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Italian Futurism and the Poetry of Materiality
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 244

Italian Futurism and the Poetry of Materiality

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2024-06-17
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  • Publisher: BRILL

This monograph offers the first-ever, full-length analysis of the most irreverent book of Italian Futurism: L’anguria lirica, printed in 1934 on tin metal sheets, with design and poetic text by Tullio d’Albisola and illustrations by Bruno Munari. This study, which features the unabridged reproduction of the pages of the tin book, accompanied by the first English translation of the poem, aims to disentangle the complex relationship between text and image in this total artwork. It shows how the endless series of material transformations at its core – of woman into food, of love into desecrating religion, of man into machine, of poetry into matter – fostered a radical change in poetry-writing, thus breaking away from a stagnant lyrical past.

The Philosophy and Politics of Aesthetic Experience
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 263

The Philosophy and Politics of Aesthetic Experience

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2017-04-07
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  • Publisher: Springer

This book develops a philosophy of aesthetic experience through two socially significant philosophical movements: early German Romanticism and early critical theory. In examining the relationship between these two closely intertwined movements, we see that aesthetic experience is not merely a passive response to art—it is the capacity to cultivate true personal autonomy, and to critique the social and political context of our lives. Art is political for these thinkers, not only when it paints a picture of society, but even more when it makes us aware of our deeply ingrained forms of experience in a transformative way. Ultimately, the book argues that we have to think of art as a form of truth that is not reducible to communicative rationality or scientific knowledge, and from which philosophy and politics can learn valuable lessons.

The Aesthetics of Matter
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 448

The Aesthetics of Matter

It has often been argued that the arrival of the early-20th-century avant-gardes and modernisms coincided with an in-depth exploration of the materiality of art and writing. The European historical avant-gardes and modernisms excelled in their attempts to establish the specificity of media and art forms as well as in experimenting with the hybridity of the materials of their multiple disciplines. This third volume of the series European Avant-Garde and Modernism Studies sheds light on the full range and import of this aspect in avant-garde and modernist aesthetics across all art forms and throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The book’s contributions, written by experts from some 20 coun...

Digital Scholarly Editions Beyond Text
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 570

Digital Scholarly Editions Beyond Text

  • Categories: Art

Scholarly editions contextualize our cultural heritage. Traditionally, methodologies from the field of scholarly editing are applied to works of literature, e.g. in order to trace their genesis or present their varied history of transmission. What do we make of the variance in other types of cultural heritage? How can we describe, record, and reproduce it systematically? From medieval to modern times, from image to audiovisual media, the book traces discourses across different disciplines in order to develop a conceptual model for scholarly editions on a broader scale. By doing so, it also delves into the theory and philosophy of the (digital) humanities as such.

The Aesthetic Ground of Critical Theory
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 233

The Aesthetic Ground of Critical Theory

Walter Benjamin and Theodor W. Adorno are considered today to be the two most significant early theorists in founding critical theory. In their works and correspondence, both thinkers turn to art and the aesthetic as a vital way for understanding modern society and developing philosophical methods. This volume of original essays seeks to understand how they influenced each other and disagreed with each other on fundamental questions about art and the aesthetic. The books deals with a variety of key philosophical questions, such as: How does art involve distinctive modes of experience? What is the political significance of modern art? What does aesthetic experience teach us about the limitations of conceptual thought? How is aesthetic experience implicated in the very medium of thought, language? Ultimately the book presents a systematic argument for the foundational significance of the aesthetic in the development of the early critical theory movement.

Adorno and Performance
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 228

Adorno and Performance

  • Type: Book
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  • Published: 2014-10-16
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  • Publisher: Springer

Adorno and Performance offers the first comprehensive examination of the vital role of performance within the philosophy of Theodor W. Adorno. Capacious in its ramifications for contemporary life, the term 'performance' here unlocks Adorno's dialectical thought process, which aimed at overcoming the stultifying uniformity of instrumental reason.

Jack B. Yeats
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 507

Jack B. Yeats

  • Categories: Art

Jack B. Yeats (1871–1957) gilt als zentraler Vertreter der irischen Moderne, der vor dem Hintergrund der irischen Unabhängigkeit bereits zu Lebzeiten zum Nationalkünstler stilisiert wurde. Ausgehend vom Schaffen des Malers untersucht Elisabeth Ansel mittels einer diskursanalytischen Herangehensweise sowie postkolonialer Perspektiven die Konstruktionsmechanismen nationaler Identität in der Bildkunst. Über die Auswertung umfangreicher Archivmaterialien gelingt es ihr, erstmals systematisch Yeats' künstlerische Verflechtungen mit der globalen Kunstgeschichte aufzuzeigen. Dabei macht die Autorin den Konnex von Kunst und Politik anschaulich und markiert die signifikante Funktion von Bildern im Kontext des Nation-Building. Ihre fundierte Werkanalyse dient als Projektionsfläche einer kritischen Erforschung nationaler Verortungen und politisierender Zuschreibungen von Künstlerindividuen. Mit der kolonial geprägten Rezeption der irischen Moderne rückt gleichfalls der Aspekt der Marginalisierung einzelner Nationen in den Blick, womit die Publikation auch zu einer Re-Evaluierung der europäischen Kunst- und Kulturgeschichte beiträgt.

Understanding Adorno, Understanding Modernism
  • Language: en
  • Pages: 297

Understanding Adorno, Understanding Modernism

Having studied philosophy at a time when its traditions were being seriously uprooted by the atrocities of World War II, Theodor Adorno had an enormous impact on thinking about aesthetics at a transitional historical moment when the philosophy of science and leftist politics were looking for new ground. Moreover, with his focus on the rise of commercial culture and its effects on identity-construction, Adorno can be said to have reinvigorated modernist concerns by introducing the prevailing terms in our contemporary versions of cultural politics and cultural studies. Understanding Adorno, Understanding Modernism traces Adorno's social and aesthetic ideas as they appear and reappear in his co...

  • Language: de
  • Pages: 312


Mit dem Begriff des „Paradigmenwechsels“ prägte Thomas S. Kuhn 1962 die Diskussion über Prozesse des Wandels in den Wissenschaften wegweisend. War der Begriff ursprünglich als ein rein deskriptiver konzipiert, so hat er inzwischen in den Geistes- und Kunstwissenschaften diskursstiftende Zugkraft entwickelt. Disparate Konfigurationen des Paradigmatischen in epistemischen, ästhetischen und medialen Gefügen fordern zu einer präzisen Untersuchung der je unterschiedlichen Funktionsweisen des Terminus heraus. Welchen Status und welche Legitimität kann er für sich beanspruchen? Wie werden Paradigmen erzeugt und ausgerufen? Der Band greift diese Debatten aus interdisziplinären Perspektiven auf, um die Paradigmatizität von Denk-, Handlungs- und Wahrnehmungsstilen in den Künsten und Geisteswissenschaften offenzulegen.

›Wort für Wort‹ – Lektüren zum Werk von Oswald Egger
  • Language: de
  • Pages: 378

›Wort für Wort‹ – Lektüren zum Werk von Oswald Egger

Eine Theorie der Prosa liegt in der Literaturwissenschaft bislang nicht vor. Die Bände dieser Reihe schlagen ein literaturwissenschaftliches Format vor, das sich in einem ganz eigenen Zugang um das Konzept poetischer Selbstreferenz gruppiert und Prosa nicht als Prosakunst, Stillehre oder als allgemeine Texttheorie fasst, sie zudem nicht auf der Ebene der gängigen Form- und Gattungskonzepte verortet. Angestrebt wird eine umfassende Theorie der Prosa, die einerseits durch literaturtheoretische Grundlagenarbeit, andererseits durch exemplarische Lektüren begründet wird.