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Spatial Planning, Land Use Planning, Land Management Instruments, Urban Land Management, Urban Planning, Cadastral Development, Sustainable Mobility Transition, Public Value Capture, Geoinformatics This new volume of European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD) contains broad view and interdisciplinary peer reviewed articles that inform the reader of most recent scientific investigations in Land Management. The spectrum of contributions cover: regulations, governance and implementation of land management along with assessment of relevant data. Some of the key highlights include various scientific and practical approaches, applied methods and systems together with a discussion and understanding of the government’s role in various European countries. Committed to sustainability, the articles entailed give evidence to Europe as an experimental ground for land management issues as well as allows for collaboration in pursuit of best practices.
The peer reviewed papers in this new volume of the European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD) inform about investigations on the common subject «land management» – due to the interdisciplinary nature of the EALD from very different views. The spectrum of contributions covers regulations, governance and the implementation of land management as well as the assessment of relevant data supporting these tasks. Various approaches, methods, systems and understanding of the government’s role in the different countries of Europe are highlighted. Committed to sustainability, the articles give evidence that Europe provides an experimental field for land management issues, and they enable to increase knowledge of new practices, to verify them and to learn from each other.
The governance structures in urban and regional development have undergone processes of transformation since the medieval period, resulting in them becoming increasingly decentralised, diversified, and centred about "middle-class values". An essential part was played by the initial concepts of land ownership and planned land use. These were then complemented by additional items from land taxation to the concepts that began to evolve during the 20th century, including diverse elements such as land economics and social responsibility. This volume concentrates on a diverse range of topics centering on the relationships between governance and the organization of entities within both urban and ru...
Across Europe, land is constantly the subject of enormous and widely varied pressures. The land we have is shrinking in area due to numerous reasons, including those that are directly related to climate change and migration. In fact all disciplines that have responsibilities for the husbandry use, management, and administration of the land are forced to address the problems of how to plan and how to utilise this increasingly valuable resource. The papers contained within this book emerge from two symposia held in 2014 and 2015, which now have been arranged along four general themes reflecting the multi-disciplinary nature of the disciplines concerned with land. The first part is dedicated to...
The European Academy of Land Use and Development (EALD) organizes annual symposiums on topics related to the interactions between people and the land in both rural and open environment. This book contains articles of experts from 14 different European countries with different professional background. It covers the following generalized topics: Interactions between landscape transformation and the structure of social systems and ecosystem services - the role of institutions and stakeholders in land use change - the various impacts of land use changes - coordination requirements in land use planning - approaches to address specific challenges in land management - stumbling blocks of integral land management.
This book showcases new empirical findings on the conceptualization, design, and evaluation of land management interventions and addresses two crucial aspects: how and under which conditions such interventions are responsible, and how such interventions can be supported by smart technologies. Responsible and Smart Land Management Interventions is for all types of actors in land management. Although primarily based on cases from Africa, it addresses land management issues from practical and theoretical perspectives relevant for land managers worldwide. It brings the discourse up to date and helps all practitioners designing new policies and those looking for new instruments to do so. Aimed at...
Půda jako prostor je předmětem vlastnictví, výrobním faktorem i přírodním zdrojem. Množství půdy je fixní a není možné ji přesouvat do oblastí s její vyšší relativní vzácností. Tyto základní rysy nastolují mnoho zásadních otázek týkajících se způsobu jejího využití a rozdělení prospěchu, který z toho plyne, mezi jednotlivé členy společnosti, tedy otázek po alokační efektivnosti a distribuční spravedlnosti. Kniha navazuje na poznání ekonomie měst a environmentální ekonomie s přesahy do oboru urbanismu, územního plánování a práva. Přináší syntézu těchto myšlenkových proudů z hlediska analýzy využití půdy a vlastnických práv k půdě. V daném oboru poskytuje ucelený obraz teorie alokačních a distribučních otázek a možných nástrojů veřejné politiky, které se tato témata snaží řešit.