidly changing global marketplace. Some of the key areas of focus in contemporary research in commerce and management include: 1. Digital Transformation: Research focuses on the impact of digital technologies on business processes, customer behavior, and the wider economy. 2. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Research aims to explore the role of businesses in promoting sustainable development and fulfilling their social and environmental responsibilities. 3. Data ...

Introducing a New Broad-based Index of Financial Development
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 43

Introducing a New Broad-based Index of Financial Development

There is a vast body of literature estimating the impact of financial development on economic growth, inequality, and economic stability. A typical empirical study approximates financial development with either one of two measures of financial depth – the ratio of private credit to GDP or stock market capitalization to GDP. However, these indicators do not take into account the complex multidimensional nature of financial development. The contribution of this paper is to create nine indices that summarize how developed financial institutions and financial markets are in terms of their depth, access, and efficiency. These indices are then aggregated into an overall index of financial development. With the coverage of 183 countries on annual frequency between 1980 and 2013, the database should offer a useful analytical tool for researchers and policy makers.